Posted on 10/30/2015 11:07:59 PM PDT by OrthodoxIndianCatholic
Dear Friends in Jesus and Mary,
Greetings from Mumbai, India.
I have taken an important decision. I will not be posting threads on the "Religion" Section of the Forum any more.
That is only because of 2 things that have happened recently.
1)My PC just a few days back broke down suddenly and it took the life out of me to get it working again.
2)On the last thread, I posted @ FR, there were numerous negative comments against the Blessed Mother which really incensed me and riled me.
One was that Our Lady was a "Frigid Housewife". This is really mean and unbecoming and an unchristian comment. On that count alone, I will not post @ FR anymore.
My Catholic Blog -- Catholic Classics Unlimited will be 2 years old on the 5th of November 2015. It was started on Nov 5, 2013.
My suggestion to everyone since I won't be posting anymore @ FR is to bookmark my Blog or visit it 2-3 times a month to read the articles I have posted.
Important :
Following will be the articles, I will be posting @ my blog in the near future. Read them whenever you can.
1) Dec 12, 2015 -- Our Lady of Guadalupe -- Patroness of the Americas.
2) Dec 25, 2015 -- A Reflection for Christmas Day 2015.
3) Ash Wednesday 2016 -- Lent 2016 -- Lenten Spirituality.
4) A Unique Perspective on the Blessed Mother during Lent.
5) Easter Sunday 2016 -- Resurrection Joy.
6) Divine Mercy Sunday 2016 -- A Perspective on the Blessed Sacrament.
Please remember that Article Number 6 will be the last article to be posted on my Blog.
Please remember to bookmark this thread and also to bookmark my blog.
I am posting this thread @ a cybercafe in Mumbai.
Note : The latest article to be posted @ my blog is a short and sweet article for the Feast of Saint Jude Thaddeus -- Patron of Desperate Cases 28th October 2015.
I’ve only read one of his books and wasn’t that impressed with it. Digital Fortress
I saw that too after I typed my first opinion. Obviously, I was mistaken.
I hope that you will reconsider. You can always take a break and then come back.
Please don’t let the insults of a few bigots drive you away. Their mindless but incendiary crap is designed to be as hurtful as possible. It’s not remotely the general opinion of the vast majority of FR posters.
Tumble with American believers—from your cyber cafe in Mumbai, no less!—and you will get BLOWBACK.
PC troubles taking the life out of you? Yeah, probably a good idea to close up shop and shut down that blog.
Are you defending the Mormon cult?
No, I’m not defending the Mormon cult, you childish person you. I’m just sick of the hate you guys spread around.
Same to you.
It is still an insult directed at the Mother of God.
It is possible to discuss the pros and cons of the dogma of the perpetual virginity of Mary without hurling sneering insults at Mary.
It is not "hate" to point out false teachings.
“It is possible to discuss the pros and cons of the dogma of the perpetual virginity of Mary without hurling sneering insults at Mary.”
Such as I did by quoting Pascal? Yes, I don’t like some of the things I’ve read either re: Mary. I’m moved by what the Spirit records concerning her. That’s why I think it’s a trap to a) make too much of her (going beyond what is written) and then b) trying to cut the fantasy “Mary” down to size. Only Satan could mastermind such a double-bind for us believers to be vexed by.
Do you have any hobbies?
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