I personally dont bother to read the links...
Heres the contents...
When the Prophet speaks, the thinking is done.
Whatever the Prophet says, regardless of the subject or his expertise is the truth.
The study of doctrine can do more to correct behavior then the study of behavior.
Put it on the shelf
You know that its true, you have just forgotten what you once knew.
Its the Signs of the Time
Even the very elect will be deceived
I was moved/inspired by the Holy Ghost to.........(fill in your miracle here)
Every member a missionary
Return with honor
I know this Church is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet
Eternal Companion
Righteous daughter of Zion
Endure to the end
When the Profit Speaks The Debate Ends
It will all be revealed in the fullness of time
He was only speaking as a man
The Bishop is the father of our ward..(maybe he was in polygamist times...)
I am thankful for my GOOD wife
Man is not perfect but the church is & Gods ways are not mans ways
Mormon wives I dont mind that women cant hold the Priesthood; I get to hold the Priesthood in my arms.
I know with every fiber of my being
When we shed this mortal coil we will understand everything we cant comprehend now, and we will know it has all been worth it.
When the Paragon types; the linking is done.