You like my posts and my beliefs SO MUCH, you use them yourself. How cute - taking what is others and using it for yourself even though they don’t apply. Liberals do the same.
It's very strange that your group doesn't reveal anything about it's basic beliefs but hides behind shouts and insults. I've seen the left do the same...
As I was pointing out, there was a leftist, Hankkerchief aka Reginald Firehammer who kept trying to foment intra-Christian fights but never revealed what he himself belived in, only focusing on little barbs.
Tell us presently, what does your group believe in?
Does your group believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.
As I was pointing out, there was a leftist, Hankkerchief aka Reginald Firehammer who kept trying to foment intra-Christian fights but never revealed what he himself belived in, only focusing on little barbs.
Tell us presently, what does your group believe in?
Does your group believe in ONE Lord Jesus Christ, The Only Son of God, Eternally Begotten of the Father, begotten, not made, ONE in being with the Father, through whom all things was made
As I was pointing out, there was a leftist, Hankkerchief aka Reginald Firehammer who kept trying to foment intra-Christian fights but never revealed what he himself belived in, only focusing on little barbs.
Tell us presently, what does your group believe in?
Does your group believe that Jesus Christ, God the Son became incarnate in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, was born of a virgin through the Holy Spirit. That God truly became human in Jesus Christ.
Does your group believe as we Christians do, that Jesus Christ was fully man and fully God or doesn't your group believe that He was a spirit or ghost
As I was pointing out, there was a leftist, Hankkerchief aka Reginald Firehammer who kept trying to foment intra-Christian fights but never revealed what he himself belived in, only focusing on little barbs.
Tell us presently, what does your group believe in?
Does your group believe that Jesus Christ, God the Son was crucified, DIED and was buried. Does your group believe that or does your group believe that Jesus was not crucified or died, but was spirited away?
Does your group believe that for our sake Jesus Christ our Lord, God and Savior rose again in fulfilment of the scritpures?
Does your group believe that Jesus Christ, God the Son was crucified, DIED and was buried. And on the third day He rose again, ascended into heaven?
Does your group believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life?
As I said, leftist scum like Hank Kerchief would not reveal his beliefs because it would expose him as a leftist anti-Christian.