I don't know if the Bible tells us but it tells me and millions of other Bible readers what their diet was supposed to be. It's in Genesis. I could look it up for you but I'm not sure that would do any good.
Not sure what that means, but I know about clean and unclean ANIMALS. You claimed there wouldn’t be any death in heaven. I brought up a reference to meat being “created” in a lab and asked “Does the Bible tell us that Adam and Eve were vegetarians?”
I smell an arrogant, holier-than-thou response in your “I could look it up for you but I’m not sure that would do any good” which isn’t what I was looking for.
If you want to avoid the question, fine, but I don’t need one of those belittling “I’m not sure that would do {you} any good” responses.
Just for grins, I’ll talk down to you, since you only talked down to me and made no attempt to meaningfully answer my question.....
It appears that “commentaries” set the narrative straight, but I’m not satisfied with “God then compromised the vegetarian ideal” as stated by a COMMENTARY by “Dex”, “A STAFF REPORT FROM THE STRAIGHT DOPE SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD”
No further response by you is needed or expected.