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Actually I have thought deep about why God would let a LDS member rise to the White house. We know the Lord has no interest in trying to add legitimacy to the illegitimate. But I see a point in what you say as well. Light is the best way to expose what lies in the darkness and the LDS will be exposed more than ever before. Their own greed for members has them acting recklessly now, all excited that one of theirs will have the highest office without thinking of what that truly means.

As far as Mitt and the candidacy I feel no more secure about mitt than I do Obama really, at least on domestic matters. In fact with Republican majority at least Obama would be land locked. Mitt wants many of the same things despite his new found Conservative staance. In 19 months after being sworn in I have a feeling I will get a really good I told you so moment as Romneycare and other items are passed by a Republican congress not wanting to go against a sitting Republican president and Democrats glad to have their plans in acted if under a different label.

We are screwed one way or the other as things stand now.

I can not support Obama nor actively support Romney.

I will figure out what that means when the time comes.

160 posted on 06/11/2012 7:00:43 AM PDT by ejonesie22 (8/30/10, the day Truth won.)
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To: ejonesie22
Actually I have thought deep about why God would let a LDS member rise to the White house.

Are you still killing your unborn?

-- GOD


187 posted on 06/11/2012 8:01:25 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going)
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