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Keyword: obama4islamicterror

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  • Obama Administration Set for One Last Strike at Israel-Paris peace conference, Turtle Bay aftermath

    01/04/2017 4:48:00 AM PST · by SJackson · 9 replies
    Frontpagemagazine ^ | 1-4-17 | P. David Hornik
    A week and a half ago President Obama gave the order for the U.S. to abstain on UN Security Council Resolution 2334, thereby—effectively—voting in favor and allowing the resolution to pass. As I noted, the resolution goes beyond “moral equivalency” by obfuscating Palestinian terror and incitement while branding Jewish life beyond the 1949 Armistice Lines a “flagrant violation under international law” and a “major obstacle…to peace.” But the administration wasn’t through with Israel. A few days later, with the Middle East aflame from Yemen to Iraq to Syria to Libya to Sudan and Iranian expansionism on the march, Secretary of...
  • Fmr DHS Official Philip Haney: Deleted Records Tying Muslims to Terrorism Might Have Stopped Attacks

    06/17/2016 2:55:49 PM PDT · by george76 · 26 replies
    Breitbart TV ^ | 15 June 2016
    former Department of Homeland Security official Philip Haney insisted terrorism in Orlando, FL and San Bernardino, CA might have been prevented had the his former agency not deleted a list he compiled linking some Muslims with terrorism. Haney .. was able to link a mosque where San Bernardino shooters Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik worshiped to a network that tied the mosque where Orlando shooter Omar Mateen worshiped, but under the leadership of resident Barack Obama, that database was deleted. Farook would have been put on the no-fly list and not allowed to travel, or his pending fiancé would have...
  • Funding the Mullahs' Execution Spree

    08/04/2015 6:43:26 AM PDT · by SJackson · 5 replies ^ | Dr. Majid Rafizadeh
    How the Obama administration is facilitating Iran's unprecedented killing binge. President Obama is determined to defend the Islamic Republic as a legitimate government that should receive sanctions relief. He has even overstepped his constitutional authority by signing the nuclear deal (a treaty) in the United Nations Security Council without getting the two-third vote of the Senate. He did not give Congress time to review the nuclear deal as he previously promised. The Obama administration is advocating for a regime that has been on an execution spree on an unprecedented level, according to Amnesty International's latest report. Since the beginning of...
  • White House to Netanyahu: You created the crisis, you fix it (Zero wants Israeli Ambassador fired)

    03/04/2015 6:09:56 PM PST · by Dave346 · 46 replies
    Haaretz ^ | Mar. 5, 2015 | 1:20 AM | By Barak Ravid
    Though the administration won't say so directly, U.S. officials hint replacing Ambassador Ron Dermer is key to mending ties. Senior U.S. officials made clear after the speech that the White House sees Netanyahu as the one who created the current crisis, and so if he is reelected, the responsibility for repairing the breach will be his. “We are not the ones who created this crisis,” said a senior administration official. “President Obama has another two years in office and we wish to go back to a reality where you can work together despite the differences. The prime minister of Israel...
  • Obama Spokesman Responds to Leon Panetta’s Accusations by Calling Him Names

    10/08/2014 8:47:42 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 49 replies
    Pajamas Media ^ | 10/08/2104
    Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has lobbed a series of damning accusations against his old boss, President Barack Obama. In his new book, Panetta says that Benghazi was always an obvious terrorist attack. He says that Obama approaches the world like a law professor, meaning that he does not usually see reality if it does not comport with his preconceived notions. Panetta writes that Obama’s decisions on Syria and Iraq have paved the way for the rise of of the Islamic State. Panetta writes that Obama has given up on the job, rather than continue to try working with Republicans...
  • Obama's response to attack on US embassy in Damascus, file a lawsuit. (from July 2011)

    10/27/2012 3:23:21 PM PDT · by tflabo · 8 replies
    blogspot ^ | July 11, 2011 | Israel Matzov
    The US State Department on Monday formally condemned Syria for failing to protect the US embassy complex in Damascus from a violent assault it said was encouraged by a pro-government Syrian television station. So what does the world's only superpower do? Send in the Marines to get the ambassador out and protect the embassy grounds? Not in the age of Obama. In the age of Obama the US threatens... to file a lawsuit.