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Posts by AmericanArchConservative

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  • A Poll Asked People In 24 Different Countries To Pick The Best City In The World

    09/07/2013 8:03:05 PM PDT · 24 of 56
    AmericanArchConservative to 43north

    Sandpoint is nice - a beautiful place on account of all you mentioned and more, except there are too many libs there (my former stepfather, his “wife”, two sons from his earliest marriage...)even for an expatriate Portlander like me, who only escaped the people’s socialist republic of Porn-land...

    I’m a couple of hours S of you, at the confluence of the Snake and the Clearwater rivers, in the Lewiston-Clarkston valley. The scenery is not quite a match with my ideals, but I’ll take the “trade-off” of lots of nice conservative neighbors, a major bullet manufactory within 2 miles of my back door, over half the nation’s soft white winter wheat and lentils produced within a 100 mile radius, and heavily wooded areas that are less than an hour’s drive away...Not to mention Chinook, Steelhead, and Sturgeon fishing half a mile away...

  • Birthers Appear Unimpressed with Obama Birth Certificate [Rick Moron strikes again]

    05/02/2011 11:00:10 PM PDT · 62 of 62
    AmericanArchConservative to Anselma

    I think for myself, and scrutinize the world around me...I’m not laughing, I don’t give a runny crap what the majority thinks, and the lefties are not, and never have been, my friends!

    Go ahead and posture yourself as looking “for the facts”...just be ready to admit that as concerns this topic and its pursuit, you can’t polish a turd, or pick it up from the clean end.

    Remember, the birther controversy ORIGINATED with the left wing partisans...emanating from Hitlery and her supporters - which unlike a lot of other contentions, is provable.

    Roll very far into this terrain, and the stink will not soon be removed...


  • Attempted TSA frame-up: a warning to travelers

    05/02/2011 10:33:14 PM PDT · 28 of 66
    AmericanArchConservative to Jubal Harshaw; AmericanArchConservative



  • Birthers Appear Unimpressed with Obama Birth Certificate [Rick Moron strikes again]

    04/27/2011 4:50:22 PM PDT · 45 of 62

    Bunch of worthless, credibility-devaluing, armchair expert phonies...

    Get the hell off the stupid-a$$ “birther” train already.

    The tracks dead end into a granite cliff in a box canyon...

    And on the Canyon walls all around you, the echoing laughter of lefties who delighted in watching you waste your energies, spinning your wheels as they implemented Cloward-Piven, and they fell on the ground guffawing when the train hit the wall...

    Go after low hanging fruit with N0bama - there is so much of it to pick...and barrage him with in the next general election.


  • Birthers Appear Unimpressed with Obama Birth Certificate [Rick Moron strikes again]

    04/27/2011 4:50:17 PM PDT · 44 of 62

    Bunch of worthless, credibility-devaluing, armchair expert phonies...

    Get the hell off the stupid-a$$ “birther” train already.

    The tracks dead end into a granite cliff in a box canyon...

    And on the Canyon walls all around you, the echoing laughter of lefties who delighted in watching you waste your energies, spinning your wheels as they implemented Cloward-Piven, and they fell on the ground guffawing when the train hit the wall...

    Go after low hanging fruit with N0bama - there is so much of it to pick...and barrage him with in the next general election.


  • 4 men slashed teacher's face...fractured skull 'for teaching other religions to Muslim girls'

    03/20/2011 4:07:35 PM PDT · 56 of 68
    AmericanArchConservative to OldDeckHand

    Ahh, the often mocked and never duplicated...

    P.R.O.P. {*P.hony R.eligion O.f P.eace - Phony Religion, phony peace...}

    I think I saw a dog’s butt dropping a round, brown mohammad on the lawn this morning...or maybe it was a pig, taking a squirty yellow qur’ap?!

    “Suspects” are Four moose-limb males between the ages of 19 and 45...I’m shocked!



  • Three Year Old Stabbed in the Heart, Baby's Throat Slashed

    03/13/2011 9:44:01 PM PDT · 130 of 144
    AmericanArchConservative to hal ogen

    yeah - those d_mn stickers are absolutely ubiquitous around the People’s Republic of Portland (Oregon). Everytime I see one I want to either ram their bumper, or pour battery acid over the sticker to obliterate it.

    Their ignorance is astounding.

    It is as Reagan said, “It’s not so much what liberals know, it’s that so much of what they know - just isn’t so!”


  • Is Richard Trumka a DSA Socialist?

    03/13/2011 9:22:49 PM PDT · 8 of 12
    AmericanArchConservative to dragonblustar

    He’s a blustering windbag of anti free market hatred

    If he were spray-painted silver, he could easily be mistaken for a weather balloon (ok - except for the Iosif-Stalin moustache...)


  • BREAKING: Union Member Attacks, Injures Tea Party Activist at Rally

    02/26/2011 9:41:56 PM PST · 109 of 210
    AmericanArchConservative to Jayster

    I call dittos and double down along with you guys.

    (un)Fortunately for me, I’m over 6’3 and 200lbs, so very few have wanted to even try their luck in a long time - all they do is look and grind their teeth - even the union thugs and bicycle anarchists in Portland, Oregon didn’t wanna dance...

    snif* snif* I’m feelin like a wallflower! LOL!

    I have a sense, however, that the days of (relative) peacefulness are drawing to a close in our fair land, and a breaking point is approaching.



    01/01/2011 12:56:51 AM PST · 41 of 97
    AmericanArchConservative to Paragon Defender; All; Godzilla; Colofornian


    Huh? What?

    Oh it’s just another Moron cultie trying to defend their polygamous paedophile false prophet (who, ironically,but not coincidentally, stated without equivocation that he felt more commonality and kinship with MOHAMMAD...than he did with any of the Christian sects of his day...)

    Back to sleep...nothing worthwhile to see or hear - just another canned, zer0bama-style presentation. No actual refutation occurring, just a banal, insistent dismissal/ rejection...

    ...”I reject the argument that [fill in the blank - with mormon ‘theology’, it really doesn’t matter]”

    I testify in the name of the real Jesus Christ that the LDS church is not true, their theology blends at least three old, well-chronicled, and long debunked heresies, and that Joseph Smith - unrepentant false prophet, craven liar, and vainglorious boaster - suffers in the fires of eternal damnation.



    zzzzzzsknxxxxxxxZZZZZzzzzz ssssssnnnnnnoooooooore...*

  • Central Oregon home to rare white buffalo herd

    12/31/2010 11:56:42 PM PST · 83 of 83
    AmericanArchConservative to Salvation

    ...hmmm, and to think that I have been so misinformed.

    All this time I thought buffalo soldiers had dark curly hair ‘n’ stuff!




    12/26/2010 10:01:34 PM PST · 12 of 20
    AmericanArchConservative to ExSoldier

    Murrow was a worthless, commie-loving shill who, when ordered by his masters, willingly attacked and savaged a REAL American hero,

    Senator “Tailgunner Joe” McCarthy - whose only failing was standing nearly alone as he called a FREAKIN’ COMMUNIST B*stards what they were - communists!

    May Murrow and all he sniped for rot in hell - no sympathy, no forgiveness.

    (FWIW, my wife works daily in the “Edward R Murrow” building on the WSU campus...)


  • LIVE THREAD = "Sarah Palin's Alaska" - WEEK 7 - TLC 9/8C -LOGGER FOR A DAY!

    12/26/2010 9:16:52 PM PST · 199 of 298
    AmericanArchConservative to RedMDer; Gene Eric; upsdriver; JPG

    I LOVE Sarah and Todd (got my copy of “Going Rogue” autographed by her in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and Sarah’s aunt from Tri-Cities gave me her own “going rogue with Sarah” red wristband) and agree with all of you good folks.

    Check my posted response at #193 on this thread. Feedback welcome...was I too harsh or unseemly, perhaps?


  • LIVE THREAD = "Sarah Palin's Alaska" - WEEK 7 - TLC 9/8C -LOGGER FOR A DAY!

    12/26/2010 9:04:24 PM PST · 193 of 298
    AmericanArchConservative to FloridaBattleGround; onyx; Jemian; conservativegranny; Sarah Barracuda; Jim Robinson

    ...”Her daughters are ALL sleeping around?” Oh really? would that include her youngest, you perverted thinking P.O.T.?

    ...”Boys go RUNNING upstairs to her daughter’s room”...?

    Gee, they don’t even stop to get a condom at the zer0bama clinic first?

    She can’t run her house?

    David Letterman, is that you, you repugnant, bitter old has-been/never was bastard?

    I think I speak for many of the (far more intelligent and well-reasoned) FReepers on this thread - many with more seniority than you - when I say:

    Keep such tasteless, baseless, useless, pejorative Demo/RINO-tripe “fakedowns” (fake takedowns) to yourself.

    We don’t want or need them.

    Or you, with your east coast elitist ways.

    What are you anyway, a Romney-Bot?

    You don’t seem to run anything except your mouth.

    Verbal diarrhea, par putridity.


    Pay attention to ‘FloridaBattleGround’ from this point?

    Hmphhh! Fuggedaboudit


  • Obamas make rare trip to church while in Hawaii

    12/26/2010 5:54:34 PM PST · 126 of 215
    AmericanArchConservative to Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid!

    Not sure how they could avoid spending a lot on hair to tame that matted, frizzled chow’s butt on her head.

    If I were a hairdresser, I wouldn’t touch it for less than $1,500.

    I mean - come on, consider the costs of re-sterilization of all combs, shears, clippers etc...afterwards.

    Not to mention the personal humiliation of having toburn my clothes and be sprayed down with industrial grade de-lousing compound.

    Hidden costs and all, you understand...


  • Obamas make rare trip to church while in Hawaii

    12/26/2010 5:36:05 PM PST · 119 of 215
    AmericanArchConservative to garjog

    Please tell me that whole thing is a joke or an “Onion” fabrication...?!

    Ashram or coven? WTH!?


  • Russia Warns Senate Not to Amend Arms Control Treaty

    12/20/2010 11:23:22 PM PST · 76 of 81
    AmericanArchConservative to null and void

    If one literally follows them both, then it would theoretically be possible to simultaneously reduce by exactly TWO, the number of significant problems facing the world...

    I’ll write nothing more - don’t want trouble for FR, or men in suits knocking on my door...



    12/19/2010 9:32:25 PM PST · 47 of 49
    AmericanArchConservative to ridesthemiles

    yeah - agreed

    I was first in on this thread with that notion (Post # 14) as a bonus, I gave a nod to Petraeus for SecDef and filled a few other key slots...

    Palin and Pence...yeah - that would be good!

    In dreamland, after seating such a cabinet, President Palin would, in her first month in office, withdraw the US from the UN, cancel the UN’s lease on their NYC digs, fire all American UN employees, revoke the diplomatic credentials of all foreign UN reps, cancel all UN-designated US taxpayer funds and terminate all UN programs operating in the USA.

    The next day, she would suspend the operations and order an audit of, the Federal Reserve, meanwhile placing the US imnmediately on the silver standard as an interim step to restoration of the gold standard...followed by simultaneous audits of Fannie and Freddie...


    12/18/2010 11:52:17 PM PST · 14 of 49
    AmericanArchConservative to RonDog

    Thune, Romney, Bush, and Huckabee can be fundraisers..They aren’t good for anything higher than that. Pawlenty is a question mark to me.

    Of the other eight - three look like they belong on the short list for Pres/VP (Palin, Pence, and Daniels - in that order), and those who don’t make the cut would make first rate cabinet secretaries.

    Petraeus for SecDef, Bolton for SecState, Perry for SecTrans., Cain or Barbour for Commerce (pick one - the other goes for SecAgr.)

    I know it would leave a few of the posts unfilled - that’s okay -put DeMint and Coburn somewhere, and just abolish the remainder of the departments (like education, labor, interior...) by defunding or not filling those slots

    Just my scattered thoughts...


  • Dubya Speaks

    06/06/2010 11:10:33 PM PDT · 30 of 33
    AmericanArchConservative to Night Hides Not


    Harriet not only knew in advance - she consented.

    Kool-Ade in this case involves swallowing the dominant media-promoted paradigm - which is, that Bush ever intended that she be confirmed as a SCOTUS appointee.

    That one is for people who neither think for themselves, nor have well-placed political contacts. I think outside of the box, and ask questions of those I know have answers.

    I recommend the grape, BTW...others who drink it say it covers up bad flavours. LOL!!

