I get very angry at this stuff...and I’m Catholic. This shatters my belief. If it doesn’t make sense, it’s a miracle?? Ignorance....
You’re Catholic?
“I get very angry at this stuff...and Im Catholic.”
Oh, here we go.
“This shatters my belief.”
How? How does that logically follow? Something that sure looks like a miracle happens - and people dare call it a miracle - and that shatters your belief? How can that be? What “belief” EXACTLY is being shattered? Jesus performed miracles. The Apostles performed miracles. Saints have performed miracles. As Catholics WE MUST BELIEVE THAT MIRACLES HAVE BEEN PERFORMED BY GOD. http://ccc.scborromeo.org.master.com/texis/master/search/?sufs=0&q=miracles&xsubmit=Search&s=SS
Now, if Catholics MUST believe that God performs miracles how can you say what looks like a miracle, and what people call a miracle, actually somehow shatters your “belief”? What “belief” is it that you had?
“If it doesnt make sense, its a miracle?? Ignorance....”
Do you believe there has EVER been a miracle? As a Catholic YOU MUST BELIEVE THAT THERE ARE MIRACLES. How did any of the following “make sense”?:
- miraculous creation of the universe
- miraculous parting of the Red Sea
- miraculous raising of the dead men in the Valley of Bones
- miraculous raising of Lazarus from the dead
- miraculous raising of Jairus’ dead daughter
- miraculous healings performed by Jesus
- miraculous transfiguration of Jesus
- miraculous raising of Jesus from the dead
- Jesus miraculously appearing in the Upper Room when the doors were locked
- Jesus miraculously disappearing from the sight of the men he was breaking bread with in the inn on the road to Emmaus
- miraculous healings performed by Peter
Seriously, how do you “make sense” of all that? Do you conclude that none of it ever happened?