Firstly, Trinitarian belief is not that these are three "persons" in the English meaning . It is a bad translation from the Latin 'Persona'
Secondly, Trinitarian belief is that there is ONE God not three Gods
John 10:29 "That which my Father hath given me, is greater than all . . . I and the Father are one." doesn't make sense unless there is some separation. Ditto for the scene at Christ's baptism and at Christ's crucifixion.
thirdly, the concept that Jesus was only God negates one of the key points of Christianity which is Christ's humanity. He was not just deus ex machina
I take sacraments at our Episcopal Church in town.
The Nicaean creed is said before Holy Supper here - I meditate and think of my own confession for that time. I will be putting up my formal confession as a lay minister as a Facebook note that I will link on my profile page soon. It's not online - only in our Liturgy so I will have to type it out. I'd also like to request to post to Catholic Caucus threads. I consider all Catholics my brethren no matter how we worship externally.
I believe we are created in the Lord's image. The heavens were bent at the Lord's advent. His soul Divine and the Father, his body from Mary and human. He put off his human nature to be glorified as Divine Human. Our regeneration is the same process, described in Genesis from Abraham to Joseph and His brothers. We believe clouds represent the literal sense of the Word. 'Person' takes away from Divine and has led to the blasphemy that Jesus is wholly natural and not Divine. We do not discard any word of the Old Testament.
I like to invite you to Church. I found this service very moving on Veterans Day and after the election. I think Catholics will find it very familiar:"You Have Saved Us", Rev. Jeremy F. Simons - 11/11/2012 Adult Service (Holy Supper)