I live around the corner from one of our middle schools, 7th and 8th graders. There have been 40 some arrests there in the last two weeks. Our city schools have been in a state of "academic emergency" for several years and all our superintendent does is say she needs more money.
It upsets me that so many of these young kids, black, white and hispanic, are throwing their lives away, prefering to be a thug rather than get an education and get out of this democratic made hell hole city.
But, being a white police officer and trying to talk to them doesn't work out too well, the kids view me as the enemy. (kids of all races)
It's hard to teach an old dog a new trick. More money means more union members supporting the Democratic Party. And Americans are told, "It's for the children." Phooey! Pull the other one. "Excellence" bumper stickers are sent home to cover up the education fraud.