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Keyword: obama4alqaeda

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  • Report: Obama to Free Gitmo Detainees Who Have Vowed to Behead Americans

    01/06/2017 7:14:55 AM PST · by brucedickinson · 12 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 1-5-2017 | Edwin Mora
    The group being released will be drawn from those held at Guantanamo – who include an accused senior al Qaeda bomb-maker, the terror group’s top financial manager, and two intended 9/11 hijackers, who have all been held in the Cuba-based U.S. detention facility for more than a decade. Of the 59 prisoners still held at Gitmo, 22 have been cleared for release by Obama’s multi-agency parole-style board known as the Periodic Review Board (PRB) and nearly half (27) are considered “forever prisoners,” or too dangerous to release. However, the PRB has made the decision to liberate prisoners who had already...
  • Obama Still Doesn’t Get America

    01/06/2017 4:37:49 AM PST · by Kaslin · 19 replies
    American Thinker ^ | January 6, 2017 | James Lewis
    resident Obama came as a stranger, and is leaving as a stranger. The Obama presidency has been different from any other administration in the last two centuries. From the start, he has gone out of his way to defy the very essence of the American Republic, our constitutional limits on the power of any single dictatorial individual. Under Obama, the US Congress and even the Supreme Court have failed to assert their constitutional independence, presumably out of fear of this president an the accusations of racism that followed opposition to him or his policies. According to the Supreme Court, Obamacare...
  • Report: Senior Russian Officials Celebrated Donald Trump’s Election Victory

    01/05/2017 4:36:00 PM PST · by drewh · 72 replies ^ | 6:50 pm, January 5th, 2017| 6:50 pm, January 5th, 2017 | by Justin Baragona |
    American intelligence agencies intercepted communications that show senior officials in the Russian government celebrating Donald Trump’s election victory and congratulating themselves for helping him win. It was this reaction, in part, that allowed the intelligence community to come to the conclusion that the Russian government was involved in efforts to influence the election to assist Trump. Other information in the intelligence report includes Russia’s use of actors to provide hacked information to WikiLeaks. It was noted that this report was delivered to President Barack Obama today and will be presented to President-elect Donald Trump in his meeting with intelligence leaders...
  • WashPost’s Dana Milbank Compares Obama to George Washington, Disney Demigod

    01/05/2017 4:21:43 PM PST · by ColdOne · 25 replies ^ | 1/5/17 | Scott Whitlock
    Washington Post journalist Dana Milbank on Thursday, Barack Obama is comparable to George Washington and a fictional Disney Demigod. Lamenting the fact that the outgoing President isn’t getting enough credit, the columnist referenced the 2016 film Moana and quoted from song lyrics where the deity Maui bragged about how amazing he is: “What can I say, except you’re welcome for the tides, the sun, the sky? Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay. You’re welcome.”
  • Twenty-Two Guantanamo Detainees To Be Freed Within Days As Obama Plans Mass Transfer Of Fanatics

    01/05/2017 2:51:09 PM PST · by Enlightened1 · 39 replies
    The Daily Mail ^ | 01/05/17 | Alana Goodman
    President Obama is planning to transfer at least 22 additional Guantanamo Bay detainees out of the military detention center before he leaves office later this month, has learned. The group being released will be drawn from those held at Guantanamo - who include an accused senior al Qaeda bomb-maker, the terror group's top financial manager, and two intended 9/11 hijackers, who have all been held in the Cuba-based U.S. detention facility for more than a decade. According to a military source briefed on the process, 22 detainees are being prepared for transfer out of the camp, also known as...
  • White House warns against blaming Islam for OSU jihad attack

    11/30/2016 2:53:25 AM PST · by detective · 57 replies
    Jihad Watch ^ | November 29, 2016 | Robert Spencer
    “Our response to this situation matters. If we respond to this situation by casting aspersions on millions of people that adhere to a particular religion or if we increase our suspicion of people who practice a particular religion, we are more likely going to contribute to acts of violence than we are to prevent them.” Of course we should not cast aspersions on people who had nothing to do with this jihad attack. But this kind of talk is used to preclude any examination of the motivating ideology underlying such attacks, and that leaves us more vulnerable to more such...
  • Obama administration considering strikes on Assad, again

    10/04/2016 12:30:45 PM PDT · by Leaning Right · 36 replies
    Washington Post ^ | October 4, 2016 | Josh Rogin
    U.S. military strikes against the Assad regime will be back on the table Wednesday at the White House, when top national security officials in the Obama administration are set to discuss options for the way forward in Syria. But there’s little prospect President Obama will ultimately approve them. *snip* The CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, represented in the Deputies Committee meeting by Vice Chairman Gen. Paul Selva, expressed support for such “kinetic” options, the official said. That marked an increase of support for striking Assad compared with the last time such options were considered.
  • WikiLeaks drops Hillary email labeled ‘tick tock on Libya’ – will Rush’s prediction come true?

    08/06/2016 1:22:08 PM PDT · by blueyon · 68 replies
    BPR BizPac Review ^ | 08/06/06 | John Binder
    When Hillary Clinton is asked about her plan to invade Libya while she was secretary of state, she often passes the buck to President Obama, saying he ultimately had to make the final decision. But, new emails from WikiLeaks’ hack into Clinton’s private email server show she openly bragged about having a “critical voice” in the invasion of Libya, which ultimately led to the rise of the Islamic State and the Syrian refugee crisis. Take a look:

    08/02/2016 10:49:27 AM PDT · by sheikdetailfeather · 112 replies
    facebook ^ | 8-2-2016 | Donald J. Trump
    STATEMENT IN RESPONSE TO PRESIDENT OBAMA'S FAILED LEADERSHIP "Obama-Clinton have single-handedly destabilized the Middle East, handed Iraq, Libya and Syria to ISIS, and allowed our personnel to be slaughtered at Benghazi. Then they put Iran on the path to nuclear weapons. Then they allowed dozens of veterans to die waiting for medical care that never came. Hillary Clinton put the whole country at risk with her illegal email server, deleted evidence of her crime, and lied repeatedly about her conduct which endangered us all. They released criminal aliens into our country who killed one innocent American after another -- like...
  • Al Qaeda to jihadis: ‘Target white Americans, avoid minorities, US mislabels attacks as ‘hate crime’

    06/24/2016 2:12:34 PM PDT · by Fali_G · 25 replies
    The Foreign Desk ^ | 06/24/2016 | Lisa Daftari
    Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has published a guide urging jihadis to carry out more ‘lone wolf’ operations in the U.S. following the deadly terror attack in Orlando earlier this month and to set their sights on the targeting of white Americans. The publication, “Inspire guide: Orlando operation,” which seeks to capitalize on the terror attack carried out by gunman Omar Mateen who pledged allegiance to ISIS, plainly encourages extremists to attack Americans. While Mateen chose to target what the guide refers to as a “homosexual nightclub,” noting that killing gay people is “the most binding duty and...
  • USA Losing to ISIS: Obama's Defense Official Defends ISIS' "Right" to Internet Services in Raqqa

    06/24/2016 10:30:04 AM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 17 replies
    Breaking Defense ^ | June 22, 2016 | SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR.
    Thornberry Fears Bureaucracy Hamstrings Cyber Vs. ISIS WASHINGTON: Why does the internet still work in Raqqa? That simple question about the Syrian capital of Daesh, the self-proclaimed Islamic State, posed today by retired fighter pilot Rep. Martha McSally, goes to the heart of how the military will use — or refrain from using — cyber weapons. It goes to deep suspicions that President Obama’s swollen National Security Council staff is micromanaging the military. No less a figure than House Armed Services Committee chairman Mac Thornberry voiced deep concern that we are bureaucratizing the cyber force at birth. All too often...
  • Oops. State Department withheld Clinton email which revealed private server for almost 2 years

    04/27/2016 11:23:01 AM PDT · by Ernest_at_the_Beach · 17 replies
    HotAir ^ | April 27, 2016 | by Jazz Shaw
    Update: (9:15) The State Department is disputing the timeline of events as given by Judicial Watch in this story. See the Free Beacon for details. Judicial Watch maintains that their clarification is still inadequate. (Original article follows) Hillary Clinton enjoyed a huge win in the primary battle last night and she should probably hope that it dominates the news cycle for a while because I doubt her team wants this particular nugget drawing too much attention. Judicial Watch has been pounding the pavement for more than two years now in search of information about her communications during her time as...
  • Obama Admin Wants To Restart Failed Program Training Syrian Rebels

    03/14/2016 12:44:22 PM PDT · by DeathBeforeDishonor1 · 40 replies
    Daily Caller ^ | 3/14/2016 | Jonah Bennett
    The Pentagon wants to reboot a failed program designed to train Syrian rebels in the fight against the Islamic State, even though this same $500 million dollar program had almost nothing to show for itself. The goal was to train 5,000 fighters, but the first class of 54 melted and scattered after being attacked by the al-Nusra front, the al-Qaida affiliate in Syria. The second class of so-called moderate rebels handed over at least 25 percent of their U.S. military gear to al-Nusra. Pentagon officials now say they’ve identified what elements of the program to tweak to make sure they...
  • Blockbuster: DHS Whistleblower Says Obama Regime Shut Down Probe

    12/11/2015 6:07:02 PM PST · by Kaslin · 15 replies
    Rush ^ | December 11, 2015 | Rush Limbaugh
    BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Megyn Kelly had a blockbuster exclusive last night on the Fox News Channel. The former customs and border agent, Philip Haney, claims that the State Department and Homeland Security Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties closed down an investigation. He was looking into a group named Tablighi Jamaat. Philip Haney says the investigation was shut down because the Regime "did not want to profile Islamic groups." Well, who the hell are we profiling if we're not profiling Islamic groups at Homeland Security and at immigration, for crying out loud? Philip Haney says the Feds "the feds...
  • 'Spinning up as we speak': Email shows Pentagon was ready to roll as Benghazi attack occurred

    12/08/2015 1:41:00 PM PST · by TigerClaws · 38 replies
    As the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was unfolding, a high-ranking Pentagon official urgently messaged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top deputies to offer military help, according to an email obtained by Judicial Watch. The revelation appears to contradict testimony Defense Secretary Leon Panetta gave lawmakers in 2013, when he said there was no time to get forces to the scene in Libya, where four Americans were killed, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.
  • Hillary And The DNC Will Call Republicans 'Radical' But Not Muslim Terrorists

    11/22/2015 5:20:53 AM PST · by Libloather · 7 replies
    Daily Caller ^ | 11/20/15 | Steve Guest
    On Friday, the Democratic National Committee released an advertisement that attempted to criticize Republicans for using the phrase "radical Islamic terrorism" when describing ISIS and the perpetrations of the terrorist attacks in Paris. However, the hypocrisy exhibited by DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Hillary Clinton is palpable. (RELATED: Clinton Still Refuses To Say 'Radical Islam,' Calls It A 'Distraction' [VIDEO]) Clinton has used the term in the past, including on February 13, 2005, when she was accepting a German Media Prize when she said the values of "democracy, tolerance, rule of law, individual rights" were "under attack from the...
  • Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked (from September)

    11/16/2015 9:29:53 AM PST · by God luvs America · 15 replies
    Daily Beast ^ | 9/9/2015 | Shane Harris
    More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military’s Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials, The Daily Beast has learned. The complaints spurred the Pentagon’s inspector general to open an investigation into the alleged manipulation of intelligence. The fact that so many people complained suggests there are deep-rooted, systemic problems in how the U.S. military command charged with the war against the self-proclaimed Islamic State assesses intelligence. “The cancer was within the senior level of the intelligence command,” one defense official...
  • US pledges nearly $100 million to support Syrian opposition

    11/01/2015 1:54:24 PM PST · by Navy Patriot · 63 replies
    Fox News ^ | October 31, 2015 | AP
    MANAMA, Bahrain – The United States is ramping up its support for Syria's opposition with a pledge of nearly $100 million in fresh aid. Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the additional assistance Saturday at the Manama Dialogue security conference in the Gulf island nation of Bahrain.
  • F.B.I. Chief Not Invited to Meeting on Countering Violent Extremism

    02/20/2015 1:48:00 PM PST · by LeoWindhorse · 28 replies
    New York Times ^ | FEB. 19, 2015 | MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT
    The White House did not invite the most senior American official charged with preventing terrorist attacks — the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey — to the three-day conference this week on countering violent extremism in the United States and abroad because the administration did not want the event too focused on law enforcement issues, according to senior American officials. But Mr. Comey’s Russian counterpart — Aleksandr V. Bortnikov, the director of the Russian Federal Security Service, the post-Soviet K.G.B. — was at the meeting, even though international human rights groups have repeatedly accused the Russian security service of unjustly detaining...
  • REPORT: Obama Refused to Assist Jordan, Egypt With Information on ISIS Targets

    02/17/2015 12:05:21 PM PST · by opentalk · 81 replies
    The Gateway Pundit ^ | February 16, 2015
    Report: Obama Refused to Give Jordan, Egypt Information on ISIS Targets.Oliver North told Greta Van Susteren tonight that the Egyptian government asked the US for information on ISIS targets in Libya yesterday after ISIS beheaded 21 Christians. But, the Obama Administration refused the request. The Obama administration also refused to give Jordan information on ISIS targets in Syria after their pilot was burned alive in a cage.“President El Sisi asked for American intelligence targeting intelligence before today’s strikes and didn’t get it. King Abdullah of Jordan asked for Intelligence data on targets to respond to the murder of a Jordanian aircraft pilot. The...