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1 posted on 05/12/2020 4:37:15 PM PDT by grundle
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To: grundle
I am so tired of people referring to Democrats as Democratic.

Now back to the article. It doesn't surprise me that Democrats are worse leaders than Republicans. But I'm glad someone took the time to examine the issue.

2 posted on 05/12/2020 4:44:13 PM PDT by Robert DeLong
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To: grundle

“....the number of deaths from coronavirus is over three times higher in states with Democratic governors than in states with Republican governors...”

There is some justice...and I live in a state with a democrat governor.

3 posted on 05/12/2020 4:51:06 PM PDT by Bonemaker (invictus maneo)
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To: grundle

Governors of States with large cities and any governors in the Northeast that are small, crowded States aka big cities unto themselves.

4 posted on 05/12/2020 4:51:46 PM PDT by Pollard (whatever)
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To: grundle

Not entirely fair since Blue states tend to have more concentrated populations although they do tend to encourage this in policy with anticar and suburbia regulations.

5 posted on 05/12/2020 4:54:43 PM PDT by jarwulf
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To: grundle

Just goes to show the numbers are being manipulated.

This virus is about implementing social control, and it is about winning an election.

6 posted on 05/12/2020 4:57:24 PM PDT by Revel
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To: grundle

COVID-19 is an infectious coronavirus disease that particularly afflicts elderly people and people with certain comorbidities. In a paper published by European Respiratory Journal, Wei-Jie Guan et al analyzed the clinical outcomes of 1,590 COVID-19 patients, and found the following comorbidities to be statistically significant with respect to a severe composite endpoint (ICU admission, invasive ventilation, death) after adjusting for age and smoking status:
COPD 0.002
Diabetes 0.037
Hypertension 0.022
Malignant tumor 0.002

“P-value” is a measure of statistical significance that indicates the probability of a statistical inference being entirely due to chance. For studies such as this, a p-value of 0.050 or less is required to demonstrate statistical significance. (For example, the FDA’s decision-making regarding drug approvals requires the p-value to be less than or equal to 0.050.)

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a widely recognized psychological condition first identified in early 2017. (The earliest description of TDS that I’m aware of is linked below.) Despite its having long been recognized in popular literature, TDS is not recognized in the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and there are no reliable statistics of how widespread TDS is in the general population. It is known, however, that a vast majority of workers in the news media in the Acela Corridor and virtually the entire entertainment industry on the West Coast of North America suffer from this affliction.

A few weeks back I hypothesized that TDS is significant comorbidity in COVID-19 cases ending in death. I obtained the number of COVID-19 fatalities for each of 2,861 US counties (or county equivalents) and then calculated COVID-19 gross mortality rate using the 2019 population for each county. To test my hypothesis, I used the percentage of Hillary Clinton voters in 2016 as a proxy for the extent of TDS in US counties since there are no direct data on the extent of TDS.

Using Excel’s regression add-in, I determined that TDS is indeed a statistically significant comorbidity in COVID-19 cases ending in death. For each 1% increase in a county’s TDS rate, the gross mortality rate of COVID-19 increases by 2.6 deaths per million population (95% confidence interval is 2.5-2.8). The P-value of this finding is 2.5x10-141. This is effectively p=0.000, which is stronger than the statistical significance of other comorbidities identified in scholarly literature.

One may object that large differences in the populations of US counties distorts this analysis by putting too much weight on sparsely populated counties and insufficient weight on densely populated counties. However, the statistical significance actually increases when each county’s data are weighted by population.

Of course, the standard caveat that “correlation does not imply causation” applies here. However, the correlation plausibly arises from one or more obvious causative mechanisms. It is also arguable that the proxy used for TDS is such that TDS is not necessarily a comorbidity in individual cases but, instead, that the deceased patient’s former residence in a TDS-afflicted county is the true comorbidity. In either case, TDS must be recognized as having fatal consequences.

Much more research into TDS is required. This becomes even more urgent now that it is identified as a comorbidity in COVID-19 cases ending in death.

NB: This is not entirely serious, but it’s not trivial either. The statistical analysis is real. Data sources are listed below. COVID-19 Deaths by US County (or County Equivalent) 2019 Population by US County (or County Equivalent) 2016 Election Results

7 posted on 05/12/2020 4:57:37 PM PDT by Skepolitic
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To: grundle

If you take the Red vs Blue in the 2016 election by county, it shows that Trump won 95% of the real estate in the USA.

The corona virus death map by county looks the same as the 2016 election map.

9 posted on 05/12/2020 5:13:50 PM PDT by tired&retired (Blessings)
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To: grundle


10 posted on 05/12/2020 5:15:39 PM PDT by Chgogal (Wuhan Virus, Chinese Virus, Kung Fu Virus - Wuhan Chinese Kung Fu Virus aka CCP virus.)
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To: grundle

I mean, it’s fun to do statistics since the democrats seem to love them so much. We know the actual explanation likely has to do with democratic states having populations with higher density, although that explains number of cases more than deaths.

It mostly looks like democratic governors decided to use COVID to take care of their problem with senior citizens voting republican and costing big bucks in the state budgets. As a side effect, once they killed the republican old people, they could use the increased death count to plead for more money.

11 posted on 05/12/2020 5:21:51 PM PDT by CharlesWayneCT
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To: grundle

I take exception to his flat statement: “I don’t think that Republican governors would have done any better in preparing for the coronavirus pandemic than the Democratic governors have.”

And offer Giuliani and Schwarzenegger as counter-point. The CA idiots even sold off the field hospitals and medical supplies that Schwarzenegger had bought for the state. Giuliani’s handling of crime also speaks to being someone who takes the long view and prepares.

15 posted on 05/12/2020 6:47:03 PM PDT by curious7
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To: grundle

There is arounf 83,000 deaths
About 17,500 are from Republican states. The rest are from Democrap states. Only chance to legally kill people.

16 posted on 05/12/2020 7:49:33 PM PDT by Bommer (I am a MAGA-Deplorian! It is the way! It is the only way!)
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To: grundle

This whole thing could (should) just as easily apply to States and Counties/Cities. Why should a whole State get taken out, just because one city on the opposite side has a couple deaths?

18 posted on 05/13/2020 7:32:32 AM PDT by Svartalfiar
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