Those impeachers have impeached themselves by their own words. They no longer trust the “electoral process itself “ and need a “safeguard”. This is exactly what the Boshevicks did in Russia and Hitler did in Germany, convince the voting public they could not trust themselves and needed the Party to look after them. Beware Americans. This is about a lot more than Trump’s political career or reputation. This is about the “electoral process itself”, fundamental to our democratic republic.
Each of these women were vocal about the #MeToo movement. Each of them are being considered as running mates to Biden. The Biden allegations are not new. These women have had plenty to consider their position. Silence is highly questionable at this time.
Either voice your beliefs that he is innocent and those women coming forth with allegations against Biden are liars - or verbalize your disgust for Biden and withdraw your name. Silence appears that you believe Biden is guilty and that you are not a person of scruples.
06/03/2019 6:49:37 AM PDT
· 31 of 31 DBCJR
to richardtavor
There were significant sections of land that were distributed. However, carpet baggers and some Southerners she did most of them out of their apportionments
The ONLY exoneration is by a court, not law enforcement. In fact, one must be 1) charged and 2) tried to be exonerated. Mueller grandstanded this misleading sound bite because from the very start he was politically biased.