1 posted on
06/26/2002 2:49:16 PM PDT by
To: afraidfortherepublic; Antoninus; Aquinasfan; Askel5; livius; goldenstategirl; Cicero; Gophack; ...
I think parts of this letter to the bishops from the Catholic Medical Association have been quoted in other posts, but this is the first time I've seen the whole thing, and it is well worth reading through.
2 posted on
06/26/2002 3:36:15 PM PDT by
To: narses
Wow. This is a fabulous article, very well written and understandable, straight-forward. Thanks!
4 posted on
06/26/2002 4:18:26 PM PDT by
To: narses
On April 23, 2002 the Holy Father encouraged the American Cardinals: We must be confident that this time of trial will bring a purification of the entire Catholic community, a purification that is urgently needed if the Church is to preach more effectively the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all its liberating force. Now you must ensure that where sin increased, grace will all the more abound (Romans 5: 20). So much pain, so much sorrow must lead to a holier priesthood, a holier episcopate, and a holier Church. Amen!
5 posted on
06/26/2002 4:20:54 PM PDT by
To: narses
Some of these problems, such as pathological narcissism and borderline personality disorder are very difficult to treat. Sounds practically word for word like some of the reports on Geoghan.
16 posted on
06/27/2002 1:47:20 AM PDT by
To: narses
Additionally, men with SSA are more likely to suffer from substance abuse problems, sexual paraphilias, and sexual addiction. Shanley?
17 posted on
06/27/2002 1:48:37 AM PDT by
To: narses
Bookmarked for later reading Bump!
To: narses
Thank you for posting this excellent letter. Is there any way to determine whether it was sent to all diocesan leaders? Perhaps it should also be sent to each diocese newspaper's editor.
21 posted on
06/27/2002 8:12:17 AM PDT by
To: narses
It appears the Bishops and Cardinals and whoever approved the Catechism are being called on the dime here:
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that homosexualitys psychological genesis remains largely unexplained (#2357). While it is understandable that the writers of the Catechism would not wish to make a definitive statement about a question which is at the center of such a contentious public debate, this statement does not accurately reflect what is known about homosexuality. There is ample evidence that same-sex attraction has many different causes. These lead to significant childhood and adolescent emotional pain and psychological problems. Among males these could include a weak masculine identity, social isolation and loneliness, peer rejection or a poor body image and in females, a mistrust of male love or a weak feminine identity
From my experience I would tend to agree with the CMA here rather than the Catechism. Anyone agree?
To: narses
people wrongly assume that the celibate life will be easy for them. Our bishops need to heed this warning.
To: narses
There is ample evidence that same-sex attraction has many different causes. ...Among males these could include a weak masculine identity, social isolation and loneliness, peer rejection or a poor body image and in females, a mistrust of male love or a weak feminine identity.
Men and women experiencing same-sex attraction may rightly feel that they have always felt different, but that doesnt mean they were born that way. Children are born either male or female, but they have to learn what it means to be a man or a woman. They have to identify with and be accepted by their same-sex parents and peers. If they are going to grow up psychologically healthy they have to feel safe and comfortable with their masculinity or femininity. If, for whatever reason, they fail to pass successfully through this essential developmental stage, they may in adolescence develop same-sex attractions.
Definitely worth repeating...
To: tdadams; Emmylou
To: narses
I think that this is the most informative, least hysterical, best article I've read on the whole problem. I'm printing it out and giving it to the 2 priests in town because even though it was addressed to the bishops there is no telling how much other stuff they had to sift through and this might have fallen through the cracks.
43 posted on
06/27/2002 7:24:41 PM PDT by
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