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I am sorry Glenn but I cannot join you
Reformation Theology ^ | Pastor John Samson

Posted on 08/31/2010 6:42:35 PM PDT by Gamecock

I really like Glenn Beck. Though I have never met him in person, I have often watched his television programs and thought it would be so nice to have that kind of a guy as a friend. I imagine that he is far too busy and way too inaccessible for that to become a reality, but I do genuinely like the man. He is insightful, articulate, funny, and seems to want some great things for his family and our nation. I do think that sometimes he has one or two conspiracy theories that may not be fully justified - we shall see - but all in all, Glenn seems to be a really nice guy.

I share many of the same goals as Glenn. I speak as one born in England but now very much a U.S. citizen. All my children were born here in these United States and I live and pray for America to become in all reality, "one nation under God." I love America. I sincerely believe Glenn does too.

But I do have a problem - not a problem with him as a person in any way at all, but when he asks me to join him in praying for the very same things I wish for my country, I just cannot. I can pray for these things privately, and with fellow Christians, of course, and I do. I just cannot stand with Glenn in a public setting and be comfortable while I know he is praying to a false god. How could I ever say "Amen" at the end of his prayer that people would turn back to the god he serves? I just cannot do it. That is because Glenn Beck is a Mormon. The "god" he prays to is not in any way the same God as mine.

I know.. I know.. even saying this is politically and religiously incorrect, but I cannot help but say it. When Glenn Beck speaks of "god" we need to remember that he uses a different dictionary to Christians. The God of the Bible is One in essence and eternally exists in three co-equal Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Mormons reject this completely, believing that there are many worlds controlled by different gods and the god of this planet was once a man. The Jesus of Mormonism is the begotten offspring of this exalted man in sexual union with one of his many wives, and this god lives on a planet circling a star named Kolob, and his "gospel" is the message of how you, too, can be exalted to godhood. Christianity is Monotheistic. Mormonism is the most polytheistic religion in the world. Doctrine matters folks and deceived people, deceive people!

A dear fellow Christian, in coming to understand where I am on this issue wrote to me today saying, "I like Glenn Beck and appreciate his effort to bring America back to her godly roots. He is doing a great job in uniting government, church, and media. He does speak from a Mormon perspective but still has a heart of seeing America return to God even though he might not have the same theological view as we do."

I responded by saying, " I understand you - but I cannot agree that Mormonism is in any way "godly." According to the Bible, there is nothing at all godly about false religion. Godliness is not just about acts of service, honor, integrity, courage and the like, as wonderful as these things are, but it also includes worship of the One true God and the avoidance of all forms of idolatry. Mormonism is idolatrous worship and when Glenn Beck prays, despite his intentions, he prays to a false god who cannot help either Mr. Beck or America."

I can remember reading about the worshippers of the golden calf. They had high family values and were absolutely sincere in their worship. Now I may not be the sharpest tool in the drawer, but I do tend to get the distinct impression that God didn't like the worship - yeah, the ground opening up and swallowing the worshippers.. hmmm... it does lead me to believe that God was somehow ticked, wouldn't you say?

And then I wonder what God would feel about a "prophet" in the Old Testament asking Baal to bring Israel back to its godly roots. I think in such times, he would be stoned. In Deuteronomy 18:20 God says to His people, "But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die."

God often tested His people by seeing if they would be true to Him even as false prophets tried to lure them away from Himself. God says, "If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, ‘Let us go after other gods,’ which you have not known, ‘and let us serve them,’ you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams. For the Lord your God is testing you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and hold fast to him. But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has taught rebellion against the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of slavery, to make you leave the way in which the Lord your God commanded you to walk. So you shall purge the evil from your midst" (Deuteronomy 13:1-5).

Thank God for grace!!! (we don't stone false prophets now) but I believe God's feelings about false worship have not changed. As Glenn Beck calls this nation to pray for some very valuable, important and even vital things, I ask now, is God testing us in the same way today? Perhaps God has raised Glenn Beck up for this very purpose, to test our hearts. Just a thought!

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, the one and only God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the eternal One, Yahweh, the great I AM, the Alpha and Omega, who is from everlasting to everlasting.

So, though I really like you Glenn, thanks for the invite, but I cannot join you.

TOPICS: Current Events; General Discusssion; Mainline Protestant; Other Christian
KEYWORDS: beck; cult; cultists; cultofkolob; delusional; delusionaldrydrunk; drydrunk; glenn; glennbeck; glennsgroupies; iwuvglenn; iwuvglenniebeck; kolob; mormon; mormonism
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To: ansel12

As long as you understand that LDS don’t post garbage on FR about Catholics not being Christian like some other sorts of Christian Freepers do. And it wasn’t LDS who put those garbage dwelling tracts from HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED on my windshield, either.


261 posted on 08/31/2010 9:50:56 PM PDT by Ransomed
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To: Gamecock
We watched the entire "Restoring Honor" event and "Pastor" Paul Jehles OPENING PRAYER in behalf of the nation and everyone assembled to the Lord "gods" (plural) was appalling!

This "pastor" made a specific point of calling on the "gods" for various reasons at least SEVEN times in his "prayer".

Having taught Homiletics, I carefully reviewed his "prayer", my conclusion: I know for a fact that he was not making a mistake or that he had a lisp or speech impediment when he referred to the "gods" because in the very beginning of the "prayer" he prayed to God (no plural) and then shortly thereafter and I believe for the remainder of the "prayer", he prayed to "gods". This is either because "Pastor" Jails is a Mormon (which is not the case)or he was being PC and trying to appease all of the other "faiths" and the various false "gods" they serve. In either case what he said and what he "prayed" in behalf of those gathered and America was nothing short of evil and Satanic!

To my knowledge, never before in the history of America has a supposed man of the cloth prayed to the "gods" in a massive national public forum representing America and praying for the gods blessings upon the nation. This is deeply disturbing and raises very real issues regarding the "spiritual " nature of the event, Glenn Beck's relationship to "Jesus", even more so since Mr. Beck was responsible for the event and nothing took place, no one did anything without his direct involvement.

Pastor Paul Jehle gives the OPENING prayer for the Restoring Honor rally. He does not appear to have any speech impediment. In his "prayer" you can hear him apparently praying to the "gods" at least SEVEN different times:

He is introduced/invited to give the opening prayer at approximately 5minute: 14second mark.

Whenever Pastor Jehles uses plurals: "peoples," "nations," "rights," "accounts," "treaties," "words" etc, he draws out the Ssss at the end of the word. When he uses singular words he does not put an "s" on the end or draw our an Ssss on the end of the word.

Begins using the singular form "God"

Starts with "Lord God"(singular) 5:47

In the name of God (singular) amen 6:42

blessed the God (singular) of heaven 6:52

Switches to the plural "gods"

"Lord gods" used 4x's: 7:02, 7:09, 7:37, 7:43;

"Oh gods" used 1x :7:56

"You will do it because your gods" used 1x: 8:58

"Restoring gods" used 1x: 9:21

"One nation under gods" used 1x: 9:39 (In this ONE case it is not clear if he is saying "God" or "gods", in every other instance it is clearly evident that he is using the plural and it is very disturbing to say the least

My son, along with 200 others from Oklahoma City attended the rally and my son, along with EVERYONE around him was taken aback when they heard Jails praying to the "gods" and they were also very disturbed by what he said as he said it!

The recroded evidence seems to clearly indicate that after saying "God" three times he went on to pray to the "gods" throughout the remainder of his prayer.

It should also be noted that throughout the entire prayer, Pastor Jehle did not have a problem mistakingly turning the singular of ANY OTHER WORD into a plural. The ONLY exception was the word God. After saying "God," properly THREE TIMES without any lisp, verbal click, tick, "th," Ssss, or problem, he went on throughout the remainder of his "prayer" to call upon the "gods" (plural) at least SEVEN or EIGHT times!

During the event and on his TV and radio shows, Glenn repeatedly talks about the individual and America's need to return to "god". In light of Glenn's Mormonism and his specific choice of "Pastor" Paul Jails to give the OPENING PRAYER to the "gods", which set the tone for the entire event, the preeminent question we must all ask ourselves and Glenn Beck is this = WHICH "god"? Which "gods" are you calling us to cry out to? Which "god" are you calling America and Americans to follow and obey?

As much as I love and respect Glenn Beck, the "jesus" of Mormonism, the "jesus" and "gods" Glenn and Mormonism worships and serves are NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, or the God of the Bible. There is only ONE TRUE and LIVING God, He is a jealous God and He will NOT give His glory to another "god" because ALL OTHER "gods", including "jesus" and ALL of the "gods" of Mormonism, are FALSE "gods":

‘See now that I, I AM HE, And there is NO god BESIDES ME; It is I who put to death and give life. I have wounded and it is I who heal, And there is no one who can deliver from MY HAND.' (Deuteronomy 32:39 Emphasis mine)

You are My witnesses,” declares the LORD, “And My servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and believe Me And understand that I am He. Before Me there was NO God formed, And there will be NONE after Me.


“It is I who have declared and saved and proclaimed, And there was no strange god among you; So you are My witnesses,” declares the LORD, “And I AM GOD.

“Even FROM ETERNITY I AM HE, And there is none who can deliver out of My hand; I act and who can reverse it?” (Isaiah 43:10-13 Emphasis mine)

“I AM the LORD, that is MY NAME;


Nor My praise to graven images. (Isaiah 42:8, Emphasis mine)

We are living in the Last days, spiritual deception and false "Christs" abound. Given the times in which we are living, it is imperative that all of us who know the true and living God use spiritual discernment in order to avoid following after false Christs, and false "gods", including the false "jesus" and false "gods" of Mormonism because all of the supposed "good works" in the world cannot save us:

"Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. “MANY will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not PROPHESY IN YOUR NAME, and IN YOUR NAME CAST OUT DEMONS, and IN YOUR NAME PERFORM MANY MIRACLES?’ “And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’" (Matthew 27:10-13, Emphasis mine)

God's Word is clear; as Christians and the Church of Jesus Christ we have a responsibility to maintain spiritual purity for the cause of Christ and in order to maintain purity regarding the genuine Gospel of Jesus Christ: P>


Or what HARMONY has Christ with BELIAL, or what has a BELIEVER in common with an UNBELIEVER?

Or what agreement has the THE TEMPLE OF GOD WITH IDOLS? For WE ARE THE TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD; just as God said, “I will dwell in them and walk among them;

And I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

“Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate,” says the Lord. “And do not touch what is unclean; And I will welcome you. “And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,” Says the Lord Almighty. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Emphasis mine)

We need to be careful because God may be testing America as to whether or not we will serve Him and Him alone of follow after false "gods":

“If a PROPHET or a dreamer of dreams ARISES AMONG YOU and gives you a SIGN or a WONDER,

and the sign or the wonder COMES TRUE, concerning which he spoke to you, saying, ‘LET US GO AFTER O T H E R gods (WHOM YOU HAVE NOT KNOWN) and LET US SERVE THEM,’



“But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has HE HAS COUNSELED REBELLION AGAINST THE LORD YOUR GOD who brought you from the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery, TO SEDUCE YOU FROM THE WAY IN WHICH THE LORD YOUR GOD COMMANDED YO TO WALK. So you shall purge the evil from among you. (Deuteronomy 13:1-5, Emphasis mine)

As Christians our responsibility is to "seek first the kingdom of God", not the country of America. If that means removing ourselves from future events and rally's promoted by Mr. Beck or others that seek to "restore America" or "restore honor" while promoting "spiritual unity" at the cost of doctrinal purity between those who know the Lord Jesus Christ and individuals, denominations and cults, like Mormonism which do not, then so be it.

For more on this pressing issue please see the following article by Brannon S. Howse regarding:

Following Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny or God's Word By Brannon S. Howse

262 posted on 08/31/2010 9:51:00 PM PDT by Jmouse007 (Lord deliver us from evil and from those perpetuating it, in Jesus name, amen.)
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To: lonestar
You don't think the USA was better off back then?

I do think we were better off back then, because to some degree, the Gospel was being preached. But even Billy Graham started washing down the Gospel message and saying that infant baptism saved babies and that Hell probably wasn't hot.

If Billy Graham stood up today and preached "Repent" and that Jesus Christ was the only way to Heaven and the only way to avoid a very real Hell, he'd be run out of town.

263 posted on 08/31/2010 9:52:44 PM PDT by Bodleian_Girl
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To: ansel12

Do you intend to do that? I don’t. You really need to get over your “oh so holy” self. Humility is a virtue.

264 posted on 08/31/2010 9:54:46 PM PDT by antceecee (Bless us Father.. have mercy on us and protect us from evil.)
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To: Ransomed

Actually, I think that Mormons think that none of us are Christians.

265 posted on 08/31/2010 9:54:56 PM PDT by ansel12
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To: Bodleian_Girl
But even Billy Graham started washing down the Gospel message and saying that infant baptism saved babies and that Hell probably wasn't hot.

I missed that one!

266 posted on 08/31/2010 9:56:09 PM PDT by lonestar (Barry is furious the big spill wasn't caused by EXXON...would have nationalized it by now.)
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To: antceecee

Why not use the holy Book of Mormon to lecture Christians if you think that it is a Christian holy book.

267 posted on 08/31/2010 9:59:01 PM PDT by ansel12
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To: Bodleian_Girl

yea we got that already

268 posted on 08/31/2010 10:01:44 PM PDT by swheats (America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law!)
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To: Jmouse007
We watched the entire "Restoring Honor" event and "Pastor" Paul Jehles OPENING PRAYER in behalf of the nation and everyone assembled to the Lord "gods" (plural) was appalling! This "pastor" made a specific point of calling on the "gods" for various reasons at least SEVEN times in his "prayer".

Deuteronomy 8:19
 And it shall be,
if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God,
and walk after other gods,
and serve them,
and worship them,
I testify against you this day
that ye shall surely perish.

269 posted on 08/31/2010 10:02:36 PM PDT by Bodleian_Girl
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To: ansel12

You are entering the realm of ridiculous. I have never espoused the Book of Mormon as being a holy book. Quit trying to paint everyone with your lying paint brush. You should be ashamed. Do you plan on confessing these lies and offenses against others before receiving the Holy Eucharist?

270 posted on 08/31/2010 10:09:39 PM PDT by antceecee (Bless us Father.. have mercy on us and protect us from evil.)
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To: Gamecock

A very well written and sincere explanation by Pastor Samson. Thanks for posting.

271 posted on 08/31/2010 10:14:17 PM PDT by upsdriver (ret.)
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To: antceecee
Do not accuse another Freeper of telling a lie. That attributes motive, i.e. the intent to deceive.

Words like "false" "error" "wrong" are ok.

Discuss the issues all you want, but do not make it personal.

272 posted on 08/31/2010 10:14:27 PM PDT by Religion Moderator
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To: Religion Moderator

The poster did intend to deceive by his post. Please review.

273 posted on 08/31/2010 10:16:35 PM PDT by antceecee (Bless us Father.. have mercy on us and protect us from evil.)
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To: antceecee

Mind reading is a form of “making it personal.”

274 posted on 08/31/2010 10:17:49 PM PDT by Religion Moderator
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To: ansel12

“Actually, I think that Mormons think that none of us are Christians.”

That could very well be, but LDS don’t post that kind of garbage on FR, at least about Catholic Christians. Some other sorts of Christian Freepers seem to really get into it, and that’s a shame.


275 posted on 08/31/2010 10:20:29 PM PDT by Ransomed
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To: Bodleian_Girl

So no one there was worshipping God?

276 posted on 08/31/2010 10:20:49 PM PDT by Raider Sam (They're on our left, right, front, and back. They aint gettin away this time!)
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To: ansel12

Who doesnt know Beck is a Mormon? You seem to accuse quite a few people of not being aware of their surroundings.

277 posted on 08/31/2010 10:22:15 PM PDT by Raider Sam (They're on our left, right, front, and back. They aint gettin away this time!)
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To: antceecee
Why are you so threatened? If a Christian is secure in his/her own faith then they have nothing to gain by evangelizing their beliefs.

Don't you agree with the Catholic statement in post 104?

278 posted on 08/31/2010 10:22:15 PM PDT by ansel12
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To: Raider Sam

Not according to the all-knowing-holier-than-thou-crew on this thread.

279 posted on 08/31/2010 10:22:19 PM PDT by antceecee (Bless us Father.. have mercy on us and protect us from evil.)
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To: Raider Sam

Please, the fallacy of the undistributed middle is such a lame leftist tactic. Try to avoid it.

280 posted on 08/31/2010 10:23:27 PM PDT by MHGinTN (Dem voters, believing they cannot be deceived, it is impossible to convince them when deceived.)
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