Id ask for a change of venue b/c the court made it impossible to defend himself.
America 2015
Even if he is an athiest, he knows that homosexual coupling is an abomination against nature and the order of the universe.
So yeah, total B.S.
Don’t the founding documents of the United States cite Christian beliefs?
Don’t those documents give rise to the court system?
States cannot remove basic rights otherwise provided by the Constitution.
It is ironic that liberals make up rights and call them Constitutional, while claiming rights adjuticated to be legitimate for centuries are unconstitutional.
Liberalism is a mental disease.
#LoveWins => #BakeTheCake => #PinkSwastika => #LoveWins
I liked d’sousa’s rule of thumb. Government cannot discriminate, but private individuals can.
The same court would no doubt say it is okay for bakers to refuse to make Christian-themed cakes
They should post the following sign:
Flour represents the Man
Sugar represents the Woman.
If you want it to represent 2 men, it will get double flour and no sugar. If you want it to represent 2 women, it will get doubt sugar and no flour.
Could they get around this the same way Texans do in dry counties? Restaurants and bars offer club memberships. If you are not a member you cannot buy booze. They could offer bakery services for members only.
Doesn’t this guy have a lawyer? Shouldn’t a lawyer have prepared him for this?
When the pervert couple complains apologize profusely (with your fingers crossed) and give them a refund.
Uh, simple solution for the glbt(gilberts) community. Why don’t some of you open a friggin’ bakery and cater to your fellow, uh, companions. Oh crap. That would require a certain amount of effort and why do that when you can sue somebody out of business. And when I visit and order a cake to celebrate my anniversary with my heterosexual wife, you can refuse and I’ll sue you. I mean fair is fair right?
Corporate case, corporate jurisdiction, corporate statutes, corporate policies, CORPORATE.
Only privileges, no rights.
If you incorporate, that’s what you’re voluntarily accepting. That’s how incorporation WORKS. That’s WHY incorporation can indemnify you from PERSONAL suit.
You can’t be indemnified from personal liability AND have personal rights. You can have the former, OR you can have the latter. They are mutually exclusive concepts.
I serve ALL customers. However, due to my religious convictions, I do not knowingly produce, modify or sell any product that celebrates, endorses or approves any activity that I believe to be sinful before God.
If you want recommendations of other establishments that might cater to your specific wishes that we cannot fulfill, we will supply you with contact numbers.
If you desire to "go public" and embarrass me, great. I will get tons of free publicity. During that time I WILL aggressively defend my beliefs and use every available media outlet to point out the true problem at play, which is the sin that you want me to commemorate, celebrate or endorse.
If you wish to FORCE me to do something against my religious convictions, go right ahead. I will spend every penny I have defending myself and countersuing you into bankruptcy. I will N E V E R bake a cake for you that depicts sinful acts before God. I will N E V E R endorse that sinful act. If you win the case, you will get no money and no cake.
So, how can we serve you?
Appears to me the "Court" is maintaining that the right to freedom of religion guaranteed by the U. S. Constitution (the highest law of the land) is preempted by some vague concern over discrimination. And discrimination has always been the purview of the individual, not government.
The "Court" is wrong and out of control.
...make it so.
Well, that’s a convenient way around the First Amendment - just don’t let people resort to it - brilliant....