Incredible. Really.
Please riddle me this: how does one quote from something that isn't 100% literally true in order to defend an institution that claims said document isn't 100% literally true? HOW DO YOU SPLIT THIS ATOM? The answer is: you can't! Once you cross that Rubicon, you're done, and so is the Catholic Church.
In the Apocalypse, which you refer to, Saint John explicitly admitted that he "fell down before his feet, to adore him." No Catholic does this to the pope....
Are you trying to say that "him" meant God and not the angel? If you are, that is more rubbish. If you are saying the angel didn't really correct John.....well, you know that isn't true because that isn't what the scripture says. Moreover, the very fact that this Pope, or any Pope, would allow any Catholic to call them "Holy Father" and not correct it on the spot, issue a statement saying to never do that again, brings down your whole argument. Let's put it this way - if the angels are in error throughout the bible when they refuse worship, but the Pope is correct to expect and permit it - then God owes Satan and the fallen angels a big apology at the Great White Throne Judgment. We know that isn't the case, so you argument is in tatters.
Right...I know....they aren't really prostrate down before the Pope. Right? What are they prostrate before?
He promotes and defends a proper Christian understanding of the bible which does not exaggerate one statement in such a manner to obliterate the meaning of the rest, and never suggests we are not to read it. Frankly, the dishonesty of this claim is astonishing.
Right. He tells you that scripture isn't all really true, and to let the church tell you what is what.
You know that is true, and that this is the crux of the whole argument. And frankly, your refusal to admit it isn't astonishing. If you did, the foundation that you believe keeps you in the good "IN" basket versus the bad "OUT" basket would be shattered.
You know what I never understood when I was a Catholic? The concept of Grace. I really thought the question of whether I got into heaven or not was dependent on some type of equation, where God would add up all my "good" and subtract all my "bads" and some how, some way, maybe, just maybe, I would be O.K. to the right of the equal sign. I was in terror, because I didn't know what the tally was, and truth be told, my heart knew I was headed for Hell itself. Not because I was terrible, but because I knew I fell short. Well, everyone falls short. Only Christ can bridge that chasm.
Ephesians 2:8 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."
You know something? The Catholic church never, ever taught me that. I asked several priests: "How do I get to heaven, and know I am going there?" Do you know what their answer was?
"That's a great mystery."
Now, not every priest gives that answer, but a lot do. The truth is either that they don't know themselves, or they won't teach what the bible says about salvation.
There are a lot of sins, but that one sure is up there.
Something about mill stones and necks comes to mind.
Where was the photo taken? I want to see whether there's just a cross or a Crucifix behind where the Pope is standing. Then I can tell you.
As close as I can tell with a really quick search, every Catholic has an alter cross and has ever since about the thirteenth century. Given that the alter whereon the cross would sit has been cropped out of this photo, I want to know which Church it is since I've never seen a Catholic Church where there wasn't a cross or crucifix on the alter during any mass. Do you have a copy of the photo that hasn't been cropped or know which Church this is?
Can't happen, doesn't happen, never has happened, never will happen, and anyone saying it happens is cherry picking the way Protestants always do since the all apply the [Lego Block Method of Scripture Interpretation].
For those not predisposed to hate the Catholic Church that Christ Himself ordained and started, it is very easy to find out how the Church interprets everything in light of context as well as related Scripture rather than by making up their own version of His Word by selectively applying verses any way the like whether they relate to the topic under discussion or not.
So is that OK with you if they prostrate their bodies to Christ?
The Priesthood (Holy Orders) [Catholic Caucus]
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On the menu: the priesthood
Of priests and possible priests to be
Priests are a gift from the Heart of Christ, Pope Benedict says
Convert looks forward to serving God in unique way [Father Doug Piece]
Catholic Biblical Apologetics: Opportunities of Grace: [Holy] Orders
From Krishna to Christ: The Conversion Testimony of Father Jay Kythe
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A Father and Son Swim the Tiber and become Priests [Ecumenical]
Cardinal Arinze discusses the priestly vows of obedience, poverty and chastity (Catholic Caucus)
Pope Gives Key to Being Highly Effective Priests [Ecumenical]
Priests: Ordinary Men Made Extraordinary by Grace [Holy Orders/Chrism Mass]
7 Reasons To Be a Priest
The Nature of Priestly Ordination: Theological Background and Some Present Concerns
The Priesthood of Jesus Christ - Body and Blood (Confessional ... Consecration ... and Calvary)
What You [Catholics] Need to Know: Priesthood (Holy Orders) [Catholic-Orthodox Caucus]
What You {Catholics} Need to Know: Celibacy [Catholic/Orthodox Caucus]
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No shortage of priests in Atlanta, more than 50 seminarians
Debt, the Vocation Killer [Catholic Caucus]
Identical twins become Green Bay priests
A Modern Roman Rite Priest reports on Classical Roman Rite Training
Number of new priests expected to rise in 2007
Father, Mother, Sister, Brother [Part One of a series on Celibacy] -- Catholic Caucus
It Takes a Village of Vocations [Part Two of a series on Celibacy] -- Catholic Caucus
Living Single and Celibate in Gods Service [Part Three of a series on Celibacy] -- Catholic Caucus
Brothers and Sisters in Christ [Part Four of a series on Celibacy] -- Catholic Caucus
The Adventure of the Priesthood [Part Five of a series on Celibacy] -- Catholic Caucus
This Is the Body of Christ [Part Six of a series on Celibacy and Vocations] -- Catholic Caucus
14 men are ordained into the priesthood (at St. Patrick's Cathedral NYC)
To Know, To Love, To Lead (Pope Benedict XVI ordains 22 new priests)
The Indispensable Priesthood -- Holy Thursday, [Catholic/Orthodox Caucus]
Why Does the Catholic Church Ordain Only Men to the Priesthood? Part Three[Cath/Orth/Angl Caucus]
Why Does the Catholic Church Ordain Only Men to the Priesthood? Part Two
Why Does the Catholic Church Ordain Only Men to the Priesthood? Part One [Catholic/Orthodox Caucus]
Vatican Said (Again!) Not Revising Celibacy Rule
Ordinatio Sacerdotalis
You may not agree that Jesus Christ IS present (and you'd then disagree with the Early Christians and indeed all Christians until the 16th century and indeed with Martin Luther, all the Lutherans, Anglicans as well as orthodoxy (Catholics, Orthodox, Orientals, Assyrians), but the prostration is to Jesus Christ alone. Go to a mass and see it for yourself instead of getting second-hand propaganda opinions
Please riddle me this: how does one quote from something that isn't 100% literally true in order to defend an institution that claims said document isn't 100% literally true? HOW DO YOU SPLIT THIS ATOM? The answer is: you can't! Once you cross that Rubicon, you're done, and so is the Catholic Church.
This is not what you actually said, and I think you know that. Your claim, which was false, was that the pope did not give me permission to quote it. Catholics do not need permission for such things, and nothing in this article suggested any ban on bible quoting, and so your claim was false.
Are you trying to say that "him" meant God and not the angel? If you are, that is more rubbish.
You can't be serious.
Moreover, the very fact that this Pope, or any Pope, would allow any Catholic to call them "Holy Father" and not correct it on the spot, issue a statement saying to never do that again, brings down your whole argument.
Holy Father is not a form of worship. Many people are holy, and the scripture calls them this. St. Paul calls himself other people's spiritual father, and calls himself holy. But, you say this is so simply because you say it is so. And it has nothing to do with the texts you have quoted. The Apocalypse verse in question describes John as falling down in adoration, not saying Holy Father, and so there is no connection. It simply doesn't back up your assertion that these words are a form of adoration due to God. I could argue that shaking somebody's hand is worship and use this text with as much relevancy as you have. One first has to prove that the action is definitively a form of adoration before such verses have bearing, and you haven't done it, nor can you since adoration is a matter of intent in the first place.
Right...I know....they aren't really prostrate down before the Pope. Right? What are they prostrate before?
God, as if you didn't know. And when you kneel at home to pray I suppose you are worshiping your bed?
You know that is true, and that this is the crux of the whole argument. And frankly, your refusal to admit it isn't astonishing. If you did, the foundation that you believe keeps you in the good "IN" basket versus the bad "OUT" basket would be shattered.
Now, you are being dishonest here. You stated, directly, that the pope has warned Catholics against reading, studying and meditating on the bible, and you know that is a lie. Don't dodge. You said something which was untrue, and you should admit it was wrong and then move on to the point you want to make now. Don't compound your error.
You know what I never understood when I was a Catholic?
I would bet there was a great deal you didn't understand, including the faith itself. What you state as the Catholic faith in these posts bears no resemblance to what we do or believe. Your arguments that we worship the pope are simply absurd, and would be akin to me arguing, as I said earlier, that you worship your bed or a book that you bow down in front of. You have no credibility on this. You read an article and then made up things that were not there and you expect me to believe your interpretation of the bible? Please, don't be absurd. If you can take a few simple statements as were given in this brief writing and come up with things that are not there who could trust your interpretation of scripture? Who could trust you regarding what Catholics do? You just aren't reliable as a witness.
They are prostrate before God. Within the ordination rite the man being ordained lies prostrate before the altar (out of sight in the photo) during the Litany of Saints and the prayer that follows it. It symbolizes his complete submission to God unworthiness for the office to be assumed. It signifies his total dependence upon God and the prayers of the entire Christian community to be successful in his new ministry.