It does appear that the topic of MormonISM is being used as a vehicle to attack Mitt Romney. We warned that this would happen when Mitt lept into the primaries, that the vermin in DNC sycophantic media would crucify Milt over his weird religious beliefs because it is too tempting to ignore for the 'do anything to hold onto power DNC.
Sadly, that work appears to be leaping out from Freerepublic religion forum; instead of being focused upon exposing the heresies in Mormonism, we see in the religion forum threads which appear to expose MormonISM only to be strategically shifted to attack Romney for his religious beliefs.
If there are aspects about modern Mormonism which reveal it is treacherous to The Republic, then I could understand the linkages. If Milt was a mooselimb we would be posting about the haditha and the treachery mooselimbs are instructed to use toward all who are not followers of the lesser moon goddess who was at the beginnings of that religion, and the instructions to lie, steal, cheat, and murder those who are opposed to Islamic dictates.
But I have yet to find such aspects (other than lying for the Lord taught to the missionaries, which is treacherous to your soul but not the Republic/nation) in modern MormonISM or Mormons, so it strikes me as 'counter productive' in the work to expose the heresies at the heart of the ISM, to attack Mitt the sleazy liberal(and he is don'tchaknow) as a significant part of religion forum threads.
If Romney is successful in ousting the commie running the federal thugocracy, we Inmans will have four years of near over exposure to reveal the blasphemies in MormonISM and perhaps persuade individuals caught up in that cult that they are being duped, just the way Milt will try to dupe the nation with his brand of liberalism.
And don't dare call attention to that appearance because you will be vilified, alinskyed personally (fix the target by speciously defining it, freeze it, then attack it), for 'compartmentalizing your religious beliefs'. Well, that's a generic "you", I doubt Elsie would be vilified since you have such affection for goats.
As far as Mitt and the candidacy I feel no more secure about mitt than I do Obama really, at least on domestic matters. In fact with Republican majority at least Obama would be land locked. Mitt wants many of the same things despite his new found Conservative staance. In 19 months after being sworn in I have a feeling I will get a really good I told you so moment as Romneycare and other items are passed by a Republican congress not wanting to go against a sitting Republican president and Democrats glad to have their plans in acted if under a different label.
We are screwed one way or the other as things stand now.
I can not support Obama nor actively support Romney.
I will figure out what that means when the time comes.
The Inmans have posted warnings again and again regarding the theocratic goals of mormonism....What the world calls Mormonism will rule every nation...God has decreed it, and his own right arm will accomplish it. This will make the heathen rage. (Journal of Discourses, vol. 7, p. 53) and I personally have questioned Romney's oath to put the mormon church over and above "everything he has or ever will have" as noted here:
Those who once labored with us to battle against the mormon goals and NOW are choosing to aid these goals and denigrating those of us who are being true to the our beliefs are no longer on the roster of the Flying Inmans.
Romney's goal of attaining the position of "most powerful man in the world" while having taken the oath listed above, makes his candidacy fair game on the Religion Forum, like it or not.
So true; but WHY?
The only loving I get from them is when I appear with treats in my hand.
It's almost like posting on FR!!! ;^)
Do we really want to let the camel get its nose THAT far into the tent? Since many have suggested that Obama is a closet Muslim, why not leave him in office so we can educated about the evils of Islam?
If there are aspects about modern Mormonism which reveal it is treacherous to The Republic, then I could understand the linkages.
Have you ever worked in an organization where the top leadership is Mormon? If so, you'll understand the phrase Mormon Mafia. There is an excellent chance that Romney will take cronyism to levels that Obama never comtemplated. Having experienced it first-hand, it's not something we would want for our country.