Hmm...let me "fix" this vanity for you [bold-faced="added" copy]:
400 180 years ago CatholicsMormons looked on Protestantism, Catholics & Orthodox as apostates of Christianity that lead people to a Joseph Smith-free hellish existence, and looked on Protestants as not really being Christians. Clearly they'vehaven't changed their minds a bit over the years on that (kinda hard in that's it's basically embedded in Mormon stone like the 10 commandments). In time, the same thing will won't happen with respect to how Mormons regard Christians IMHO. In fact it largely has already become worse because now Mormons act so schizophrenic on this subject -- saying one thing to your face all the while their printed material says the exact opposite! While there are still some who speak of Mormons who treat Christians the same way that Catholics spoke of Protestants centuries ago, society in general recognizes The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as Mormons... and then Christians as distinctly a Christian group. In fact, even the vanity-author, Grig, distinguished the two by the headline of "Mormon and Christian!"