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Just a writer, who refuses to typecast his blog by giving it a title ^ | March 18, 2014 | Scott Eric Alt

Posted on 03/19/2014 1:32:10 PM PDT by rwa265

If a Protes­tant look­ing into the claims of Catholi­cism were to ask me, “What one book should I read, where I can find a quick answer to any ques­tion I have?” I would tell him to read Devin Rose’s new book The Protestant’s Dilemma. I would also rec­om­mend this book to Protes­tant apol­o­gists, even those of many years, well-skilled in polemics. It will remind them of the heavy bur­den of proof they face, and the weak­ness of their posi­tion on point after point. The truth may set them free and bring them home too. (It has happened.)

All this may seem like over­state­ment — the oblig­a­tory praise from one Catholic blog­ger to another. But it is not.

Con­sider first the range of issues this book takes up. There are thirty-six chap­ters, each one on a dif­fer­ent topic, from the papacy to sola scrip­tura, from the canon of the Bible to Pur­ga­tory, from con­fes­sion to Eucharist to infant bap­tism. If some­thing about the Catholic Church trou­bles you, this book has the answer. If you think you have found the point on which Catholi­cism fails, this book will show you why it is one more point upon which Protes­tantism fails.

Con­sider also the brevity. The book is just over 200 pages long, which means that Mr. Rose’s answers get to the root of the ques­tion with­out a knot of aca­d­e­mic detail. It is harder to do than it might seem. This is the book of a man who has spent a long time study­ing the ques­tions that divide Protes­tants and Catholics, and who knows how to present his case in a way that is easy for any­one to under­stand. At the same time, the book is use­ful for the pro­fes­sional apol­o­gist, for it recalls his mind to the basics.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Apologetics; Catholic
KEYWORDS: bookreview
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To: metmom; daniel1212
Did Jesus establish a visible, authoritative Church, or not?


He said He was going to BUILD his church, not set it up as an authoritative dictatorship.

Wow, ok. Thank you for your short and honest reply. That's exactly what I was looking for.

I'm amazed this can be said really. I honestly was under the impression everyone believed Jesus established an authoritative visible Church.

I'm really wondering, how does the Body of Christ function, in a pastoral sense, in the world if it has no authority? (specifically to preach and teach)

Really my question is a human one. I'm still left with an undeniable rock of faith that there is a God, so I approach this as I explained to Daniel before, from a human perspective (because that's all I am is a human being, so that's all I can do to respond to the faith in God. All I can do is be a human being).

So really, where do you go when you have a question about the Bible? Don't you have questions about a particular passage or book from time to time? I'm not satisfied with an answer like, "Reading the Bible more gives answers" and/or "Scripture interprets Scripture" because quite frankly, how does a person know they aren't listening to the Devil when they read the Bible for themselves?

It's pretty easy to convince ourselves our answers are right. To me, this is a human need that must be addressed. No one person has all the answers. To anything. So where does someone go when they have questions about their faith? It seems pretty clear to me, everyone, Protestants and Catholics and really everyone eventually goes to someone they trust for help. Ultimately, the "choice" is our own but we still seek out help first when needed. We don't just read a book, to me that seems like self delusion, to believe that we can read the Bible and get all the answers we need on our own.

I honestly can't get past the notion that I might be fooling myself with my own conclusions. Sure I can "say" to myself, "The Holy Spirit guides me", but that seems like more self delusion too, quite frankly. Because I always return to the passage that says, "The Devil can appear as an angel of light" (paraphrased) To me that also says, "The Devil can convince you he is the Holy Spirit helping you read the Bible", when of course he's not the Holy Spirit, he's the Devil "guiding" you when you read Scripture.

It seems to me this is where the fundamental disagreement lies. For me, I can never be without physical help, help that I can experience in this world, as something tangible. To me it seems perfectly human to admit this need, a need only Christ can fill, a need met precisely where it's experienced: in humanity. Not in reading the Bible and "trusting" the "Holy Spirit" helps me; again, that's too fanciful for me.

I guess that's where I might fail, in the eyes of God and Protestants. But so be it, it's what I am: a human being with a need for human help.

Thanks again for your honest answer. If anyone wants to chime in feel free, but I don't see a reason for myself to respond if every Protestant agrees "Jesus didn't establish a visible, authoritative Church". Quite frankly that's where discussions such as this should start and end; it would cut out a lot of this "Is Mary a diety" type trash.

181 posted on 03/20/2014 4:22:36 PM PDT by FourtySeven (47)
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To: Jvette; Elsie
Scripture also says this.

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:8-9

Show where the apostles taught the assumption of Mary and that she is the “queen of heaven”.

182 posted on 03/20/2014 4:36:48 PM PDT by CynicalBear (For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ)
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To: CynicalBear

Thank you for validating my initial post in this thread.

183 posted on 03/20/2014 4:43:13 PM PDT by Jvette
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To: metmom

Good luck on receiving any evidence to back up the scurrilous accusation.

184 posted on 03/20/2014 4:51:45 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: metmom
>> Let me know if you get an answer.<<

I’m not holding my breath. It seems posting scripture support for our position doesn’t sit well with Catholics.

185 posted on 03/20/2014 4:51:48 PM PDT by CynicalBear (For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ)
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To: mgist
What church do you attend Elsie? Please tell us more about your church and beliefs.


So you can try to get me to defend what it's doctrines and beliefs are?

If you must know: Wesleyan.

186 posted on 03/20/2014 4:53:15 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: mgist
We Catholics have seen it all, and I am certainly no one to judge. I find it interesting.

We'll see...

187 posted on 03/20/2014 4:53:50 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Salvation
At least when I go to Confession, I know my sins are forgiven and I know God has forgotten them too.

Are you saying then that no one can have assurance of the forgiveness of their sins if they don't go to a priest for it?

What about the promise the Holy Spirit inspired John to make here?

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

If God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness, tehn how can the Catholic church claim that its priests have the power to retain a person's sins?

How can they retain what God has promised to forgive?

And if God has promised to forgive, why do we need a priest?

188 posted on 03/20/2014 4:59:39 PM PDT by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith....)
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To: mgist
Elsie, you do realize that very few "Protestants" agree with your belief that people who die are "sleeping"?

They DON'T??

Then I wonder just where I would get a crazy idea like that??

Psalm 13:3
Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,
Psalm 90:5
Yet you sweep people away in the sleep of death— they are like the new grass of the morning:
Daniel 12:2
Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.

John 5:28-29
 Jesus said, “Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth;
those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.”
John 11:12-13
His disciples replied, “Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.”
Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep.

1 Corinthians 15:51-52
Listen, I tell you a mystery:
We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.
For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

Ephesians 5:14
This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

1 Thessalonians 4:13
Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope.

189 posted on 03/20/2014 5:02:16 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: mgist
Are you from Westoboro? ... and I am certainly no one to judge.

I'm glad to hear that!!

Are you from Westoboro?

190 posted on 03/20/2014 5:03:15 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Jvette

Your record is skipping.

191 posted on 03/20/2014 5:03:55 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: terycarl

“Catholics know what the Bible says.....they wrote it. “

And the Protestants rewrote it.

192 posted on 03/20/2014 5:04:23 PM PDT by TexasGator
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To: FourtySeven
I'm still left with an undeniable rock of faith that there is a God...

Since you've mentioned rock;
here are a few more...

Is Peter the 'rock'?

NIV Matthew 4:18-19
 18.  As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.
 19.  "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
NIV Matthew 8:14
  When Jesus came into Peter's house, he saw Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever.
NIV Matthew 10:1-2
 1.  He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil  spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.
 2.  These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John;
NIV Matthew 14:28-31
 28.  "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."
 29.  "Come," he said.   Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
 30.  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
 31.  Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
NIV Matthew 15:13-16
 13.  He replied, "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.
 14.  Leave them; they are blind guides.  If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit."
 15.  Peter said, "Explain the parable to us."
 16.  "Are you still so dull?" Jesus asked them.

As you can see, Simon was already known as 'Peter'
BEFORE the following verses came along.....

NIV Matthew 16:13-18
 13.  When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"
 14.  They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets."
 15.  "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"
 16.  Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ,  the Son of the living God."
 17.  Jesus replied, "
Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.
 18.  And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades  will not overcome it.
 19.  I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be  bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

NIV 1 Corinthians 10:4
   and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.
NIV Luke 6:48
   He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.
NIV Romans 9:33
  As it is written: "See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame."
NIV 1 Peter 2:4-8
 4.  As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him--
 5.  you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
 6.  For in Scripture it says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame."
 7.  Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone, "
 8.  and, "A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall." They stumble because they disobey the message--which is also what they were destined for.

But, since there WAS no NT at the time Christ spoke to Peter, just what DID Peter and the rest of the Disciples know about ROCKS???


NIV Genesis 49:24-25
 24.  But his bow remained steady, his strong arms stayed limber, because of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob, because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,
 25.  because of your father's God, who helps you, because of the Almighty,  who blesses you with blessings of the heavens above, blessings of the deep that lies below, blessings of the breast and womb.
NIV Numbers 20:8
   "Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink."
NIV Deuteronomy 32:4
  He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.
NIV Deuteronomy 32:15
   Jeshurun  grew fat and kicked; filled with food, he became heavy and sleek. He abandoned the God who made him and rejected the Rock his Savior.
NIV Deuteronomy 32:18
  You deserted the Rock, who fathered you; you forgot the God who gave you birth.
NIV Deuteronomy 32:30-31
 30.  How could one man chase a thousand, or two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, unless the LORD had given them up?
 31.  For their rock is not like our Rock, as even our enemies concede.
NIV 1 Samuel 2:2
  "There is no one holy  like the LORD; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.
NIV 2 Samuel 22:2-3
 2.  He said: "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
 3.  my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn  of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior-- from violent men you save me.
NIV 2 Samuel 22:32
  For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God?
NIV 2 Samuel 22:47
  "The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God, the Rock, my Savior!
NIV 2 Samuel 23:3-4
 3.  The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me: `When one rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of God,
 4.  he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth.'
NIV Psalms 18:2
  The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn  of my salvation, my stronghold.
NIV Psalms 18:31
   For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God?
NIV Psalms 18:46
  The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Savior!
NIV Psalms 19:14
   May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
NIV Psalms 28:1
   To you I call, O LORD my Rock; do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if you remain silent, I will be like those who have gone down to the pit.
NIV Psalms 31:2-3
 2.  Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.
 3.  Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me.
NIV Psalms 42:9
   I say to God my Rock, "Why have you forgotten me? Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?"
NIV Psalms 62:2
   He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
NIV Psalms 62:6
   He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
NIV Psalms 62:7
   My salvation and my honor depend on God ; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
NIV Psalms 71:3
   Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress.
NIV Psalms 78:35
   They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer.
NIV Psalms 89:26
   He will call out to me, `You are my Father, my God, the Rock my Savior.'
NIV Psalms 92:14-15
 14.  They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,
 15.  proclaiming, "The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him."
NIV Psalms 95:1
   Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
NIV Psalms 144:1
   Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.
NIV Isaiah 17:10
   You have forgotten God your Savior; you have not remembered the Rock, your fortress.
NIV Isaiah 26:4
   Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.
NIV Isaiah 30:29
 And you will sing as on the night you celebrate a holy festival; your hearts will rejoice as when people go up with flutes to the mountain of the LORD, to the Rock of Israel.
NIV Isaiah 44:8
   Do not tremble, do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one." 
NIV Habakkuk 1:12
   O LORD, are you not from everlasting? My God, my Holy One, we will not die. O LORD, you have appointed them to execute judgment; O Rock, you have ordained them to punish.

.....No other rock.............
And now you know the Biblical position!

193 posted on 03/20/2014 5:07:21 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Jvette

Are you and narses married to each other?

194 posted on 03/20/2014 5:08:13 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Jvette
I have spent too much time obsessing about the untruths and deliberate lies repeated here by anti Catholic Christians.

And yet; here you are still; evidently unable to let it go.

And; it seems; unable to post any EVIDENCE to support your serious accusations.

195 posted on 03/20/2014 5:10:23 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: FourtySeven; metmom; daniel1212
>>"The Holy Spirit guides me", but that seems like more self delusion too, quite frankly.<<

Self dilusion? When scripture is rather clear on the matter?

"The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned." 1 Cor 2:14

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever--the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you. John 14:16,17

Acts 15:8 And God, who knows the heart, bore witness by granting them the holy Spirit just as he did us. 9 He made no distinction between us and them, for by faith he purified their hearts.

1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.

1 John 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

196 posted on 03/20/2014 5:10:31 PM PDT by CynicalBear (For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ)
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To: TexasGator

Mormons aren’t Protestants.

197 posted on 03/20/2014 5:12:01 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Elsie

I was referring to the English.

198 posted on 03/20/2014 5:26:03 PM PDT by TexasGator
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To: Jvette

And yours of mine!

199 posted on 03/20/2014 5:47:08 PM PDT by daniel1212 (Come to the Lord Jesus as a contrite damned+destitute sinner, trust Him to save you, then live 4 Him)
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To: daniel1212

Well done.

200 posted on 03/20/2014 5:47:34 PM PDT by xone
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