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  • 74 Democrats Join J Street in Urging Concessions

    04/15/2012 12:38:04 AM PDT · by Nachum · 19 replies
    inn ^ | 4/15/12 | Rachel Hirshfeld
    Democrats in House of Reps. joined J Street in supporting Obama administration's attempt to force Israel into making painful concessions Seventy-four Democrats in the House of Representatives have joined the dovish J Street organization in supporting the Obama administration's attempt to force Israel into making painful concessions to the Palestinian Authority. “In our view, support for a two-state resolution is inseparable from such support for Israel, its special relationship with the United States, and its very survival as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people,” the letter said. Seven Jewish members signed the letter, including Reps. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), John...
  • George Clooney Arrested at Sudanese Embassy [ Obama admin arrests him 4 sharing Bush's position ]

    03/16/2012 3:23:32 PM PDT · by NoLibZone · 9 replies
    abc news ^ | March 16 2012 | DANA HUGHES
    Movie star George Clooney was led away in handcuffs after storming the Sudanese Embassy protesting the actions of the country's president Omar Al-Bashir, an alleged war criminal. Clooney made the rounds in Washington this week, hoping his superstar wattage will help shine a light on the situation in Sudan. The actor testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and held private meetings with the Secretary of State and President Obama about the African nation's dire humanitarian situation and the Obama administration's policy. He led a protest today outside of Sudan's embassy calling on Omar Al-Bashir, an alleged war-criminal, to stop...
  • High speed rail design, construction plans for Western Massachusetts approved

    07/01/2011 6:51:46 PM PDT · by matt04 · 26 replies
    State officials say final design and construction plans have been approved for high-speed rail in western Massachusetts. U.S. Reps. John Olver and Richard Neal and Sen. John F. Kerry and federal and state transportation officials said Friday that the U.S. Department of Transportation signed a nearly $73 million grant agreement. Funding is available from federal stimulus money. Officials say the project, which is expected to cost $75.6 million, will rehabilitate the Connecticut River rail line. Amtrak’s Vermonter service will be rerouted to the line, providing a more direct route to Northampton and Greenfield.
  • Dems gang up on Brown (Dems say Scott votes 87% with GOP)

    06/05/2011 3:35:22 PM PDT · by raccoonradio · 23 replies
    Boston Herald ^ | 6/5/11 | Richard Weir
    Candidates lob shots during convention Open season on Scott Brown officially kicked off yesterday with five of the six Democratic candidates seeking to reclaim the “people’s seat” training their sights and barbs squarely on the freshman U.S. senator during speeches at their party’s state convention in Lowell. “When Ted Kennedy went behind closed doors with lawmakers and lobbyists, he always fought for us,” Bob Massie, the nonprofit executive who ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor in 1994, told some 3,000 Democratic delegates gathered on the floor of Tsongas Center. “When Scott Brown goes behind closed door with lawmakers and lobbyists and...
  • Hamas' 54 Democratic Congressmen

    01/28/2010 4:33:09 PM PST · by Salem · 15 replies · 803+ views
    Sultan Knish blog ^ | 26 January, 2010 | Daniel Greenfield - Sultanknish
    Keith Ellison, widely hailed as America's first Muslim congressman, could more accurately be described as CAIR and Hamas' man in Congress. Congressman Ellison has been a regular presence at CAIR fundraisers and at pro-Hamas rallies in the United States. As a former member of Farrakhan's Nation of Islam , Ellison has enough anti-semitic and Islamist credentials to satisfy anyone, and had expressed openly anti-semitic beliefs in the past. Since Ellison got his start with CAIR , his attempt to provide support for Hamas is completely unsurprising. Both Hamas and CAIR are projects of the Muslim Brotherhood, which also helped...
  • 7 of 12 from Mass. to vote no on Iraq

    10/04/2002 5:17:54 AM PDT · by GeneD · 14 replies · 191+ views
    The Boston Globe ^ | 10/4/02 | Susan Milligan
    <p>WASHINGTON - Seven of the 12 lawmakers who represent Massachusetts in Congress say they will vote against a proposed resolution authorizing President Bush to use force against Iraq, mainly because the measure would allow the United States to launch a unilateral, preemptive attack.</p>