The Vatican wants their one world "church" with Rome as it's head. One day they are going to get what they are looking for as they ride the Beast. I hope they enjoy the trip, it will only last for approximately 3 1/2 years. Then this so-called one world "church" the Vatican is longing to establish will be swiftly decimated by the Antichrist after he has used it to solidify his political position in the world. Once that is accomplished, God's Word says that it is going to be swiftly destroyed! ALL of the wealth of Rome and this unified one world "church" along with all of it's land will be confiscated and the antichrist will declare that he alone is god, and the entire world must worship him or die.
Like I said... enjoy the ride.
>>”not fully Christians”... <<
Did you see that this was added by the OP?
God's word says nothing of the sort. The "Great City" spoken of in Rev 17-18 is clearly identified for you in Scripture; compare Jeremiah 25:10-14 and Rev 11:8. Note also that ancient Jerusalem, like Rome, is a city built on seven hills.
It helps to actually read and interpret scripture in context.
I think Muslims are watching for Mohammad to come back with the real Messiah. Their teachings include the Mosque in charge of the state. Apply their beliefs to the end times prophecies.