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1 posted on 09/14/2003 9:40:22 PM PDT by Lady In Blue
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To: Big Steve; deport; blackie; nickcarraway; Salvation
I did a quick search and didn't see this posted.
2 posted on 09/14/2003 9:41:31 PM PDT by Lady In Blue
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To: Jean Lewis
Congratuations LJL - I'm sure you'll do an great job at the IG's office.
3 posted on 09/14/2003 9:43:52 PM PDT by HAL9000
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To: Lady In Blue
Good for the pentagon. Jean deserves it.
4 posted on 09/14/2003 9:45:43 PM PDT by billhilly (Nominate Big Al for fearless behavior.)
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To: Lady In Blue
Good. A pro-American who knows exactly whats going on in Washington.

From the article:

" 1993, Lewis drafted a criminal referral alleging illegal Whitewater dealings that eventually became the basis for Ken Starr’s probe. Republicans praised Lewis as a whistle-blower; Democrats blasted her as a partisan. (In a private letter on her computer, she once called Bill Clinton a “lying bastard.”) "

6 posted on 09/14/2003 9:58:03 PM PDT by concerned about politics (Lucifers lefties are still stuck at the bottom of Maslow's Hierarchy)
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To: Lady In Blue
Excellent! I hope one of her first assignments will be to interview Peter Paul...if he makes it out of Brazil alive.
10 posted on 09/14/2003 10:20:51 PM PDT by TheSpottedOwl (Davis has just been downgraded from eGray Hooker to 2 dollar whore...)
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To: Lady In Blue
Excellent!!! She is one brave lady. I was glued to those hearings. What they did to her was outrageous. God Bless her.

Remember this?

With Carl Limbacher and Staff
For the story behind the story...

Wednesday June 14, 2000, 12:33 AM EDT Gore's E-Mail Lost? Tell It to L. Jean Lewis

When the White House announced last week that Vice President Al Gore's e-mail for eleven key months before and just after Bill Clinton's impeachment had been "lost forever," no one could have been more astonished than L. Jean Lewis.

Lewis was the Resolution Trust Corporation investigator who uncovered the series of land flips, insider deals and check kiting scams at Little Rock's Madison Guarantee Savings and Loan that became known as the Whitewater scandal.

Way back in 1992, she wrote the very first Whitewater criminal referral naming Bill and Hillary Clinton as witnesses to and possible beneficiaries of bank fraud. A year later, after the explosive document made its way up the bureaucratic food chain, Lewis' Whitewater probe set off the Clinton White House's smoke alarms.

By 1995 the scandal uncovered by Lewis was comsuming the White House. Hillary Clinton's chief of staff Maggie Williams admitted privately that the first lady was now "paralyzed" with fear. What's more, Jean Lewis was about to get her chance to tell what she knew to the Senate Whitewater Committee.

Thanks to the RTC prober, not only would Americans be introduced to names like Castle Grande, Flowerwood Farms and the Master Marketing Corporation, but Lewis' account provided the first glimpse of a White House willing to pull out all the stops to shield itself from congressional oversight.

Once Senate Republicans called Lewis to testify, Clinton strategists realized they'd have to do something to stop her. And the way they and their congressional allies decided to do it was to go after her e-mail.

Democrats on the Senate Whitewater Committee subpoenaed all Lewis' relevant written correspondence, some of which she had stored on computer disks. Also on those same disks: private letters that had nothing to do with her investigation.

Lewis had simply deleted the personal mail and handed the disk over to Democrat staffers. Just like Vice President Gore, she presumed that her deleted mail was "lost forever."

But thanks to White House ingenuity, it turned out she presumed wrong.

When it came time to cross-examine Lewis in televised hearings, chief Democratic Whitewater counsel Richard BenVeniste hit the RTC prober with embarrassing revelations gleaned from private letters that had nothing whatsoever to do with Whitewater.

Some of the information was about her teen-age stepson, who was humiliated before the world in an attempt to discredit Lewis. Other tidbits revealed that Lewis had a political dislike for Bill Clinton even before she began looking into Whitewater - and had once even considered marketing a line of anti-Clinton T-shirts.

Suddenly the investigator with a spotless record and a personnel file folder full of commendations was being smeared as a "Clinton-hater" and a "gold digger" whose testimony was so hopelessly tainted by bias that it could not be taken seriously.

Confronted with the embarrassing information, a stunned and shaken Lewis asked BenVeniste how he managed to get his hands on her deleted personal correspondence. His reply: "I don't know how they do these things, but I'm told they can do it."

Whitewater Committee Democrats later explained that they had hired several computer experts to examine Lewis' files. The technicians were able to "reverse delete" the disks and voila: The RTC investigator's private correspondence had magically appeared.

Lewis, who suffered from high blood pressure, was so rattled by the invasion of privacy that she collapsed right there at the witness table and had to be taken to a doctor.

Though nothing Clinton's allies had unearthed about Lewis compromised her testimony or the evidence she presented in any way, White House spinmeisters made no secret of their joy that the woman who started Whitewater had been damaged.

"The left is very good at retrieving information when it needs to be," Landmark Legal Foundation President Mark Levin told on Tuesday. Landmark represented Lewis at the time of her testimony.

Having personally witnessed the lengths to which the White House went to get Lewis' deleted files, Levin is mystified over claims that Gore's e-mail is beyond the reach of even the experts they sicced on his former client:

"I don't even understand their position. Because short of taking his computer and throwing it into the Potomac River - and doing the same with the data from the server company - I don't know how this stuff can be lost forever."

Levin remembers that committee Democrats refused to explain how they managed to "reverse delete" Lewis' files, even after he filed an ethics complaint over the stunt. They did tell him that the technological feat "was not that difficult," he recalls.

"Maybe we should ask Richard BenVeniste to help find Al Gore's e-mail," Levin suggested.

And here's a stroll down memory lane .. but when you see all the lowlifes that the Clintons attracted and the caliber of their character, it's quite quite disturbing. At times, I'm still struck with shocking incredulity that such a scumbag could ever have been ever elected President. This in an old article, so most of these situations have come to a conclusion of one kind or another:





ROBERTA ACHTENBERG, Former Assistant Secretary of HUD
Violated the First Amendment when she ordered HUD lawyers to silence citizens who spoke out against planned housing projects. Exceeded her authority when she had HUD staff threaten Allentown County to withdraw an "Use of English language encouraged" ordinance. Roberta Achtenberg resigned to run for Mayor of San Francisco, a race which she lost.

ROGER ALTMAN, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
Lied to Congress during Whitewater hearings. Lied to Congress about having lied to Congress. Instructed Ellen Kulka and Jack Ryan at the RTC to block the Whitewater investigation by L. Jean Lewis. Roger Altman was forced to resign.

LES ASPIN, Former Secretary of Defense
Through criminal negligence was responsible for the death of Army Rangers in Somalia. Was never held accountable in public hearings. Les Aspin has resigned and is deceased.




BRUCE BABBIT, Secretary of the Interior
Paid a penalty for violating campaign finance laws during his 1988 presidential campaign.

MARIAN BENETT, USIA Inspector General
Covered up credit-card fraud by USIA Inspector General staff.

RON BROWN, Former Commerce Secretary
Took bribes from almost everybody. Said it is part of the way Washington works. The allegations are too numerous and complicated to be detailed here. Ron Brown was still under investigation by an Independent Counsel when he died in a plane crash in 1996. The investigation continues.

CAROL BROWNER, EPA Administrator
Used the EPA to campaign against Republicans running on the Contract With America, an illegal use of the executive branch for political campaigning. Carol Browner is under investigation by Congress.


C ---------------------------------------------------------

Lied to the FBI about payments to former lover. Under investigation by Special Counsel.


Used State Police for personal purposes.
Directed State Police to fabricate incriminating evidence against a political opponent: Terry Reed.
Conspired with David Hale and Jim McDougal to defraud the Small Business Administration.
Was complicit in the shipment of drugs through Arkansas.
Allowed laundering of drug money through ADFA.
Appointed and protected Arkansas Medical Examiner Fahmy Malak who repeatedly obstructed justice by declaring murders as "suicides" or "accidents."
Has never accounted for his actions during 40 days behind the Iron Curtain during the Vietnam War.
Tipped off Governor Tucker about upcoming criminal referral.
Violated Arkansas campaign finance laws.
Violated his oath of office to uphold the Constitution by signing into law an ex post facto law, a retroactive tax increase.
Fired RTC chief Albert Casey to allow his friend Roger Altman to monitor and block Whitewater investigations.
Fired FBI director William Sessions to prevent an autonomous FBI from investigating the Foster suicide and from resisting cooperation in the Filegate operation.
Offered State Troopers federal jobs in return for their silence about Clinton's crimes.
Blocked Justice Department indictments after Inspector General Sherman Funk found "criminal violations of the Privacy Act provable beyond reasonable doubt" when former Bush employee files were searched and leaked to the press.
Appointed friend and now-convicted felon Webster Hubbell to number 3 position in Justice Department in order to be able to block Whitewater criminal referrals.
Blocked the criminal trial of Representative Ford, a Tennessee Democrat.
Appointed a campaign activist to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, without the mandated "advice and consent" of the Senate, to derail a probe of his and Hillary's financial dealings.
Bill Clinton is under investigation by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.


Took a $100,000 bribe, camouflaged as futures trades, from Tyson Foods Inc.
Speculated in Health Care industry futures while overseeing legislative reform of same.
Failed to correct false testimony by co-defendant Ira Magaziner in Health Care trial.
Obstructed justice by ordering the shredding of Vince Foster's documents in the Rose Law Firm.
Ordered members of the Health Care Task Force to shred documents that were the target of a court probe.
Ordered the removal of documents from Vince Foster's office.
Told aides to lie about their removal of documents from Foster's office.
Obstructed justice by keeping her billing records, a document sought under subpoena, in the White House residence.
Lied to investigators about her knowledge about billing records.
Lied to investigators about her involvement in the Castle Grande land flip con.
Ordered the use of the FBI to discredit Travel Office employees.
Lied to investigators about her involvement in the firing of Travel Office Employees.
Hillary Clinton is under investigation by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.

CATHERINE CORNELIUS, Travel Office employee
Removed documents from White House Travel Office. Because those documents later became the subject of a trial against Office Director Billy Dale, that could amount to obstruction of justice.

LLOYD CUTLER, Former White House Counsel
Lied to Congress about the contents of redacted documents. Attempted to withhold vital information from Congress, a felony. Obtained a confidential Treasury report and showed it to witnesses before they testified before Congress in the Whitewater hearings. Lied to Congress when he denied having shown testimony to witnesses. Lloyd Cutler has resigned.


D, E

MIKE ESPY, Former Agriculture Secretary
Took bribes from Tyson Foods Inc., which was under regulatory control of his Agriculture Department. Espy has resigned and is under investigation by a Special Counsel


F, G, H


WEBSTER HUBBELL, Former Associate Attorney General

Convicted for defrauding the federal government (FDIC and IRS). Executed obstruction of justice ordered by Bill Clinton. Webster Hubbel has resigned and is currently serving time in jail.




HAROLD ICKES, Deputy Chief of Staff
Broke into New York Republican headquarters in 1970. Has never been indicted for this crime which was similar to what the Watergate Plumbers spent time in jail for. Worked for Mafia-controlled labor unions. Lied to Congress about his involvement in Whitewater cover-up. Harold Ickes is under investigation by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.


J, K



Fabricated charges against White House Travel Office personnel to have the business taken over by Clinton friends. Coerced FBI and IRS agents into complicity with this scheme. Kennedy and Watkins have resigned.




BRUCE LINDSEY, Senior Advisor

As treasurer for the Clinton gubernatorial campaign in 1990, he signed withdrawals from Perry County Bank, the president of which has pled guilty to conspiring to conceal these withdrawals from the IRS and FEC. Bruce Lindsey is an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the owners of Perry County Bank.

CRAIG LIVINGSTONE, Chief of White House Security

Was seen carrying a box from Foster's office the morning after Vince Foster died. Ordered confidential FBI background files on Hillary Clinton's political enemies, a violation of the privacy act. Craig Livingstone is currently on paid leave and is under investigation by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.




IRA MAGAZINER, Senior Advisor

Violated federal law when he held Health Care Task Force Meetings in secret and refused to release documents Lied in court about the composition of the Health Care Task Force. U.S. Attorney Eric Holder found insufficient evidence for indictment of Ira Magaziner.

ANTHONY MARCECA, Dirty Trickster

Pored over confidential FBI files and was ordered to report negative information to his boss, Craig Livingstone. Anthony Marceca is under investigation by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.

MACK MCLARTY, Former Chief of Staff

Conspired with Democratic Congressional Leadership to block access to vital documents in a Congressional hearing.




BERNARD NUSSBAUM, Former White House Counsel

Obstructed justice in the Foster suicide investigation by blocking access, removing documents, lying about his removal of documents, and by retrieving Foster's pager from Park Police. Attempted to quash a Whitewater investigation at the RTC through White House liaisons. Nussbaum has resigned and is under investigation for lying to Congress.




HAZEL O'LEARY, Energy Secretary

Abused taxpayer money for extravagant travels around the world. Hazel O'Leary is under investigation by Congress.


DEVAL PATRICK, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights

Used extortion to force banks to give preferential treatment to minorities. Congress is investigating the possibility of impeachment based on abuse of power.

FEDERICO PENA, Secretary of Transportation

State and federal contracts were awarded to companies in which he had a financial interest. The Justice Department found insufficient evidence to appoint a Special Counsel.

WILLIAM PERRY, Secretary of Defense

Intervened in a Chinese trade deal on behalf of a business partner.



ROBERT REICH, Secretary of Labor

Lied to Congress when he wrote that there were no memos circulating in the Labor Department instructing staff to gather political material against the Contract With America. Such memos were later published. Under investigation by Congress.

JANET RENO, Attorney General -- SWAMP WOMAN!!!!

Fabricated charges of child molestation against the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. Ordered the use of military equipment against citizens of the United States Ordered the use of chemical agents against citizens of the United States.




DONNA SHALALA, Secretary of Health and Human Services

As Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at Madison instituted speech codes which were found to be unconstitutional in federal court. Instituted thought police star chamber proceedings to drive politically incorrect people off campus.

JOSHUA STEINER, Treasury Department Employee

Lied to Congress about conversations with White House personnel about the RTC. (He also lied to his diary, but that is not a crime.) Joshua Steiner has resigned.


Took a $600,000 loan below market interest and with insufficient collateral from NationsBank, a bank having business before the Clinton Administration. Lied to Congress during Whitewater hearings. Attempted to have Whitewater investigator Jay Stephens at the RTC fired.




PATSY THOMASSON, Director of White House Administration

Lied to Congress about the composition of the Health Care Task Force and the size of its budget. Obstructed justice when she removed documents from the office of Vince Foster.


U, V, W


Obstructed justice when she removed documents from the office of Vince Foster. Lied to Congress about removing those documents. Maggy Williams is under investigation by Independent Counsel.


X, Y, Z


In addition to the above allegations, it is alleged that a substantial fraction of White House personnel has been unable to pass FBI criminal background checks, and the White House has admitted that 11 unnamed White House staffers have had recent drug use. Unsubstantiated allegations of murder, treason, and conspiracy have been omitted from the above list.


What trash! Hillary MUST be stopped!

15 posted on 09/14/2003 10:53:02 PM PDT by STARWISE (W: the Right Man when we needed him the most ... our blessing from God. Thank you, God.)
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To: Lady In Blue
Woo Hoo!Jean Lewis is one sharp cookie!
17 posted on 09/14/2003 11:10:08 PM PDT by MEG33
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To: Lady In Blue; All
WEB RESULTS  (Showing Results 1 - 10 of 451)

1. In Praise of Jean Lewis [Free Republic]
Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. - September 21, 2002 - 24 KB

2. Jean Lewis, former RTC Senior Investigator, comments on the closing...
Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. - June 25, 2002 - 191 KB

3. What Jean Lewis Knows [Free Republic]
Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. - June 22, 2002 - 318 KB

4. What Jean Lewis Knows
Topic: White Water What Jean Lewis Knows The American Spectator July 1997 By James Ring Adams They became famous as the Kansas City Three: Jean Lewis, a Republican, and her two supervisors, both Democrats, who were placed on administrative - September 20, 2002 - 16 KB

5. Gore's E-mail Missing? Tell it to L. Jean Lewis [Free Republic]
Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. - July 14, 2002 - 44 KB

6. No more 'We, the People'? Whitewater whistleblower, L. Jean Lewis ...
Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. - June 21, 2002 - 36 KB

7. Topic: White Water
Topic: White Water Los Angeles Times 09/20/97 By WILLIAM C. REMPEL, ALAN C. MILLER, Times Staff Writers Inquiry: Johnny Chung says the version released by Energy Department deleted part about secretary's charity. Web Posted: 09/21/97 00:26:45 PDT - July 16, 2002 - 412 KB

8. The Boys on the Tracks- [Free Republic]
Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. - June 24, 2002 - 46 KB

9. Beware Blowing The Whistle
Topic: White Water Beware Blowing The Whistle The New York Post December 27, 1998 Editorial Not for commercial use. Solely to be used for the educational purposes of research and open discussion. BEWARE BLOWING THE WHISTLE - November 30, 2002 - 20 KB

10. Topic: White Water
Topic: White Water The Washington Post 09/01/97 By Richard Harwood One of the great political stories of our time is unfolding in Washington. - July 17, 2002 - 159 KB

23 posted on 09/15/2003 1:31:36 AM PDT by backhoe (The 1990's? The Decade of Fraud(s)---)
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