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We will not gain ground by blaming whites for this sorry state of affairs*** In his column, "Off the Vine," which appears on the front page, Clayborne has taken on the journalism fight of his life: "Young black men have . . . bought into what apparently is a universal "dumbing down' syndrome where it's in style to be stupid -- with rap lyrics like "Where are my niggas at?' more memorable than their ABCs. Now, give or take a few token whites, our prison system is filled to capacity with young black men -- young men who will leave behind a trail of fatherless babies, single mothers and the untold carnage from the crimes they've committed.***

Poverty in America***Having children is not an act of G-d. It's not like you're walking down the street and pregnancy strikes you; children are a result of a conscious decision. For the most part, female-headed households are the result of short-sighted, self-destructive behavior of one or two people. They might have bought into the nonsense of "experts" like John Hopkins University sociologist Professor Andrew Cherlin, who said, "It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes." The real issue, according to Cherlin, "is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income." That's a call for fathers to be replaced by a government welfare check.***

The blacker-than-thou paradox divides*** I remember those days well, a heady time when African-Americans took education for granted as the sure route to self-improvement and the subsequent uplifting of the whole race. On my tiny Texas campus of fewer than 1,000 students, only fools refused to read and study diligently. Only fools destroyed their brains with drugs. Only fools physically hurt their brethren. In fact, "being smart" was in. We called it being "heavy." We even expected jocks to be heavy. All musicians, especially the jazz types, were heavy. Black power meant just that: being black and powerful, being armed with education and the drive to improve our lot in a hostile environment where the very concept of racial egalitarianism was still alien to most white Americans. Black power meant sharing the good and eliminating the bad.***

1 posted on 03/28/2003 2:26:38 AM PST by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
singling out black students was humiliating and racist.

And the culture of failure carefully nurtured by the racial bloviators isn't??? Being a 20-year-old, illiterate, three-time loser isn't??? Being 16 and already having three children by different fathers, none of whom is still around, isn't? Knowing that your future consists of a choice between crew supervisor at Mickey D's and a pool of blood in a gutter isn't?

FAILURE is racism! DEPENDENCY is racism! Self-determination is victory.

2 posted on 03/28/2003 2:48:10 AM PST by IronJack
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
God Bless Superintendent White. I hope he is succesful.

I live around the corner from one of our middle schools, 7th and 8th graders. There have been 40 some arrests there in the last two weeks. Our city schools have been in a state of "academic emergency" for several years and all our superintendent does is say she needs more money.

It upsets me that so many of these young kids, black, white and hispanic, are throwing their lives away, prefering to be a thug rather than get an education and get out of this democratic made hell hole city.

But, being a white police officer and trying to talk to them doesn't work out too well, the kids view me as the enemy. (kids of all races)

5 posted on 03/28/2003 3:14:42 AM PST by Cap'n Crunch
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
The Civil Rights movement told blacks that advancement would not come through education and economics but through politics and government largess. And it has, for Jackson and other black Judas in the Democrat plantation.
9 posted on 03/28/2003 3:54:11 AM PST by Leisler
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
read later
10 posted on 03/28/2003 3:55:01 AM PST by chasio649
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
Mr. White sounds like another Joe Clark in the making. It is not racist when you tell the truth. The epidemic of nilistic behavior, illiteracy and bastard children is what is driving the black community into an abyss. Racism real or imagine could not do what black folk are doing to themselves.

When you try to emulate the "gangsta" life style instead of putting some real knowledge into your thick skulls you will end up as a negative statistic.
11 posted on 03/28/2003 3:57:54 AM PST by Warrior Nurse (The Army, Navy and Marine Corps team putting warheads on their foreheads! OOH-RAH)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
'No parent should ever leave education entirely in the hands of the school.''

'No parent should ever leave education entirely in the hands of the school.''

'No parent should ever leave education entirely in the hands of the school.''

'No parent should ever leave education entirely in the hands of the school.''

'No parent should ever leave education entirely in the hands of the school.''

15 posted on 03/28/2003 4:18:46 AM PST by Izzy Dunne (Hello, I'm a TAGLINE virus. Please help me spread by copying me into YOUR tag line.)
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To: rdb3; Khepera; elwoodp; MAKnight; condolinda; mafree; Trueblackman; FRlurker; Teacher317; ...
There is nobody dumb here, but there are a lot of lazy people here

This can't be said enough; and it needs to be said to the parents as much and as well as the kids. When I was in high school (mind you, an all black high school in Gary, IN), I was courted by Harvard, as were some other kids in my graduating class -- and they were serious.

I was more intent on engineering at the time (which they didn't have), but they got an honest look from me, at least.

Back to this situation, the kids are lazy, and the parents are equally lazy. They need a wake-up call....

Black conservative ping

If you want on (or off) of my black conservative ping list, please let me know via FREEPmail. (And no, you don't have to be black to be on the list!)

Extra warning: this is a high-volume ping list.

16 posted on 03/28/2003 4:22:54 AM PST by mhking
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
21 posted on 03/28/2003 4:55:17 AM PST by lodwick (Cheers)
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
Glad you're keeping a running list of these articles.

BUMP for a courageous educator, Mr. White !

25 posted on 03/28/2003 6:24:32 AM PST by happygrl
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
There is no way to draw a causal link between White's efforts and the increased scores, researchers say.

The so-called "researchers" are idiots. I say White could go much further. When I was in elementary school the principal paddled my butt because, in his words, "you can do much better than you are doing". Damn if I didn't do better after that. LOL.

27 posted on 03/28/2003 6:31:17 AM PST by PhilipFreneau
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
What a courageous man. I hope his message sinks in.
29 posted on 03/28/2003 6:35:14 AM PST by What Is Ain't
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
The inherent flaw in the liberal's defense of Affirmative Action and their overall belief that blacks need an "helping hand" is that for it to work, and be believable, you have to believe that blacks are not as smart as whites, asians that can achieve under the same or worse conditions.

That is clearly a racist belief, but they will never admit it. The race baiting poverty pimps make sure that the blacks stay down and needy, which keeps them voting for them in the hopes that they will be "helped." It just never happens. Look at Clinton's record. I cannot think of a single clear example of anything Clinton did in eight years that demostrably helped poor black people. All they did was serve as a prop for him everytime he got his butt in a sling. Got a problem? Run to a black church.

Wonder how many he has been to since?

31 posted on 03/28/2003 6:53:16 AM PST by SpinyNorman
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To: Cincinatus' Wife; *Academia list; *Education News; Home School

Here are links to various education threads (also containing numerous helpful links)


Walter E. Williams: Inferior Education of Black Americans; Published: February 05, 2003; Author: Walter E. Williams

Union Fraud Underscores Need for School Vouchers
Source:; Published: February 05, 2003; Author: Linda Chavez

How Not to Teach Math
Source: City Journal; Published: 7 March 2003; Author: Matthew Clavel

Government Schools Have U.S. On The Fast Track To Third-World Status
Source: Toogood Reports; Published: March 6, 2003; Author: Bob Ellis

Sodom and Gomorrah University
Source: Published: February 19, 2003; Author: Michelle Malkin

The Union That Killed Education
Source:; Published: February. 17, 2003; Author: Paul Craig Roberts

Time for public schools to throw in the towel?
Source:; Published: January 27, 2003; Author: Dr. Laura Schlessinger

My Classroom From Hell
Source: The Wall Street Journal; Published: January 24, 2003; Author: Joshua Kaplowitz

Can more money make schools better?
Source:; Published: January 21, 2003; Author: Phyllis Schlafly

Are public schools constitutional?
Source: NewsWithViews; Published: JANUARY 20, 2003; Auythor: Lynn M. Stuter

The intellectual rape of Oakland's schools
Source:; Published: January 17, 2003; Author: David Horowitz

Hip-hop hogwash in the schools (Michelle Malkin)
Source:; Published: January 15, 2003; Author: Michelle Malkin

Dumbed Down and Dumber Still
Source: The American Prowler; Published: January 15, 2003; Author: By George Neumayr

Washington's education establishment
Source:; Published: January 8, 2003; Author:Walter Williams

NEA Hastens Death of American Education
Source: INSIGHT magazine; Published: January 6, 2003; Author: Ralph de Toledano

White Teachers Fleeing Black Schools
Source: Newsmax; Published:January 1, 2003; Author: Chad Roedemeier

Fiddling whilst Rome burns
Source:; Published: December 26, 2002; Author: Walter Williams

Government School Monopolies Leave Children Behind
Source: Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty; Published: December 4, 2002; Author: Clint Green

The silence of the lambs: McMillan blasts bureaucrats for destroying public education
Source:; Published: August 15, 2002; Author: Craige McMillan

Taking Charge: Let's Stop Aiding and Abetting Academicians' Folly
Source: HOME EDUCATION magazine; Published: July-August 2002; Author: Larry and Susan Kaseman

’Open Directory’ --Society/Issues/Education/Education_Reform

Deconstructing Public Education
Source:; Published: July 26, 2002; Author: Diane Alden

Specious Science In Our Schools
Source: Toogood Reports; Published: July 9, 2002; Author: Alan Caruba

SYMPOSIUM Q: Is the National Education Association Being Fair to Its Religious Objectors?
Source: INSIGHT magazine; Published: June 10, 2002; Authors NO: Stefan Gleason ////\\\\ YES: Bob Chase

Public Sector Subverting Productive Industry
Source: Toogood Reports; Published: May 16, 2002; Author: Henry Pelifian

History of America's Education Part 2: Noah Webster and Early America
Source: Sierra Times; Published: March 27, 2002; Author: April Shenandoah

How Communist is Public Education?
Source:; Published:March 22, 2002; Author: Chuck Morse

History of America's Education Part 1: Johnny is in trouble
Source: Sierra Times; Published: March 20, 2002; Author: April Shenandoah

Audit rips Georgia schools' curriculum
Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution; Published: March 11, 2002; Author:JAMES SALZER

Why schools fail: Samuel Blumenfeld warns Bush's education legislation is ineffective
Source:; Published: March 2, 2002; Author: Samuel Blumenfeld

Public School Isn't Like I Remember It
Source: Too Good Reports; Published: February 28, 2002; Author: Phyllis Schlafly

What Is Lacking In Our Educational System
Source: Too Good Reports; Published: February 28, 2002; Author: Ben Cerruti

The charade of education reform
Source:; Published: February 2, 2002; Author: Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld

American public schools: Working just as designed
Source:; Published: January 21, 2002; Author: Vox Day

High Schools Fail Thanks To Grade Inflation And Social Promotion
Source: Toogood Reports; Published: December 5, 2001; Author: Vin Suprynowicz

Source: Accuracy in Media; Published: December 4, 2001; Author: Reed Irvine and Cliff Kincaid

The Failing Teacher and the Teachers' Code of Silence
Source:; Published: December 3, 2001; Author: Glenn Sacks

Time for outrage! Linda Bowles reports latest results in America's public schools
Source:; Published: November 27, 2001; Author: Linda Bowles

Illiterate in Boston: Samuel Blumenfeld explains U.S.'s ongoing reading problem
Source:; Published: July 20, 2001; Author: Samuel Blumenfeld

NEA - Let our children go!
Source: WorldNet Daily; Published: June 23. 2001; Author: Linda Harvey

Source: Accuracy In Media; Published: June 5, 2001; Author: Cliff Kincaid

Why Do Schools Play Games With Students' Minds ?
Source: The Detroit News; Published: April 1, 2001; Author: Thomas Sowell

The Public School Nightmare: Why fix a system designed to destroy individual thought?
Source:; Author: John Taylor Gatto

Dumbing down teachers
Source:; Published: February 21, 2001; Author: John Leo

Free Republic links to education related articles (thread#8)
Source: Free Republic; Published: 3-20-2001; Author: Various

Are children deliberately 'dumbed down' in school? {YES!!!}
Source: World Net Daily; Published: May 13, 2001; Author: Geoff Metcalf {Interview}

Could they really have done it on purpose?
Source: THE LIBERTARIAN; Published: 07/28/2000; Author: Vin Suprynowicz

New Book Explores America's Education Catastrophe
Source: Christian Citizen USA; Published: April 2000; Author: William H. Wild

Deliberately dumbing us down (Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt's, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America"
Source:; Published: December 2,1999; Author: Samuel L. Blumenfeld

Deconstructing the Western Mind: Gramscian-Marxist Subversion of Faith and Education
Source: www.petersnet; Published: Winter 1997; Author: Frank Morriss

Littleton Crisis to Government Control

The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

Lexington Institute

NonPartisan Action For a Better Redding

Quality of Education Commentary, Opinion, and Book Reviews

34 posted on 03/28/2003 7:12:56 AM PST by Stand Watch Listen
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
I used to work for Dr. White. He is a very large man who demands respect the moment he walks into a room. He is a very intelligent man who is well-prepared anytime he needs to give an address.

The year he became Superintendent of the district (and as C.E.O. of North Central High School at the same time), I was hired to teach there. He came for a visit one day to address the students. His message was quite clear, that it was mainly the african-american students that were getting into trouble, had lower grades, and generally needed to take advantage of what the school was offering, an opportunity to succeed in life.

His address was not a matter of simple, idle comments and threats. Everything he said was backed by statistics gathered from test scores, discipline reports, and attendance records. He was armed with real information.

It has been several years since I was on staff there, so I do not know if his message has been received, but I do know that we need more administrators like Dr. White. He is not afraid to speak the truth, and not afraid to let the facts speak for themselves.

Unfortunately, if a white superintendent had made the same comments regardless of the facts, he would no longer have a job and would have been labeled a racist.

37 posted on 03/28/2003 8:17:48 AM PST by SaveTheChief
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To: Cincinatus' Wife
We need more people like this and less people like Jesse Jackson. Of course if these kids actually take responsibility and achieve success then poor Jesse will be out of a job.
42 posted on 03/29/2003 12:21:48 AM PST by Michael2001
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