I think for me the answer is yes. They care about themselves, but I think with Paul he is there for himself and his father. He was groomed by his father and I see his daddy is not too far away on the campaign trial.
Cruz can go all the way if these idiots and panderers got out of the way.
There’s no freaking time left to lose another election!!! What the hell am I reading about a 1/10 of a billion dollar mosque in Maryland paid for by Ergodan!?!?!!?! Did I fall asleep for twenty years and miss something.
I SAW THE PLANES HIT THE BUILDINGS ON THE WAY TO WORK!!!. I donated blood back on staten island.
I spent a year taking the detour route to midtown and seeing the last dangling remnants of what were two of the world’s most beautiful buildings and in which I had TWO JOBS. THEY WERE BEAUTIFUL AND THEY WERE DESTROYED!!!! Did we forget!!!! We are making a nuke treaty with some piece of sh.t sand n.gger country that celebrated the attack!!?? And we have an African president whose father HATED US and now he hates us. I HATE The people that voted for him. They are as much our enemy as islam is. Make no mistake about it.
What is gong on!!!!!
and FU islam and FU Ergodan and FUBO