This guy is an idiot. A false teacher. He needs to get his so called message correct. He has had many opportunities to do the right thing and stand up for God. He refuse. He tap dances around the issues and does not come right out and say that homosexuality is a sin and an abomination before God. God is NOT going to be for anyone that does this abomination. God is going to send them straight to hell unless they repent of this abomination. Osteen needs to get off his hip pockets and stand up for God or he is going to be severely surprised when he stands before the Lord on Judgment Day! He might be surprised at which he will appear. The one for the lost and the one for those that deny God is the Great White Throne judgment for the lost! Osteen needs to repent of his refusal to say that sin is sin. He never says this.
Says Scripture: "I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. (2 Timothy 4:1-4, ESV)
False teaching is all about man. Truth is all about God.
I am ashamed to say 8 or 9 years ago I bought and read Your Best Life Now . Made me feel good, like eating a box of chocolates, except the “hangover” lasted a lot longer.
Joel sells sugar-coated turds.
Ping to the Osteen crowd.
How can you follow this guy’s teachings?
From the article: The Texas minister, who leads Americas largest congregation, explained that he refuses to harp on such issues and was for everybody.
This snake oil salesman and others like him are the reason our country is in moral decline.
He doesn’t fear God or believe in Him...He doesn’t love people. If he did, he would tell them the TRUTH in love.
One I never heard of.
He doesn't preach the gospel. He's a false prophet.
Even Benny Hinn has issues with Joel Osteen.
Now, mind you, I’m no fan of either, but this video shocked me with the stand Hinn took. He doesn’t actually confront Osteen face to face, but this is a clip from a message where he addresses Osteen Larry King interview. And he shreds Osteen for it.
It’s only 10 minutes ling.
Benny Hinn Confronts Joel Osteen
Flee from the wrath to come.
This “feel good” preaching is worthless. There is JUDGEMENT coming. He’ll and punishment were taught by Christ.
If doing your best was enough why did Christ die on the cross and suffer God’s wrath taking our punishment for sin.?
Wouldn’t watch this dude if he preached in my front yard.
“Thats the whole key. Its never about just what can I get so that I can be so rich and wealthy. Its not that. Its how can I be blessed to do good for other people, he said. “
Right Joel, The Bible was very clear showing Jesus as a rich man and also all of his disciples. The core message was about acheiving material plenty. /sarc
But why is Jesus Christ needed to achieve the blessings Osteen lists? If he took Christ out of his sermons could you still preach the same message? Probably.
Christ is needed to save us. He alone brought salvation into this world and offered it up freely on the Cross. He did this to atone for our sins. That is what people need to hear. That is the unpopular truth that Christians are called to tell others.
Nothing, nobody, no action, no belief, will ever, ever take the place of Jesus Christ when it comes to the fate of our souls. He is Lord. Preachers that gloss over that message are deceiving people.
He and his wife remind me of the movie “Elmer Gantry.”
Wow, lots of haters here.....
Osteen is just yet another
TV has more often than not petrified the word
I get so tired of hearing "God is on my/your side." Yes, He loves us, but are WE on HIS side? Are we for Him? That is the decision we have to make.
Osteen is mealymouthed and wants to be liked. I have no use for him. Anyway, who smiles ALL the time?
Full disclosure: I’m a Catholic. I attend Mass usually once or twice a week. On TV I usually watch EWTN. My wife (although a Catholic as well) likes watching the Protestant TV ministers. She regularly watches Joel Osteen, John Hagee, Joyce Meyer, Jesse Duplantis, Creflo Dollar, Kerry Shook, among others. We have seen some of them in person at their conferences. Here is my take:
1) I like Osteen’s smile, postive attitude, upbeat messages, can-do attitude, pro-success sermons. I don’t particularly care for his corny jokes or repetitiveness. I know his father is with the Lord. I’ve heard the story of how met his wife and inherited is father’s ministry a million times.
2) John Hagee is the most interesting of all, well read, and educated with a solid background in history as well as theology. He certainly does not hesitate to condemn sinful behavior such as sodomy and abortion. While I share his pro-Israel outlook and attitude, I think he does go over board at time praising the Jews and his contempt for Catholicism is at times palpable.
3) Joyce Meyer is my favorite in this group. She does stick closely to scripture. She tells it like it is in a self deprecating way which I think connects with a lot of people. Learn from my mistakes seems to be her biggest message. She bares it all. Yes she makes tons of money-—a testimony to her success——but she also gives a lot of it away. You can’t help the poor if you’re poor yourself.
4) Jesse Duplantis. Another highly successful TV minister who has made a great fortune doing what he does. My wife likes him. I think he’s goofy.
5) Creflo Dollar seems OK to me. No major issues with him.
6) Kerry Shook: Usually a pretty good message although he is a little too casual for my tastes. He seems to have a lot of contempt for organized religion and institutions as well as ritual.
Of course no is perfect. We are all sinners. We all have our faults and imperfections. But I think on whole they are good people trying their best to help others and incorporate scripture into their messages. What works for some doesn’t work for others. Casual preachers like Kerry Shook can connect with others discouraged by organized religion. I prefer the institution, discipline, structure, and history of my faith. But Lord knows we have had more than our share of sin, corruption, and scandal from time to time.
A “Christian” leader who refuses to renounce sin is about as useful or helpful as a dead carp in the middle of a battle.