Thirty years ago, I worked for Fireman’s Fund three blocks away from there. At that time, it was a good area. But SF has gone downhill and I wonder if they’re any safe places left.
My dad designed the Minitrack tracking system and the test vehicle satellites. The Vanguard proposal in 1955 was superior to the Army’s proposal in terms of its scientific uses. Originally vB didn’t have a radio tracking system for what became Explorer.
Dad brought TV-3 home after the explosion. It sat in our house overnight and was displayed in the National AIr and Space Museum for many years. I’m not sure if it will be displayed in the remodeled Museum. Dad tinkered with Vanguard 1 on our dining room table. He then invented the Naval Space Surveillance System, Timation and GPS.
They were put in to force people to get the jab and to fatten big Pharma’s profits. They were never there to foster health. You could shop in a department store without the jab but you couldn’t eat in a restaurant. They were a dangerous farce.