Here's a primer for you. With any luck, the shame induced by calling out the tactics of a Mormon who has reached your degree of hard-heartedness might still be able to be shamed into silence (if you have a reachable conscience remaining),
LYING defn. be untruthful, bear false witness, beguile, break promise, bull*, con, concoct, deceive, delude, dissemble, dissimulate, distort, dupe*, equivocate, exaggerate, fabricate, fake, falsify, fib, forswear, frame, fudge, go back on, invent, make believe, malign, misguide, misinform, misconstruct, mislead, misrepresent, misspeak, misstate, overdraw, palter, perjure, pervert, phony, plant*, prevaricate, promote, put on*, put up a front, snow*, soft-soap, string along, victimize,
BEGUILE defn. amuse, attract, cheer, delight, distract, divert, engross, entertain, entice, knock dead, knock out, lure, occupy, seduce, send, slay, solace, sweep off one's feet, tickle, tickle pink, tickle to death, turn on, vamp, wow
CON defn. bluff, cheat, crime, deception, double-cross, dupe, fraud, gold brick, graft, mockery, swindle, take in
DELUDE defn. beguile, betray, bluff, caboodle, cheat, con,cozen, disinform, do a number on, double-cross,dupe*, gull, hoax*, hoodwink*, illude, impose on,jive, juggle, lead up garden path, misguide,mislead, mousetrap, outfox, play trick on, snow*,string along, sucker, take in, trick