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AMERICA Prayer Vigil - (5/10/2019) [Prayer]
Free Republic ^
| 10 May 2019
| NEWwoman
Posted on 05/09/2019 8:41:42 PM PDT by NEWwoman
The Donald Trump/Mike Pence Prayer Vigil and Heroes and Nation Prayer Thread have combined to form the AMERICA PRAYER VIGIL prayer thread!
Join with fellow FREEPERS to pray for our President and Vice President and for AMERICA: Government, Family, Military, Business, Education, Churches, and the Media.
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.
1 JOHN 5:14
Religion Forum threads labeled [Prayer] are closed to debate of any kind.
What You Need To Know About VE Day (May 8, 1945)
Winston Churchill- Their Finest Hour Speech
But the wicked will perish:
Though the LORDs enemies
are like the flowers of the field,
they will be consumed,
they will go up in smoke.
Psalm 37:20 (NIV)
TOPICS: Prayer
KEYWORDS: america; prayer
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You are my hiding place;
You will protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs of deliverance.
Psalm 32:7 (NIV)
Schindler's speech to survivers and soldiers
(on the Eve of VE Day)
Heavenly Father
As passed another anniversary of VE Day (May 8, 1945), may we remember the Victory in Europe that took everything we got.
Likewise, may we be heartened that even in the darkest of days unlikely deliverers arose. One such was Oskar Schindler. A womanizer. Adulterer. Lover of pleasure. War profiteer, who took advantage of Nazi slave labor. Yet, this sinner had a deep conviction of the evil of the Nazi atrocities committed about him. And he used his wits to save many of Gods chosen people from extermination while better men did nothing.
Likewise in our day, we thank You, Lord, for raising up President Trump. An imperfect man, like Oskar Schindler. Yet he has taken executive action where he could to save innocent life from the holocaust of abortion. Appoint good judges. Fight to preserve our western culture and the integrity of our institutions. And championed the forgotten middle class while better men did nothing.
As in World War II, Churchills words are true today in the spiritual battle for the soul of our nation. To Americanize them for our time:
Upon this battle depends
the survival of Christian civilization.
Upon it depends our own American way of life,
and the long continuity of our institutions
and our Republic.
The whole fury and might of the enemy
has been turned on us.
The Evil One knows that he will have to break us
or lose the war.
If we can stand up to him, we may be free ...
But if we fail, then the whole world,
including the United States,
including all that we have known and cared for,
will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age
made more sinister,
and perhaps more protracted,
by the lights of perverted science.
In light of this terrible spiritual battle, grant Your people a heart of repentance. Fill us and empower us with Your Spirit, and equip us for battle. With Your help, may we effectively fight the Evil One as You give us the victory.
Meanwhile, through the power of Your Spirit
Let us therefore brace ourselves
to our duties,
and so bear ourselves that,
if America lasts as one nation under God,
may it be said,
This was their finest hour.
In Jesus Name,
Give thanks to the LORD,
for He is good;
His love endures forever.
Psalm 118:1 (NIV)
Keep praying for America
posted on
05/09/2019 8:41:42 PM PDT
To: NEWwoman; 2nd Amendment; 4Godsoloved..Hegave; 1217Chic; af_vet_1981; Albion Wilde; albie; ...
To be added or dropped from this ping list, post or freepmail to stars & stripes forever.
Why Has the West Been So Successful? (PragerU)
(Or why progressives attack Western culture)
(Jerusalem and Athens. Revelation and reason. )
Upon this (spiritual) battle depends
the survival of Christian civilization.
Come now,
and let us reason together,
saith the LORD:
though your sins be as scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they be red like crimson,
they shall be as wool.
Isaiah 1:18 (KJV)
Keep praying for America -----------
posted on
05/09/2019 8:44:05 PM PDT
(God Bless America)
To: NEWwoman
posted on
05/09/2019 8:56:34 PM PDT
(When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.DJT)
To: NEWwoman
posted on
05/09/2019 9:09:50 PM PDT
(The Left/Progressives have diseased minds.)
To: NEWwoman
To: fieldmarshaldj; hoosiermama
A church is not a temple to saints- but a hospital for sinners.
Placing a gentle “amen” on the walking wounded that stumbled in the open doors here tonight.
Sit a spell and slake your thirst FRiends.
posted on
05/09/2019 9:30:33 PM PDT
( MAGA is the NEW third party, enjoying a parasitic feast off the host GOPe body. OUCH!)
To: NEWwoman
AMEN.We thank You, Lord, for raising up President Trump. An imperfect man, like Oskar Schindler. Yet he has taken executive action where he could to save innocent life from the holocaust of abortion. Appoint good judges. Fight to preserve our western culture and the integrity of our institutions. And championed the forgotten middle class while better men did nothing.
Dont judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesnt see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 SAMUEL 16:7
posted on
05/09/2019 9:52:07 PM PDT
stars & stripes forever
(Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. (Psalm 32:12))
To: NEWwoman
posted on
05/09/2019 10:33:21 PM PDT
(Remember . . . Jesus is already in all of your tomorrows.)
To: NEWwoman
posted on
05/10/2019 12:13:01 AM PDT
(Not by speeches & majority decisions will the great issues of today be decided but by Blood & Iron)
To: NEWwoman
LORD, please hear the prayers offered by NEWwoman and others here.
Our nation is in need of You.
We are blessed that You heard our prayers and presented us a warrior to
fight for us.
We pray he will do Your will in eliminating the moles
which make the foundation of this nation highly unstable.
Please give him the necessities to erase Socialism,
Satans curse, from this world.
As always, we pray for our brethren, ill and injured, that they be healed
in spirit, mental, and physical health.
He calls them by name
We pray in JESUS Name.
Memorial Day Inspiration Film,ending with President Reagan (1985)
Musical Tribute:
Ain't No Grave - Jamie Wilson
posted on
05/10/2019 12:50:30 AM PDT
V K Lee
To: NEWwoman
posted on
05/10/2019 3:11:41 AM PDT
To: NEWwoman
posted on
05/10/2019 3:25:02 AM PDT
(`nt to be a nothing burger)
To: NEWwoman
Joining all in prayer.
posted on
05/10/2019 4:38:35 AM PDT
Jane Long
(Praise God, from whom ALL blessings flow.)
To: NEWwoman
posted on
05/10/2019 4:53:51 AM PDT
(Check yourself before you KeK yourself. ~ Melian)
To: NEWwoman
To: NEWwoman
Dear Lord, thank You for raising up Donald Trump for such a time as this. We thank You, Lord, for all of the warriors who fight against corruption, abortion and fascism. We thank You for mercy, that we have opportunity to repent as a nation. Oh Lord, if it were Your Will, that as a nation we may have victory in You. As a nation, may we once again give all the glory and honor to You.
we ask these things in Jesus’ name
posted on
05/10/2019 6:05:18 AM PDT
(its a spiritual war)
To: NEWwoman
Joining you in prayer, Dear NEWwoman, in Jesus Holy Name.
posted on
05/10/2019 6:19:26 AM PDT
left that other site
(For America to have CONFIDENCE in our future, we must have PRIDE in our HISTORY... DJT)
To: NEWwoman
posted on
05/10/2019 6:28:26 AM PDT
(WWG1WGA! You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it)
To: NEWwoman
Joining with you all in prayer, praise and thanksgiving!
To: NEWwoman
Joining in prayer. Blessings to all.
posted on
05/10/2019 7:21:26 AM PDT
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