Free Republic 1st Qtr 2025 Fundraising Target: $81,000 Receipts & Pledges to-date: $30,909
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  • Radio Replies First Volume - Chapter One: God. God's existence known by reason

    04/24/2009 1:11:32 PM PDT · by GonzoII · 7 replies · 1,075+ views ^ | 1938 | Fathers Rumble & Carty
    1. Please give me evidence that God exists. I have never had any such evidence for I do not accept the Bible. What do you mean by evidence? Some people think that evidence must be seen and touched, as an animal sees a patch of grass and eats it. But men are not mere animals. They have reason, and can appreciate intellectual evidence. For example, the evidence of beauty in music or in painting is perceived by man's mind, not by his senses. An animal could hear the same sounds, or see the same colors, without being impressed by their...