I find it strange that the WHOLe sentence is very seldom quoted,
Luke 4:12
RE: I find it strange that the WHOLe sentence is very seldom quoted,
The occasion where the Israelites tested God at Massah ( as you indicate) is found in Exodus 17. Let us remember, that this was AFTER the 10 supernatural plagues visited on Egypt, after passover, after the parting of the Red Sea, after being guided by God’s pillar of cloud and fire by day and by night, after God fed them in the wilderness with Manna.
As God was leading Moses and His people toward the Promised Land, they camped at a place where there was no water. The Israelites’ immediate reaction was to grumble against God and quarrel with Moses (Exodus 17:1–3). Their lack of trust in God to take care of them is evident in their accusations toward Moses: “They said, ‘Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst?’” (Exodus 17:3). The Israelites were obviously in a situation where they needed God to intervene.
The point at which they tested God, though, is when doubt and fear overtook them and they came to the conclusion that God had abandoned them (see Exodus 17:7). They questioned God’s reliability because He was not meeting their expectations.
Because it's ambiguous!
Does it mean:
"Do not test the LORD! To be clear: By 'test,' I mean ONLY doing that thing you did at Massah!"
""Do not test the LORD in the manner in which you tested Him at Massah! Other tests - differing from the test at Massah - are perfectly acceptable, however."
The problem with relying upon scripture which is not susceptible to Q&A! The problem with not being able to ask "Wait a minute! What exactly do you mean by that?"