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Keyword: socialdecline

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  • Culture is Downstream from Chemistry

    02/17/2022 6:37:54 AM PST · by GarthVader · 16 replies
    Rules for Reactionaries ^ | 2/15/2022 | Fabius Minarchus
    Andrew Breibart wrote that politics is downstream from culture. So what happened to American culture? We used to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. Now we are the land of Helicopter Parents, Trigger Warnings, and Snowflakes. Once upon a time America was barbarian and badass compared to Western Europe. We had football, guns, dangerous hillbillies, and a president who joked about bombing the Soviet Union. They had soccer, bicycles, coffee-swilling philosophers, and calls for Accommodation. The image is reversing. We still have our guns, and our aging motorcycle gangs. But we also have our...
  • A conservative woman reaches out to defend marriage.

    05/19/2020 12:56:52 PM PDT · by Ozguy1945 · 17 replies ^ | 20th April 2020 | 0zguy1945
    Marriage is under pressure. Shelly of San Diego stands up for what's right.
  • Hillary Clinton squirms awkwardly on stage for 30 minutes as Black Lives Matter protesters...

    10/31/2015 5:06:46 AM PDT · by Libloather · 77 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 10/30/15 | Ollie Gillman
    Hillary Clinton squirms awkwardly on stage for 30 minutes as Black Lives Matter protesters shut down speech intended to boost her support from black community Hillary Clinton was interrupted for 30 minutes by Black Lives Matter protesters on Friday as she tried to give a speech. The Democratic presidential frontrunner initially tried to reason with the demonstrators but eventually gave up and attempted to awkwardly talk over them. Clinton was held up for half an hour as the group chanted loudly, refusing to back down as she tried to continue with her speech at a university in Atlanta.
  • Fewer Americans are donating their free time

    01/24/2008 2:22:32 PM PST · by fgoodwin · 7 replies · 434+ views
    Kansas City Star ^ | Wed, Jan. 23, 2008 | DIANE STAFFORD
    Americans worked a median of 52 hours last year without pay. They’re called volunteers. Many organizations can’t survive without unpaid labor, and many people are glad to provide it. Sadly, though, data released Wednesday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that both the number of volunteers and the volunteer rate — the percentage of the population that volunteers — declined in 2007 from 2006. Volunteering also had fallen in 2006 from 2005. About 60.8 million Americans, age 16 and up, volunteered in 2007, compared with a high of 65.3 million in 2005. The proportion of that population that...
  • Diversity's Dark Side

    09/11/2007 7:51:48 AM PDT · by ZGuy · 24 replies · 940+ views
    TCS ^ | 9/11/07 | John Luik
    For at least the last twenty years the cultural and political elites of the United States have championed the cause of multiculturalism by claiming that diversity was something that made all of us better. Little effort was ever made to define precisely just what was meant by diversity, difference or most crucially "better." Nor was there any significant research that provided empirical support for the claim that multiculturalism and diversity translated into better people, better communities, better organizations and businesses or a better country. But now a considerable amount of solid evidence about multiculturalism is in, and it suggests that...
  • When Nations Die

    04/03/2005 8:28:30 AM PDT · by stm · 26 replies · 977+ views
    Probe Ministries ^ | Kerby Anderson
    Introduction One of the more popular Probe radio programs has been "Decline of a Nation." I would like to return to this important theme by summarizing the significant work by Jim Nelson Black in his book When Nations Die. When we look at three thousand years of history, we observe that civilizations rise but eventually fall and die. The history of the world is the history of nations that are conquered by other nations or collapse into anarchy. Jim Nelson Black sees ominous parallels to our own country. He says, As I have looked back across the ruins and landmarks...