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Hillary's Running
American Prowler ^
| 03/05/03
| R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.
Posted on 03/04/2003 9:16:17 PM PST by Pokey78
Washington -- My sympathies go out to those unfortunate political reporters whose beat is Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Her toing and froing on pest removal in Baghdad must be maddening. Last October she voted for the resolution authorizing war with Iraq. In a January press conference she was telling reporters that the President "still has to make his case to the American people with respect to any action that might be taken." At the same time she said "I also believe that we should give the inspections time to work." In February she told Irish TV she opposed imminent war with Iraq. This week she supports war but would hope inspections disarm Saddam. On the other hand, an aide said Senator Clinton "fully supports the steps the president has taken to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction." The aide's name is Philippe Reines, which sounds French to me.
So what is the cause of the New York senator's oscillations? Is it attention deficit disorder? Is she lying, again? Has she become forgetful? Truth be known, she is running for president. In 2004 she plans to be the Democratic presidential nominee. Sure Dr. Howard Dean has the momentum right now, but she thinks she can snatch the nomination from him, and I am afraid I agree. This is one of the few times I have ever agreed with Mrs. Clinton. Yes, we have agreed on the moral qualities of her husband, but that and her chances to snatch the nomination from Dr. Howard Dean are about it.
Frankly I have relished the thought of Dr. Howard Dean campaigning against President George W. Bush in 2004. The President would be flying hither and yon in Air Force One, boasting of how one of his generals has done for Iraq what General Douglas MacArthur once did for Japan. Dr. Howard Dean would be traversing the country in some clever populist mode, perhaps on a Greyhound bus, possibly bicycling. He would be holding town meetings and hosting brown bag lunches to summon his core constituency: the Really Forgotten American or the Uninsured and the Angry or Americans So Poor They Eat Dog Food, or whatever down-and-out constituency his delusional mind decides will carry him into the White House as President Dr. Howard Dean.
Well, Hillary is going to deny me the fun of witnessing his candidacy. She recognizes that -- win or lose -- she has got to go for the nomination in 2004. She might win, but if she loses against this very popular president she will be able to claim that she came to the Democrats' defense in a dark hour, when only nebbishes sought the party's nomination, nebbishes that could disgrace it for years to come. She will have gained control of the party for four more years. Then in 2008 the nomination will be hers and after eight years of a Republican president and twelve years of the Bush Dynasty the country will welcome her.
Polls say that even with the charismatic John Kerry and Al Sharpton in the race Hillary remains the Democratic front-runner. Take my word for it; at the proper moment she will announce. In fact she almost has to. If she waits to run in 2008 her name recognition will have gone stale and other winsome candidates might have come to the fore among Democrats. Dr. Howard Dean is not the only prodigy in the party. What is more, unless she establishes her presidential bona fides now, Bill could get in some disgraceful scrape damaging to the Clinton name. There could be paternity suits or some unspeakable scandal with a cleric -- they are available in both sexes now. He is, after all, reputed to be very spiritual and ecumenical. .
Hence we shall see the junior senator from New York State making many contradictory statements over the next months. That will keep her name in the headlines. It will also keep the different voting blocs in the Democratic Party hopeful that she favors them. There will be clever positions taken for the ethnics, the environmentalists, the people with eating disorders, the mothers against drunk driving, the drivers against drunk mothers. The thing to remember is that she does not have to win in 2004. All she has to do is acquit herself well and that will not take much. Standards for her are not very high. The press accepts her and Democrats vote for her despite the fact that she has been repeatedly caught lying in public. She has been caught associating with crooks. Subpoenaed materials show up in her home years after the subpoenas are issued. For Hillary the bar is forever low. Perhaps the 2004 Democratic ticket will be Clinton and Dr. Howard Dean. He would add a touch of whimsy.
TOPICS: Editorial; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: New York
KEYWORDS: electionpresident
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posted on
03/04/2003 9:16:17 PM PST
To: Pokey78
Great her in the US and her dog Bill in the UN! The world as we know it would end. Let's hope and pray the war in Iraq goes very well!
posted on
03/04/2003 9:22:15 PM PST
(kelly in alaska)
To: Pokey78
posted on
03/04/2003 9:22:25 PM PST
(Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
To: Pokey78
...British Prime Minister BILL CLINTON...
...American President HILLARY RODHAM =
...A new Atlantic Alliance formed...
...To end Freedom as we know it... this World.
posted on
03/04/2003 9:29:03 PM PST
(Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
To: knak
she is running for president. In 2004 she plans to be the Democratic presidential nominee.I hope this is the case. We need to be done with her. No one (read swing, undecided, republican, blue dog democrats) is going to buy her garbage.
posted on
03/04/2003 9:29:03 PM PST
To: Pokey78
What a great piece of writing!...and he is very probably right.
YOu beat me to it - Hillary is on the Armed Services Committee! Military Magazine, March 2003 issue.
Is Congress for us, or against us? Methinks it's the latter.
posted on
03/04/2003 9:29:35 PM PST
(Oh, what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive)
To: Pokey78; knak; Joy Angela
...British Prime Minister BILL CLINTON...
...American President HILLARY RODHAM =
...A new Atlantic Alliance formed...
...To end Freedom as we know it... this World.
posted on
03/04/2003 9:29:35 PM PST
(Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
To: Pokey78; timestax; Freedom'sWorthIt; pray4liberty; FreedominJesusChrist; Republic; Registered; ...
Timing is Everything.
Right now, Hillary Clinton is plotting a Return to the White House,
Right now, is the time to RUN HER OUT OF TOWN!!
Judicial Watch has a lawsuit going to ruin Hillary's political career forever. But this takes help from us.
If WE drop the ball
Hillary will run for President
And Win
Judicial Watch needs our help to pursue the She-Witch
until EVERYONE knows the evil that is her soul.
posted on
03/04/2003 9:31:27 PM PST
Joy Angela
(Saddam is a mouse)
Comment #10 Removed by Moderator
To: Pokey78
. The press accepts her and Democrats vote for her despite the fact that she has been repeatedly caught lying in public.
The DemonCRAPS love their politicians to lie and cheat. Heck, they demand it!!
posted on
03/04/2003 9:31:49 PM PST
To: Pokey78
Out poor country, has she not had enough abuse?
To: Libertina
make that OUR
To: lakey; Joy Angela; Alamo-Girl
Despite all HILLARY RODHAM has done against US...
Democrats are still betting on this Enemy Within 4-Victory even though HILLARY RODHAM is a:
Friend of HO CHI MINH
Friend of Communist Korea
Friend of Communist China
Friend of Communist Vietnam
against US..!!!
Democrats put HILLARY RODHAM on our most secret Senate Armed Services Committee in -Time of War- despite all.
VOTE THEM ALL OUT next time around.
posted on
03/04/2003 9:35:47 PM PST
(Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
To: Pokey78
Tyrrell is very bright and very right.
Even now "Bullet Holes for Eyes" is jerking the Dem senators around by their files.
Her sealed Wellesley thesis was a paean to Saul Alinsky, radical counselling, "Tell any lie for power."
She is spiritually aligned with Beijing, and hooked up with Islamofascists.
Her regime produced a nuclear North Korea and a rearming Iraq--and a weakened U.S. military.
Her message to the American people is that which she delivered to a member of her Secret Service detail:
"If you want to stay on this f--king detail, get your ass over there and pick up my bags!"
That resonates with the bootlicking Left, leaving only the pesky moderates to fool for a few months.
Hang the garlic by the window and don't leave home without a crucifix and a wooden stake--
The Beast is hungry.
posted on
03/04/2003 9:35:51 PM PST
(Hitlery: das Butch von Buchenvald)
To: timestax
Republicans continually underestimate the campaigning ability of the Clintons. Hillary will run in 2004 and she has a very good chance to win. It's the economy. She has three easy campaign points. Increasing unempolyment, loss of retirement income through plunging stocks, a President who cares more about the Middle East than about America.
Whether theses points are enough remains to be seen. She is a dangerous candidate for Bush, probably the Democrats strongest.
posted on
03/04/2003 9:37:15 PM PST
Doctor Stochastic
(Vegetabilisch = chaotisch is der Charakter der Modernen. - Friedrich Schlegel)
To: Joy Angela
Wasn't Judicial Watch suing Cheney too? To which of their campaigns would my contribution be put to use? They got one planned for Bush yet? No thanks.
posted on
03/04/2003 9:38:07 PM PST
To: lakey
Again why did Ashcroft not go after Hillary and Bill?
posted on
03/04/2003 9:38:15 PM PST
(God Speed as Angels trending upward dare to fly Tribute to the Risk Takers)
I think the risk of a loss would be far less in 2008 than in 2004, so I doubt she'll try it next year at all.
posted on
03/04/2003 9:39:10 PM PST
A CA Guy
(God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
To: Pokey78
Agree on everything except the "no harm in losing" part about 2004, especially if she's humiliated 60-40 by W. The Dems have never rerun anyone beaten soundly (Stevenson lost twice to Ike, but neither time in a landslide). She won't run just to sacrifice herself for the party.
Unfortunately, if she runs she has a very good chance of winning. A look at the electoral map:
- Even if W walks on water, cures cancer and the Dow goes to 15000, Hillary would win NY, CA, OR, WA, MA, DC, MD, DE, NJ, VT, and ME--That's close to 150 Electoral votes.
- Let the economy get a lot worse and the memory of an Iraq victory fade, and she has a shot at MI, OH, IL, WI, MN, IA, PA, FL, and MO--enough to get her over the top.
- If Iraq doesn't work out or there's a major loss of US life in the process, she could even make headway down south.
It's fairly likely that if she wins she'll do it with a minority of the vote, turning the tables on W from last time.
We need to root for quick victory, a recovering economy, and no other GOP challenger. A rerun by Nader, who is being encouraged to run again, would help too.
After Pardongate, Travelgate, Chinagate, Juannita Broadderick, Silverwareage, and the failures to contain terrorism (not necessarily in that order), it is depressing how many people still don't see through the Clintons, or if they do, don't care
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