**I’d never heard such personally divisive hateful language at any Catholic funeral prior to, or since that one.**
I’m sorry you had such a bad time in hearing the truth.
Our priest usually says something like this, “If you are not Catholic, you can come forward for a blessing at Communion time using this gesture (crosses arms over chest). Otherwise you are welcome to be seated.”
I find the part about being seated in the presence of Christ offensive, but I have not been able to talk to our priest and ask him why he changed his language. He used to just stop it with the previous sentence.
I do not think the priest was being rude or singling yu out. I think perhaps he lacked a bit of tact. But other than that, he told the truth.
Why hold it against the entire Catholic Church.
You are welcome to return anytime. Just find a priest you can sit down with and talk and get your questions answered.
My perspective — you will return to the Catholic Church.
I'm sorry you're such a cold hearted jackass who likely wouldn't know Christ's truth if it got up and smacked you upside your head..