My sister claims to be an athiest and has turned her back on the church she was raised in and baptized in- The Catholic Church.
However, when my brother was discussing how he, his wife and daughter don’t go to church, my sister freaked out, saying that children need God.
Vewwwwy puzzling.
I don't know if they did it as insurance against immoral peer pressure or to keep their parents/grandparents from haranguing them.
However, when my brother was discussing how he, his wife and daughter dont go to church, my sister freaked out, saying that children need God.
Vewwwwy puzzling.
Sounds like your sister knows in her heart that God exist. My husband rejected God for years. One Sunday I was trying to get my three sons ready for church and my husband was complaining I should not force them to go. I had been fervently praying for my husband and showing him unconditional love, but that Sunday I lost it. I turned to him and said fine, we'll do it your way. I won't go, the kids won't go and well all go to hell and it will be ALL your fault. I did not really believe that, nor would I stop going, but I did not go that Sunday. Three months later my husband turned his life to Christ. Even if I'm sick and can't go to church, he goes.
Religion can't be replaced with nationalism or ideology for a child
If they don't want to bring up the children with religion, at least make them spiritual with a sense of morality (but then morality comes from God)...
Keep praying for them. They can come back through your prayers. Remember St. Monica and pray.