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Posts by MarcusAurelious

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  • Secret Service: Woman ignited a small explosive in front of White House

    08/13/2006 3:38:55 PM PDT · 121 of 133
    MarcusAurelious to daybreakcoming

    Apparently you don't at all, which is becoming less surprising.

    You stopped reading after seeing what you wanted to see.

    Fix your reading comprehension before you start badmouthing people you don't know.

    Maybe you want to change our US Constitution to not provide for religious freedom, but you would run into a large group of people who would smack you silly first.

    As long as they are peaceful, they have a right to assemble and espouse stupidity, just like you have a right to make stupid assumptions after only reading half of my statement.

    There was nothing in my post that indicated support for what they were saying in anyway, shape or form.

    Next thing you know, you'll be smashing down the doors of my church and telling us that we cannot practice our faith?

  • It is Islamic fascism

    08/13/2006 3:30:22 PM PDT · 28 of 35
    MarcusAurelious to Vision

    Good luck with that, Omar.

  • It is Islamic fascism

    08/13/2006 3:29:32 PM PDT · 27 of 35
    MarcusAurelious to oh8eleven

    We are mostly Christian, yet we have nuclear weapons, and have used them.

    What we haven't done is use them to terrorize other countries into our belief system.

    Being a religion of peace and having nuclear weapons are not necessarily intertwined.

    Iran having nuclear weapons is frightening becasue of the methods in which they will deliver them.

  • These ludicrous lies about the West and Islam

    08/13/2006 3:24:36 PM PDT · 14 of 21
    MarcusAurelious to steveo

    A tip from a muslim started the investigation that foiled the latest plot in London.

    A muslim woman who was worried about what a relative of hers was getting into.

    Not MSM material, apparently.

  • Photo Fraud

    08/13/2006 3:22:23 PM PDT · 2 of 6
    MarcusAurelious to MarcusAurelious

    My apologies. I'm still trying to figure some of this out.

  • Photo Fraud

    08/13/2006 3:21:43 PM PDT · 1 of 6
    Some of this has already been covered, but it's worth a look.
  • Fox News reports unusual activity on Syrian-Israel border

    08/13/2006 2:12:45 PM PDT · 186 of 317
    MarcusAurelious to dijpak

    LOL! Too efficient.

    I just saw another report that an Israeli minister said that there would be no cease-fire, only an end to offensive operations.

    Talk about leaving your options open! ;)

  • Fox News reports unusual activity on Syrian-Israel border

    08/13/2006 2:06:48 PM PDT · 181 of 317
    MarcusAurelious to Matthew James

    I just heard Fox News talking about the Hezzie minister being called from a cabinet meeting. It seems that the Hezzies will refuse to disarm.

    I believe that will violate the cease-fire agreement?

    How long before we can get 17 UN resolutions?

  • Fox News reports unusual activity on Syrian-Israel border

    08/13/2006 1:53:56 PM PDT · 168 of 317
    MarcusAurelious to wyattearp

    Thje Sryians must be wanting an upgrade on the methods of becoming Israeli targets.

  • Plane-Bomb Bottles Found

    08/13/2006 1:51:51 PM PDT · 242 of 251
    MarcusAurelious to null and void; All

    As argumentative as I can be, I do try to be gracious when warranted. That is the influence my beloved missus has had on me in the past 17 years.

    I have been wrong before, so it's no biggie for me to think I might be again.

    Can anyone provide the information on where those bottles were found?

  • Secret Service: Woman ignited a small explosive in front of White House

    08/13/2006 1:36:04 PM PDT · 106 of 133
    MarcusAurelious to daybreakcoming

    I saw it.

    People exercising their American right to be wrong in groups.

    What else was I supposed to see?

  • Bush: U.S. 'At War With Islamic Fascists'

    08/13/2006 11:36:57 AM PDT · 226 of 228
    MarcusAurelious to Sprite518


    I can see that complex thought processes are way too beyond your skill level.

    "You must be godless nihilists who hate mostly everything but particularly the Christian faith with its emphasis on individuality and freedom and its rejection of the commie notion of god on earth."

    Remember what I said about you correcting grammar, when you cannot correctly use it yourself? ROTF! You must be one of those ignoramuses who thinks that someone disagreeing with your crappy POV means that you get to paint them into pretty little niches. What a sad and pointless life to live. I guess it is yours to live, but I refuse to live like that.

    "Your fear and loathing also drives you without any regard for certain effects on the nation's security in time of war. Such conduct in time of war makes traitors and quislings, from the Democrat 'leaders' in Congress right down to little, brain dead, forty something school teachers."

    I served 12 years of my life in the Infantry, giving lie to your weak assertion that I have no regard for certain effects on the nation's security. I have a younger brother who has done more on the front-line on the war against terror then you could ever dream of in your juvenile rantings.

    Traitors and quislings? ROTFLMAO! Coming from someone such as yourself, that amuses me greatly!

    Abandon the dark side? To become like you, afraid of innocent people who have done nothing to you? Become paranoid about every little shadow? Become filled with hate and lash out at defenseless people?

    Fat chance. I defend the weak and helpless from people like you. You ARE the dark side. To you, the ends justify the means, and that is evil itself.

    If you were hoping to shame me, because I won;t think like you, you failed. I am honored that I will not be a bigot.

    Take your pipe somewhere else and smoke it.

  • Castro pic: Real Or Photoshop? Photoshop.

    08/13/2006 11:25:53 AM PDT · 129 of 149
    MarcusAurelious to The Mayor
    Let's see. Thanks for the info!
  • Plane-Bomb Bottles Found

    08/13/2006 11:21:52 AM PDT · 233 of 251
    MarcusAurelious to daybreakcoming

    The first three flights perhaps operated under the old paradigm of wait and see. Until that time, terrorists were not prone to flying planes in to buildings. perhaps they were just too afraid to attack the terrorists. Not everyone is a warrior, a fighter, or a person of action. With United 93, they had more time to find out what was actually happening, and had people of action to do something.

    As for the "many muslims" attempting to do something about it, start with the Kurds. Move on through Afghanistan, and into Pakistan. Don't forget Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, and even Saudi Arabia. There are people in each of those countries who want to see Israel and the US destroyed, yet each of those countries have people who actively, and clandestinely, work against terrorist organizations.

    Or we can goto the internet:

    U.S. Muslim Scholars Issue Edict Against Terrorism

    Saudi religious body issues Fatwa against terrorism and urging public to report suspects


    Varanasi women get fatwa issued

    Anti-terror Fatwa Gets 'Bravos'

    Varanasi: Fatwa against those who attack holy places of all faiths

    Muslim Leaders Issue Fatwa Against Terrorism

    That was from the first page of a Google search on "fatwa + terrorism", which got 831,000 hits

    If this is the new media, as you claim, then we can begin there. Perhaps millions of muslims are conspiring against us in a big lie. Perhaps there is a united conspiracy among the many, warring sects of Islam, to spread disinformation and discord amongst the infidels.

    Or maybe there are many muslims who are trying to do something against the more radical, militant groups.

    Let's let the new media work its magic.

  • Plane-Bomb Bottles Found

    08/13/2006 10:57:52 AM PDT · 227 of 251
    MarcusAurelious to McGavin999

    "But where are the Muslim warriors, the ones who are noble and honorable, those who will protect their women and children?"

    A damn good question, begging another one. What constitutes a "noble and honorable" muslim warrior? Our warrior ethic is based upon a history of cities and stable domiciles. Theirs is based upon a nomadic heritage, and a religion that they interpret (Many times) to mean that women and children are not as important, unless they are male children.

    Of course, our own history, until recently, included such thoughts about women and children, but at least we tried to protect them, even as they did not have societal protections (voting rights, labor laws, etc.).

    I will end my garbled sociological discourse. I hope it made some sense.

    Your question will remain unanswered, I'm afraid.

  • Plane-Bomb Bottles Found

    08/13/2006 10:44:29 AM PDT · 224 of 251
    MarcusAurelious to mtbopfuyn

    To be sure that they worked, they would have to mix the concoction, fill the bottles, and then run a test to see if the trigger mechanism worked with the formula.

    I've had bomb training via law enforcement. People who make pipe bombs typically do the same thing. They make several, then test one to several to not only test the mechanism, but their capability to set it off.

    I am operating under incomplete information, as I do not know where those bottles were found. If they were found outside of the airport, then they ditched them to avoid capture. If they found them outside of their safehouse, then that would support my theory.

    The awful thing about theories is that they could be wrong, including mine.

    I would like to say that I am infallible, but the missus knows better. ;)

  • Plane-Bomb Bottles Found

    08/13/2006 10:36:47 AM PDT · 223 of 251
    MarcusAurelious to null and void

    I did not see that information in the article. It seems my assumption that the bottles were found in garbage bins outside of their place of hiding has clashed with yours that they were found outside of the airport.

    Unless you information was posted placing them outside of the airport, in which case I missed that, which happens.

    If that information was posted, please let me know where it was, and accept my apology in advance.

  • Welsh muslims say aircraft bomb plot 'a fake'

    08/13/2006 8:30:49 AM PDT · 10 of 64
    MarcusAurelious to dennisw

    I am sure there is a link tbe between them and the loon who says 9/11 was a government plot.

  • Plane-Bomb Bottles Found

    08/13/2006 8:29:03 AM PDT · 159 of 251
    MarcusAurelious to McGavin999

    Many muslims HAVE attempted to do something about it, but the MSM doesn't cover such attempts, (Shock!) and it's not very effective (Or hasn't been to date.)

    To continue your analogy, if the kid tearing up the store was armed, there would be quite a few people who would disapprove of the kid's actions, but would not say or do anything out of fear of death or injury. I would hope that there would be those who would act, but I understand why they don't.

    Look at the flights that went down on 9/11. I think we can safely say that none of the passengers supported or agreed with radical Islam, yet they did nothing to stop the terrorists, with the outstanding example of United 93, and even they waited until they could convince a significant group of passengers to act.

    People will avoid pain and death, and it takes a lot of courage, and conviction, to overcome that fear to act.

    I pray that the muslim world soon finds that courage and conviction, before the actions of the radical elements brings death and destruction to a large population of otherwise innocent muslims.

    In the meantime, we stand vigilant against any and all attacks, and protect those who appear as sheep. Warriors have always had that charge, and they always will.

  • Plane-Bomb Bottles Found

    08/13/2006 8:14:13 AM PDT · 143 of 251
    MarcusAurelious to DannyTN

    Yup. The yellow was in cake form, and Wilson and Plame were ALL over it!