I'm a deist not an atheist 1st of all A=A existence exist. This universe, definitely a part of existence not neccasaraly all of it, existing within time( you could still tell the passage of time even with no senses but you own thoughts thus I will argue the existence of this universe within in time is absolutely true and independent of perception or sense data) is either eternal itself its own "uncaused caused"( I find this unlikely that tiem goes back forever) or some other eternal thing created our universe which exist in time( well actually another universe existing within time could supposedly make this one but eventually the chain of cause and effect has to end at an origin an "uncaused eternal cause"). That being said its a big leap from my own impersonal, eternal, unfathomable, and distant deist god creating time and space the laws of physics and the original amount of matter and energy in the Universe to the angry jealous God of the Old Testament or the Loving god of the New Testament creating Adam and Eve. Perhaps so, perhaps not. Thanks for sharing your views, in any event. I'll sum up Deism in the dT (actually, the Chuck Colson) Worldview Diagram. Call me on it if I'm wrong.
- Where did we come from?
God the Creator caused the World to come into existence. Beyond this point, God the Creator moved on to other things, preferring not to directly intertwine Himself amongst His Creation.
- What caused Mankind to come to the state he is in?
Mankind, being a Creation of the Divine Being, but not under the control of said Divine Being, has brought upon himself all of the problems in which he finds himself today. He did this by exercising his free will in incorrect manners.
- What can be done to solve the problems in which Mankind finds himself?
Mankind, being on his own from the beginning of Time, must determine and solve his problems by himself, using whichever means he is able to collectively come up with. He can expect no help from the Creator, as the Creator does not become involved in Mankind's affairs.
(Am I on-target here?)
:) ttt
Basically. It is possible that god interferes but given that god would probably know the exact sequence of events determined in time since the beginning of time why would he need to.
I thought I presented it in a more step by step logical fashion a proof that either the universe is eternal and uncaused or a god is eternal and uncaused. I don't see why more people haven't bought into my reasoning their is no faith required its just pure logic faith means you believe in something with no rational and therefore no basis.