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Keyword: chekists

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  • How Harris and Khan Are Planning a Department of Groceries

    09/03/2024 4:46:33 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 35 replies
    American Greatness ^ | 3 Sep, 2024 | Robert H. Bork, Jr.
    As envisioned in Vice President Harris’s economic plan, the FTC plans to use antitrust as a fulcrum to regulate prices and therefore private business itself. Have you ever shopped for groceries at a Walmart, a Trader Joe’s, an Aldi, a Costco, a Whole Foods, or a Target? If you have, you know that clubstores and supercenters offer a wealth of fresh produce, quality meats, frozen foods, bakery items, and canned goods. When you go to a big box retailer with a grocery section, it is no different than going to a stand-alone supermarket like Safeway, Wegmans, or Harris Teeter. You...
  • University Of Arizona To Use Taxpayer Funds to Hire Students To Be Social Justice Warriors

    05/14/2017 8:13:27 AM PDT · by antidemoncrat · 20 replies
    Blue Lives Matter ^ | 5/13/2017 | Cowgirl
    The University of Arizona is paying students to be social justice advocates and report on what they perceive to be ‘bias incidents’ and ‘socially insensitive behavior.’ According to The Washington Times, the students are being paid $10 per hour, for about 15 hours per week, to be social justice advocates. The students are focusing mainly on residence halls, and are also creating social justice posters to hang in the dorms and ‘partnering’ with other groups to hold social justice events on campus.
  • Symposium: KGB RESURRECTION (CIA Director Woolsey: FSB/Chekists Responisible for Apartment Bombings)

    06/28/2005 6:07:21 PM PDT · by BringBackMyHUAC · 32 replies · 531+ views
    FrontPageMag ^ | April 30, 2004 | Jamie Glazov
    Woolsey: I can't think of two people whose judgment about this issue I admire more than Mr. Bukovsky and Mr. Pacepa, and I have no quarrel with their characterization of history or the current situation. For example, like Mr.Bukovsky, I am inclined at this point to believe, based on the information I've seen in David Satter's articles and books, that the Chekists were responsible for the apartment bombings that were blamed on the Chechens and provided the excuse for this most recent Chechen War.
  • The Chekist Legacy Code and the Frankenstein Presidency of John Kerry

    11/02/2004 2:03:25 PM PST · by Capodsitrias · 4 replies · 368+ views
    November 2, 2004 | Douglas J. Brown
    The Chekist Legacy Code and the Frankenstein Presidency of John Kerry. By Douglas J. Brown 2 November 2004 (All Souls Day) Will Yuri Andropov be sitting in Hell sipping scotch and listening to jazz tomorrow or will he be tied down in a Lubyanka like cell forced to listen Pope John Paul II saying mass in Polish or to Ronald Reagan repeating one liners, like ‘tear down this wall,’ ‘start the bombing now?’ Yuri Andropov was the head of the KGB for fifteen years before he became head of the Soviet Union in 1982. Andropov, for most of the Cold...