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Ping to unexpected evidence of reincarnation.
Thanks for posting this. He sure “remembers” at lot of significant details that he couldn’t know by normal means.
Good! Thanks for the ping.
Thanks for the link.
Thanks for the good news ping. Now lets hope the Supreme Court rules in favor of Peace Cross.
Thanks for the ping and your comments.
Thanks for the ping. I remember hearing some reports on the radio.
Thanks for the ping.
I looked, but didn’t find the date PG County Council did this.
Prince George’s County and Montgomery County declared they are sanctuaries several years ago. The Maryland Attorney General agrees. This murder is a logical result.
Thanks for the ping. Fascinating theory and analysis. Makes sense, but building it was an awful lot of work.
Thanks for the ping. Very interesting.
Thanks for the ping and the recommendation. It is an excellent article, and all too true.
I’m glad this case is going to the Supreme Court. It could be a landmark precedent.
I highly recommend the book “Captured!” by Stanton Friedman and Katheen Marden.
I highly recommend the book “Captured!” by Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden. May he rest in peace.
Thanks for the ping and your recommendation of John Solomon’s full article.
True. And so did insects and fish.
Wow! Those German tanks were really trashed. Thanks for the ping.
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