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The God Chasers; The Shack; He Loves Me; Quix Commentary on 3 books
Quix & books listed ^ | 15 JUL 2009, 2000 | Quix, Tommy Tenney, William P Young, Wayne Jacobsen,

Posted on 07/14/2009 11:41:13 PM PDT by Quix

The God Chasers by Tommy Tenney Book Excerpt & Commentary

I recently finished THE SHACK by William P Young and HE LOVES ME by Wayne Jacobsen.

I found both of them deeply moving, Biblical, edifying and helpful in drawing me closer to God.

Subsequently, a Navy Friend/ Christian Bro of 30+ years read me the riot act about THE SHACK. I found his rants about “heresy” completely without substance. Turns out he had not read it. Sheesh. It is, after all, a NOVEL! And, I found it exceedingly Biblical.

Some important Biblical truths, doctrines are affirmed with a sentence and lain aside as the tale proceeds to illustrate particular aspects of our relationship with God and God’s character and priorities. However, having read it once, I can’t recall a single thing that struck me as unBiblical.

HE LOVES ME is similarly impactful. The two of them are, to me, truly in a class with Bunyan’s: Pilgrim’s Progress in terms of spiritual import and potential spiritual growth thereby facilitated.

My current volume has been one I’ve sought for some months. It was recommended by one of God’s Vagabond Prophet sorts of characters who knew that I have long sought a deeper, more intense relationship with God. Note: I added some extra paragraphing below.

WARNING regarding the following: It will be a test for many regarding their sensibilities, assumptions, biases, comfort zones, priorities, self-righteousness, smugness, attitudes, human understandings, !!!!TRADITIONS!!!!, customs, habits, idolatries, . . . The choice will be to lay all aside and choose whatever God is doing, wishes to do in each individual’s life—

Or not.

The consequences of such a choice will be far from inconsequential.

Here’s a good chunk from the first chapter:

p. 1

“The Day I Almost Caught Him”
Running hard after God—Ps 63:8

We think we know where God lives.

We think we know what He likes, and we are sure KNOW WHAT He dislikes.

We have studied God’s Word and His old love letters to the churches so much that some of us claim to know all about God. But now people like you and me around the world are beginning to hear a voice speak to them with persistent but piercing repetition in the stillness of the night:

“I’m not asking you how much you know about Me.
I want to ask you, ‘Do you really know Me?
Do you really want Me?

I thought I did. At one time I thought I had achieved a good measure of success in the ministry. After all, I had preached in some of the largest churches in America. I was involved in international outreach efforts with great men of God. I went to Russia numerous times and helped start many churches there. I’ve done a lot of things for God…because I thought that was what I was supposed to do.

But on one autumn Sunday morning, something happened to change all that. It put all my ministerial accomplishments, credentials, and achievements in jeopardy. A long-time friend of mine . . . in Houston . . . had asked me to speak at his church. I somehow sensed that destiny was waiting. . . .

I am a fourth generation Spirit-filled Christian, three generations deep into ministry, but I must be honest with you: I was sick of church. I was just like most of the people we try to lure into our services every week. They won’t come because they are sick of church too. But on the other hand, though most of the people who drive by our churches, . . . may be sick of church as well, they’re also hungry for God.

. . .

Ironically, as a minister I was suffering from the same hunger pangs as the people who had never met Jesus before! I just wasn’t content to know about Jesus anymore.

. . .

It’s simply not enough to know about God. We have churches filled with people who can win Bible trivia contests but who don’t know Him. I am afraid that some of us have been side-tracked or entangled by everything from prosperity to poverty, and we’ve become such an ingrown society of the self-righteous that our desires and our wants and those of the Holy Spirit are two different matters.

If we’re not careful, we can become so interested in developing the “cult of the comfortable” with our comfortable pastor, our comfortable church building, and our comfortable circle of friends, that we forget about the thousands of discontented, wounded, and dying people who pass by our comfortable church every day! I can’t help but think that if we fail to even try to reach them with the gospel of Jesus Christ, then He sure wasted a lot of blood on Calvary. Now that makes me uncomfortable.

There had to be more. I was desperate for a God encounter (of the closest kind).

I returned home after speaking at my friend’s church in Texas. . . . the pastor called again. He said, “Tommy, we’ve been friends for years now. And I don’t know that I’ve ever asked anybody to come back for a second Sunday in a row…but would you come back here next Sunday too?” I agreed. We could tell that God was up to something. Was the pursuer now being pursued? We were about to be apprehended by that which we ourselves were chasing?

This second Sunday was even more intense. No one wanted to leave the building after the Sunday night service. “What should we do?” my pastor friend asked. “We should have a prayer meeting on Monday night,” I said, “with no other agenda. Let’s gauge the hunger of the people and see what’s happening.” Four hundred people showed up that Monday for the prayer meeting, and all we did was seek the face of God. Something was definitely going on. A minuscule crack was appearing in the brass heavens over the city of Houston. Collective hunger was crying for a corporate visitation.

I went back home and by Wednesday the pastor was on the phone again . . . He is a fellow God chaser and we were in hot pursuit. His church had fueled a flaming hunger in me. They too had been preparing for pursuit. There was a sense that we were close to “catching” Him.

That’s an interesting phrase, isn’t it? Catching Him. Really, it’s an impossible phrase. We can no more catch Him than the east can catch the west; they’re too far removed from each other. It’s like playing chase with my daughter . . . When she comes and tries to catch me . . . I really don’t have to run. I just artfully dodge . . . and she can’t even touch me, because a six-year-old can’t catch an adult. But that’s not really the purpose of the game, because a few minutes into it, she laughingly says, “Oh daddy,” and it’s at that moment that she capturesmy heart, if not my presence or body. And then I turn and she’s no longer chasing me, but I’m chasing her, and I catch her and we tumble in the grass with hugs and kisses. The pursuer becomes the pursued.

So can we catch Him? Not really, but we can catch His heart. David did. And if we catch His heart, then He turn and chases us. That’s the beauty of being a God chaser. You’re chasing the impossible, knowing it’s possible.

This body of believers in Houston had two scheduled services on Sundays. The first morning service started at 8:30, and the second one followed and began at 11.

When I returned for the third weekend, while in the hotel, I sensed a heavy anointing of some kind, a brooding of the Spirit, and I literally wept and trembled.

You Could Barely Breathe

The following morning, we walked into the building for the 8:30 Sunday service expecting to see the usual early morning first service “sleepy” crowd with their low-key worship.

As I walked in to sit down in the front row that morning, the presence of God was already in that place so heavily that the air was “thick.” You could barely breathe.

The musicians were clearly struggling to continue their ministry; their tears got in the way. Music became more difficult to play. Finally, the presence of God hovered so strongly that they couldn’t sing or play any longer. The worship leader crumpled in sobs behind the keyboard.

If there was one good decision I made in life, it was made that day. I had never been this close to “catching” God, and I was not going to stop. So I spoke to my wife, Jeannie. “You should go continue to lead people into the presence of God as a worshiper and intercessor. She quietly moved to the front and continued to facilitate the worship and ministry to the Lord. It wasn’t anything fancy; it was just simple. That was the only appropriate response in that moment.

The atmosphere reminded me of the passage in Isaiah 6, something I’d read about, and even dared dream I might experience myself. In this passage the glory of the Lord filled the temple. I’d never understood what it meant for the glory of the Lord to fill a place. . . . God was there: of that there was no doubt. But more of Him kept coming in the place until, as in Isaiah, it literally filled the building. At times the air was so rarefied that it became almost unbreathable. Oxygen came in short gasps, seemingly. Muffled sobs broke through the room. In the midst of this, the pastor turned to me and asked me a question.

“Tommy, are you ready to take the service?” “Pastor, I’m just about half-afraid to step up there, because I sense that God is about to do something.”

Tears were streaming down my face when I said that. I wasn’t afraid that God was going to strike me down or that something bad was going to happen. I just didn’t want to interfere and grieve the precious presence that was filling up that room!

For too long we humans have only allowed the Holy Spirit to take control up to a certain point. Basically, whenever it gets outside of our comfort zone or just a little beyond our control, we pull in the reins (the Bible calls it “quenching the Spirit” in First Thessalonians 5:19). We stop at the tabernacle veil too many times.

“I feel like I should read Second Chronicles 7:14, and I have a word from the Lord,” my pastor friend said.

With profuse tears I nodded assent and said, “Go, go!”

My friend is not a man given to any kind of outward demonstration; he is essentially a man of “even” emotions. But when he got up to walk to the platform, he appeared visibly shaky. At this point I so sensed something was about to happen, that I walked all the way from the front row to the back of the room to stand by the sound booth. I knew God was going to do something; I just didn’t know where. I was on the front row and it could happen behind me or to the side of me. I was so desperate to catch Him that I got up and publicly walked back to the sound booth as the pastor walked up to the pulpit to speak, so I could see whatever happened. . . . “God I want to be able to see whatever it is You are about to do.”

My pastor friend stepped up to the clear pulpit in the center of the platform, opened the Bible and quietly read the gripping passage from Second Chronicles 7:14:

If my people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Then he closed his Bible, gripped the edges of the pulpit with trembling hands, and said, “The word of the Lord to us is to stop seeking His benefits and seek Him. We are not to seek His hands any longer, but seek His face.”

In that instant, I heard what sounded like a thunderclap echo through the building, and the pastor was literally picked up and thrown backwards about ten feet, effectively separating him from the pulpit. When he went backward, the pulpit fell forward. The beautiful flower arrangement positioned in front of it fell to the ground, but by the time the pulpit hit the ground, it was already in two pieces. It had split into two pieces almost as if lightening had hit it [it was evidently a clear, thick walled, Lucite type plastic see through pulpit]! At that instant the tangible terror of the presence of God filled that room.

I quickly stepped to the microphone from the back of the room and said, “In case you aren’t aware of it, God has just moved into this place. The pastor is fine. [It was two and a half hourse before he could even get up, though—and even then the ushers had to carry him. Only his hand trembled slightly to give proof of life.] He’s going to be fine.”

While all of this happened, the ushers quickly ran to the front to check on the pastor and to pick up the two pieces of the split pulpit. No one really paid much attention to the split pulpit; we were too occupied with the torn heavenlies.

The presence of God had hit that place like some kind of bomb. People began to weep and to wail. I said, “If you’re not where you need to be, this is a good time to get right with God.” I’ve never seen such an altar call. It was pure pandemonium. People shoved one another out of the way. They wouldn’t wait for the aisles to clear; they climbed over pews, businessmen tore their ties off, and they were literally stacked on top of one another, in the most horribly harmonious sound of repentance you ever heard. Just the thought of it still sends chills down my back.

When I gave the altar call then for the 8:30 a.m service, I had no idea that it would be but the first of seven altar calls that day.

When it was time for the 11:00 service to begin, nobody had left the building. The people were still on their faces and, even though there was hardly any musiuc being played at this point, worship was rampant and uninhibited. Grown men were ballet dancing; little children were weeping in repentance. People were on their faces, on their feet, on their knees, but mostly in His presence.

There was so much of the presence and the power of God there that people began to feel an urgent need to be baptized. I watched people walk through the doors of repentance, and one after another experienced the glory and the presence of God as He came near.

Then they wanted baptized, and I was in a quandary about what to do. The pastor was still unavailable on the floor. Prominent people walked up to me and stated, “I’ve got to be baptized. Somebody tell me what to do.” . . .

Two and a half hours had passed, and since the pastor had only managed to wiggle one finger at that point to call the elders to him, the ushers had carried him to his office. Meanwhile, all these people were asking me (or anyone else they could find) if they could be baptized. As a visiting minister at the church, I didn’t want to assume the authority to tell anyone to baptize these folks, so I sent people back to the pastor’s office to see if he would authorize the water baptisms.

I gave one altar call after another, and hundreds of people were coming forward. As more and more people came to me asking about water baptism, I noticed that no one I had sent to the pastor’s office had returned.

Finally I sent a senior assistant pastor back there and told him, “Please find out what Pastor wants to do about the water baptisms—nobody has come back to tell me yet.” The man stuck his head in the pastor’s office, and to his shock, he saw the pastor still lying before the Lord, and everyone I had sent there was sprawled on the floor too, just weeping and repenting before God. He hurried back to tell me what he had seen and added, “I’ll go ask him, but if I go in that office I may not be back either.”

We Baptized People for Hours

I shrugged my shoulders and agreed with the associate pastor, “I guess it’s alright to baptize them.” So we began to baptize people as a physical sign of their repentance before the Lord, and we ended up baptizing people for hours.

More and more people kept pouring in, and since the people from the early service were still there, there were cars parked everywhere outside the church building. A big open-air ball field next to the building was filled with cars parked every which way.

As people drove onto the parking lot, they sensed the presence of God so strongly that some began to weep uncontrollably. They just found themselves driving up onto the parking lot or into the grass not knowing what was going on. Some started to get out of their cars and barely managed to stagger across the parking lot. Some came inside the building only to fall to the floor just inside the doors. The hard-pressed ushers had to literally pull the helpless people away from the doors and stack them up along the walls of the hallways to clear the entrance. Others managed to make it part way down the hallways, and some made it to the foyer before they fell on their faces in repentance.

Some actually made it inside the auditorium, but most of them didn’t bother to find seats. They just made for the altar. . . . it wasn’t long before they began to weep and repent. . . .there wasn’t any preaching. There wasn’t even any music part of the time. Primarily one thing happened that day: The presence of God showing up.

When that happens, the first thing you do is the same thing Isaiah did when he saw the Lord high and lifted up. He cried out from the depths of his soul:

Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts (Isaiah 6:5)

You see, the instant Isaiah the prophet, the chosen servant of God, saw the King of glory, what he used to think was clean and holy now looked like filthy rags. He was thinking, “I thought I knew God, but I didn’t know this much of God! That Sunday we seemed to come so close; we almost caught Him. Now I know it’s possible.

They Came Right Back for More

People just kept filling the auditorium again and again . . . We didn’t have to announce our plans for Monday evening. Everybody already knew. Frankly, there would have been a meeting whether we announced it or not. The people simply went home to get some sleep or do the things they had to do, and then they came right back for more--not for more of men and their programs, but for God and His presence.

Night after night, the pastor and I would come in and say, “What are we going to do?”

What we meant was, “I don’t know what to do. What does He want to do?”

Sometimes we’d go in and start trying to “have church,” but the crying hunger of the people would quickly draw in the presence of God and suddenly God had us!

Listen, my friend, God doesn’t care about your music, your midget steeples, and your flesh-impressive buildings. Your church carpet doesn’t impress Him—He carpets the fields. God doesn’t really care about anything you can “do” for Him; He only cares about your answer to one question: “Do you want Me?”

Ruin Everything That Isn’t of You, Lord!

We have programmed our church services so tightly that we really don’t’ leave room for the Holy Spirit. Oh, we might let God speak prophetically to us a little, but we get nervous if He tries to break out of our schedules. We can’t let God out of the box too much because He can ruin everything. (That has become my prayer: “Break out of our boxes, Lord, and ruin everything that isn’t of You!”)

Let me ask you a question: How long has it been since you came to church and said, “We are going to wait on the Lord”? I think we are afraid to wait on Him because we’re afraid He won’t show up. I have a promise for you: “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength” (Is 40:31a).

Do you want to know why we’ve lived in weakness as Christians and have not had all that God wanted for us? Do you want to know why we have lived beneath our privilege and have not had the strength to overcome our own carnality? Maybe it’s because we haven’t waited on Him to show up to empower us, and we’re trying to do too much in the power of our own soulish realm.

. . .

God Ruined Everything in Houston

. . . .

God Is Coming Back To Repossess the Church

As far as I can tell, there is only one thing that stops Him. He is not going to pour out His Spirit where He doesn’t find hunger. He looks for the hungry. Hunger means you’re dissatisfied with the way it has been because it forced you to live without Him in His fullness. He only comes when you are ready to turn it all over to Him. God is coming back to repossess His Church, but you have to be hungry.

He wants to reveal Himself among us. He wants to come ever stronger, and stronger, and stronger, and stronger until your flesh won’t be able to stand it. The beauty of it is this: neither will the unsaved driving by be able to resist. It’s beginning to happen. I have seen the day when sinners veer off the highway when they drive by places of an open heaven. They pull into parking lots with puzzled looks, and they knock on the doors and say, “Please, there’s something here…I’ve got to have it.”

What Do We Do?

TOPICS: Charismatic Christian; Evangelical Christian; Ministry/Outreach; Worship
KEYWORDS: answers; charismatic; death; god; godchasers; help; hope; life; pentecostal; presence; questions; quix
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To: Quix; Joya; All

= = =
Eggers’ site

= = =

= = =
Jeremy Lopez (similar to Bill Somers)

= = =
David Wilkerson’s site

= = =
Joel Rosenberg

= = =
Blogsite of Dumitru Duduman’s grandson, Michael Boldea

Grandpa Duduman’s prophecies (column on right)

= = =
Maurice Sklar

= = =
Bill Somers’ site

141 posted on 08/26/2009 3:36:32 AM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: Alamo-Girl; airborne; AngieGal; AnimalLover; annieokie; aragorn; auggy; autumnraine; backhoe; ...

For whatever reason,
I believe that checking these
and similar quality sites
will be an important thing to do
for at least the next
6-8 weeks and probably the next
6 months or more.

It just feels like
Things have been wound up
in the spiritual realm
and that things in the natural
are all set and cocked to begin

I have long felt that
when things got going good
in these end times,
the pace would quicken
and the intensity increase
until after Armageddon.

I don't really know what that means.
I just know we won't be able to manage life
remotely as before.
That we will
just to get through the day
and much more so
And that nothing else will matter

I don't know when that 'point'
will be reached.

It will likely be a
graduated transition
though there could be a
dramatic KICK into such an

Thanks for these links.

142 posted on 08/26/2009 3:52:07 AM PDT by Quix (POL Ldrs quotes fm1900 2 presnt:
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To: Quix

Thanks for the ping!

143 posted on 08/26/2009 7:27:22 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Quix

I’m curious about why you get attention just walking down the street.

Quix, you said: I get plenty just walking down the street—even if I had a bag over my head! LOL

My daughter read The Shack and she loved it! Also, the book “He Loves Me.” I read the Shack, but haven’t read the second book yet - just the chapter on what Jesus did on the cross.

144 posted on 08/26/2009 12:33:55 PM PDT by bethtopaz (
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To: bethtopaz


Sometimes, it’s a bit mystifying.

Sometimes, I think it has to do with the spiritual realm.

Sometimes, it might be a slightly but significantly different body language style.

I’m tall and have often enough been a bit awkward though probably not in later years.

Yet, it can still happen.

I’ve been at secular cocktail party and had an individual walk in the door, take one look at me seated and flee to never return. And the person never had known me nor heard about me according to others. Fascinating.

Any ideas?

145 posted on 08/26/2009 12:44:17 PM PDT by Quix (POL Ldrs quotes fm1900 2 presnt:
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To: Joya; Quix

Excellent Links! Thanks for sharing them, Joya. And, thanks for the ping, Quix... :)

146 posted on 08/27/2009 5:45:25 AM PDT by LibertyRocks ( ~ ANTI-OBAMA STUFF :
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To: LibertyRocks

You’re welcome. Good to hear from you. Hope you’re well. Blessings,

147 posted on 08/27/2009 9:03:27 PM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: LibertyRocks; Quix; All

Getting rid of bees
June 09
by John Paul Jackson
Over time, I have discovered that God takes our fears very seriously. We often do not. Most of us have been afraid of the same things for so many years that we almost don’t notice how they’re affecting us anymore — or worse, we choose to ignore them.

This isn’t fear, we may think. I just don’t do that sort of thing. I’m not outgoing like that.

It’s not because I’m afraid of failing. I’ve just decided not to see this through.

I know God doesn’t want me to be afraid of this . . . but it’s easy to be afraid of this.

God takes our fears very seriously. They may seem small and insignificant to us, but they are not to Him.

Several years ago, I had nightmares for 69 nights in a row. Most of the time, I would wake up sweating, yelling and thinking I was going to die. I begged God to stop the dreams, but He didn’t — at least, not in the way I had been expecting.

By the time Night Number 70 rolled around, I was staying up until 1 or 2 a.m. and avoiding going to bed for as long as I could. That night, when I finally fell asleep, I dreamed that I was in a huge, beautiful house. Everything was peaceful. But then I saw a bee outside the window, and I thought, Oh, no! Not again! I am not going to let them in this house!

I got out my duct tape and taped up every window, door and even the fireplace. I was determined the bees were not going to get into the house, and when I had finished, I was relieved. I had done it! I had conquered them! I couldn’t see out the windows because the swarm was so thick — but I had conquered them.

Suddenly, an angel stood beside me. “Come with me,” he said.

But I knew better. “No,” I replied. “I know you. You’ve been here before! Every time I go with you, you take me outside, and if I go outside, the bees are going to know I’m there, and they will sting me, and I will die!”

Rather forcefully, he said, “I said, ‘Come with me!’”

The next thing I knew, I was standing outside about 100 feet away from the house. The bees blanketed the structure completely. You couldn’t even see it anymore.

The angel looked at me. “Blow on it!”

Once again, I knew better. “No,” I told him. “If I blow on it, they are going to know I’m here, and then they are going to come and sting me, and I’ll die!”

“I said, ‘Blow on it!’” he repeated.

It was clear that either the bees were going to kill me or this angel was. So, coming up with a plan, I took a small breath and whispered at the house. I thought that maybe if I blew only a little bit, the bees wouldn’t notice I was there, and the angel would be satisfied.

But no. He turned to me again. “I said, ‘Blow on it!’ Let the breath of God blow through you! Blow on that!”

Knowing I was facing imminent death, I took a deep breath and blew with everything I had. To my shock, a huge number of bees lifted off the house and disappeared! Full of courage, I did it again. Three breaths later, I could see that the house was completely clean.

The angel looked at me and said, “Never allow the enemy to do that to you again! The Spirit of the Living God will stop it if you will let Him come forth from you. Never stop the breath of God!”

God takes our fears very seriously. None of them is inconsequential, and no matter how small they may seem, every one of them affects us. Our heavenly Father wants us to be free from their negative and binding consequences . . . but we have to want that freedom, too.

We need to view our fears the way God views our fears. Take some time and ask Him which fear, or fears, He wants to address in your life today. What does He want to remove? What do you need to start thinking differently about? It could be that God has a great blessing waiting for you on the other side of this, a blessing that has been there this entire time, but the fear kept it hidden from your sight.

148 posted on 08/31/2009 10:28:08 PM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: Alamo-Girl; airborne; AngieGal; AnimalLover; annieokie; aragorn; auggy; autumnraine; backhoe; ...




NOTE TO END TIMES LIST. I expect to post shortly and ping to you an announcement from the Mexican Department of Defense of END TIMES import . . . IN NEWS.



149 posted on 09/01/2009 4:24:31 AM PDT by Quix (POL Ldrs quotes fm1900 2 presnt:
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To: Quix
Amen Brother

Old eyes need more ink on the paper.

shalom b'SHEM Yah'shua HaMashiach

150 posted on 09/01/2009 8:00:39 AM PDT by Uri’el-2012 (Psalm 119:174 I long for Your salvation, YHvH, Your law is my delight.)
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To: UriÂ’el-2012


THANKS for your kind reply.

The wailing about that is soooooooooo curious.

Folks who rail against being SHEEPLE about a long list of other things are seemingly mindless sheeple about a mere

net CONVENTION, construct, mentality, assumption.


151 posted on 09/01/2009 9:17:59 AM PDT by Quix (POL Ldrs quotes fm1900 2 presnt:
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To: All

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Vision : The Trigger
Yahweh is revealing His signs all around the world. The signs say the hour is very late.

Too many are anxiously and aimlessly preparing. Faith is coming under attack and doubt is creeping into the conscience of believers everywhere. Do not give up! We must boldly continue to trust Yahweh. Through His bread we find the strength needed for all hours.

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. John 6:35

I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. John 6:51

Only Jesus Christ can see us through the tempest ahead. Follow no man! Seek and follow the hand and direction of Jesus Christ. Listen to His Holy Spirit; He will be the hand that points the way.

The flesh will always fail. Men led of their flesh are pointing many astray. These men say they come in the name of Jesus, but their message contradicts the Truth found in the Word of the Most High God. Listen to the words that are spoken, try them against the Living Word of Yahweh. Yield not to the men of flesh and carnal knowledge they implore others to blindly follow. Cast them out of the path that Yahweh has set before your feet. The apostasies of these fleshly men are spawned in hell, leading all who follow to spiritual destruction if left unchecked.

Those who listen to the flesh and ignore the Holy Spirit will suffer great consequences.

Let us humble our hearts and seek only after the will of our Father. ...


152 posted on 09/01/2009 9:23:31 AM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: Quix

Thanks for the ping!

153 posted on 09/01/2009 9:25:42 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Joya

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Vision : The Trigger
Part II
Through obedience to the Father’s will, the challenges set before us can be met with confidence and peace.

Daily we must enter the presence of Jesus Christ, our High Priest, and acknowledge we are helpless without Him and His Spirit to guide us. Every situation, every second, every day, through the fat years, and the lean years we need Jesus Christ to lead us and direct us, always placing Him as number one through every event in our lives. It doesn’t take the threat of catastrophe to realize this Truth. Make Him Lord today. Seek the HOLY SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST; HE is always faithful to answer those who call upon His name.

The hour of warnings is late and will shortly pass. Soon the warnings will be reality and the way to safety will be difficult for those who failed to heed. Trust in YAHWEH and do not fret.

Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Psalm 37:7

Lately I have had the same vision playing over and over in my head. I had a vision of a person standing on the edge of a cliff.

Before the feet of this person just a few inches away lay a huge abyss. This abyss was so large and deep that the opposite side and bottom could not be seen.

Behind the man was an immeasurable mountain (it looked like it was made of mud, rotting flesh, and garbage found at the dump) representing the wages of gross iniquity. The volume and weight of this mountain could not be scaled, nor comprehended by the mind of man.

This immeasurable mountain was the physical representation of every wage connected to a sin (debt) not washed away at the feet of Jesus Christ by a repentant heart.

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

In the vision the Holy Spirit caused me to understand the mountain was the culmination of all the delinquent wages of sin perpetrated by every unrepentant transgressor, ultimately accurately reflecting the spiritual state of the nation as a whole.

Simply put, this mountain is the stored up debt of sin’s wages seeking payment. The payment is past due with millions rejecting the forgiveness of this debt found in the Blood of Jesus Christ spilt at the cross. Without the Blood of Jesus Christ to pay this debt, the inevitable retribution upon the nation and her unrepentant people is death.

I couldn’t see what was holding the Person from falling over the edge at first. I knew something was keeping the immeasurable mountain of sin’s wages from pushing the Person over the edge and burying them deep in the abyss.

Then I saw the word ISRAEL appear in front of the man.

In my spirit I was directed to Genesis 12:1-3

Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

When I first received the vision I didn’t understand fully how blessing Israel had retained the stored up wages of sin from pushing the Person (United States of America) over the cliff. Over time I was able to witness this promise personally. I have finally come to the understanding that I don’t have to understand it or make sense of Yahweh’s promise; He said it and He meant it, which is good enough.

Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. Psalm 119:160

Then I saw Israel move slightly away from the Person on the edge of the cliff. With this the Person was pushed forward and began teetering on the edge. Flailing both arms around violently, the Person tried to regain balance. This seemed to last for a moment until the Person surprisingly regained a more stable posture.

Then it hit. Just when the Person regained a sense of stability the word Israel vanished. As soon as Israel vanished the Person didn’t even have time to react, the wages of all the sin stored up against the nation pushed the Person over the edge. This mountain never stopped pouring over the edge it just kept coming. I knew the Person was completely covered under this avalanche of unpaid wages of sin.

154 posted on 09/01/2009 9:25:06 PM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: Quix; All

Ping to post #154.

155 posted on 09/01/2009 9:27:32 PM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: Alamo-Girl; airborne; AngieGal; AnimalLover; annieokie; aragorn; auggy; autumnraine; backhoe; ...


I believe that’s an authentic vision from The Lord to Michael E.

156 posted on 09/01/2009 9:33:58 PM PDT by Quix (POL Ldrs quotes fm1900 2 presnt:
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To: Quix

Thanks for the ping!

157 posted on 09/01/2009 9:38:40 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Quix

Interesting... thank you.

158 posted on 09/01/2009 9:40:58 PM PDT by Jo Nuvark (Those who bless Israel will be blessed, those who curse Israel will be cursed. Gen 12:3)
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To: Joya


159 posted on 09/02/2009 5:21:27 AM PDT by jackv (The darkness hates the light!)
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To: Quix

I believe Israel and America are joined at the hip, by God Himself. When we turn our backs on her, we will be the country in that mountain of refuse.

160 posted on 09/02/2009 6:08:48 AM PDT by Marysecretary (GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL!)
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