Basically, I was molested by a priest, along with another girl, at 14. The church did nothing. I was shunned, my life went to hell, then I was kicked out of catechism in front of my whole class, then later kicked out of the church. Years later it was discovered the priest molested a bunch of girls. He’s dead now.
Thanks for sharing.
Many things will be ‘discovered’ after the Last Trump...
No you weren't.
I’m sorry to read this. Please know that the Church is comprised of human beings who are fallible, and thus experiences such as yours can and do occur. This goes for priests too. Just because they are priests doesn’t mean they don’t sin. Some much more than their parishioners! As is your case.
Actually it sounds like the entire parish you grew up in was full of some very mean people.
Please try to forgive and keep everyone involved in your prayers. If not for their sake at least for yours. Forgiveness and prayer is healing for all concerned.
Peace be with you,