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  • Amnesty International are lying sons-of-bitches

    10/18/2011 3:38:10 PM PDT · by tedbel · 5 replies
    ISRAPUNDIT ^ | Oct 18/11 | Ted Belman
    Amnesty International issued a press release today. Israel-Hamas prisoner swap casts harsh light on detention practices of all sidesGilad Shalit was held captive for five years by Palestinian armed groups The prisoner exchange involving Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and 477 Palestinian prisoners highlights the need for the humane treatment of all detainees in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), Amnesty International said today. Obviously it wants to show equivalence. God forbid it should criticize only Hamas. It was not a "prisoner exchange". It was an outrageous ransom paid for a hostage. It only mentions the 477 terrorists that were...