1 posted on
03/04/2003 9:16:17 PM PST by
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To: Pokey78
Great her in the US and her dog Bill in the UN! The world as we know it would end. Let's hope and pray the war in Iraq goes very well!
2 posted on
03/04/2003 9:22:15 PM PST by
(kelly in alaska)
To: Pokey78
3 posted on
03/04/2003 9:22:25 PM PST by
(Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965 http://www.LZXRay.com)
To: Pokey78
...British Prime Minister BILL CLINTON...
...American President HILLARY RODHAM =
...A new Atlantic Alliance formed...
...To end Freedom as we know it...
...in this World.
4 posted on
03/04/2003 9:29:03 PM PST by
(Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965 http://www.LZXRay.com)
To: Pokey78
What a great piece of writing!...and he is very probably right.
To: Pokey78; knak; Joy Angela
...British Prime Minister BILL CLINTON...
...American President HILLARY RODHAM =
...A new Atlantic Alliance formed...
...To end Freedom as we know it...
...in this World.
8 posted on
03/04/2003 9:29:35 PM PST by
(Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965 http://www.LZXRay.com)
To: Pokey78; timestax; Freedom'sWorthIt; pray4liberty; FreedominJesusChrist; Republic; Registered; ...
Timing is Everything.
Right now, Hillary Clinton is plotting a Return to the White House,
Right now, is the time to RUN HER OUT OF TOWN!!
Judicial Watch has a lawsuit going to ruin Hillary's political career forever. But this takes help from us.
If WE drop the ball
Hillary will run for President
And Win
Judicial Watch needs our help to pursue the She-Witch
until EVERYONE knows the evil that is her soul.
9 posted on
03/04/2003 9:31:27 PM PST by
Joy Angela
(Saddam is a mouse)
To: Pokey78
. The press accepts her and Democrats vote for her despite the fact that she has been repeatedly caught lying in public.
The DemonCRAPS love their politicians to lie and cheat. Heck, they demand it!!
11 posted on
03/04/2003 9:31:49 PM PST by
To: Pokey78
Out poor country, has she not had enough abuse?
To: Pokey78
Tyrrell is very bright and very right.
Even now "Bullet Holes for Eyes" is jerking the Dem senators around by their files.
Her sealed Wellesley thesis was a paean to Saul Alinsky, radical counselling, "Tell any lie for power."
She is spiritually aligned with Beijing, and hooked up with Islamofascists.
Her regime produced a nuclear North Korea and a rearming Iraq--and a weakened U.S. military.
Her message to the American people is that which she delivered to a member of her Secret Service detail:
"If you want to stay on this f--king detail, get your ass over there and pick up my bags!"
That resonates with the bootlicking Left, leaving only the pesky moderates to fool for a few months.
Hang the garlic by the window and don't leave home without a crucifix and a wooden stake--
The Beast is hungry.
15 posted on
03/04/2003 9:35:51 PM PST by
(Hitlery: das Butch von Buchenvald)
To: Pokey78
Agree on everything except the "no harm in losing" part about 2004, especially if she's humiliated 60-40 by W. The Dems have never rerun anyone beaten soundly (Stevenson lost twice to Ike, but neither time in a landslide). She won't run just to sacrifice herself for the party.
Unfortunately, if she runs she has a very good chance of winning. A look at the electoral map:
- Even if W walks on water, cures cancer and the Dow goes to 15000, Hillary would win NY, CA, OR, WA, MA, DC, MD, DE, NJ, VT, and ME--That's close to 150 Electoral votes.
- Let the economy get a lot worse and the memory of an Iraq victory fade, and she has a shot at MI, OH, IL, WI, MN, IA, PA, FL, and MO--enough to get her over the top.
- If Iraq doesn't work out or there's a major loss of US life in the process, she could even make headway down south.
It's fairly likely that if she wins she'll do it with a minority of the vote, turning the tables on W from last time.
We need to root for quick victory, a recovering economy, and no other GOP challenger. A rerun by Nader, who is being encouraged to run again, would help too.
After Pardongate, Travelgate, Chinagate, Juannita Broadderick, Silverwareage, and the failures to contain terrorism (not necessarily in that order), it is depressing how many people still don't see through the Clintons, or if they do, don't care
To: Pokey78
Garbage people...time is over, way over..
25 posted on
03/04/2003 9:47:56 PM PST by
To: Pokey78
Hillary's Running Not with those ankles, she ain't.
28 posted on
03/04/2003 9:50:18 PM PST by
Hank Rearden
(Dick Gephardt. Before he dicks you.)
To: Pokey78
If she waits to run in 2008 her name recognition will have gone stale and other winsome candidates might have come to the fore among Democrats. Hillary Rodham Clinton will run and run again until she finally wins.
She didn't name her daughter
CHELSEA VICTORIA Clinton for nothing.
"Shall See Victory"
It's in her blood.
And she's gonna do it
Whether America Wants her
or not.
30 posted on
03/04/2003 9:55:33 PM PST by
Joy Angela
(Saddam is a mouse)
To: Pokey78
I'm almost certain Hillary will run. I've thought that ever since the Daily News ran a trial story a few months ago. She can't afford to wait until 2008.
And I also agree she is a very dangerous candidate. I hope and expect that the war will go well. But the clintons have stuck Bush with an ongoing economic catastrophe, and the media won't hestitate to blame it on Bush. Never mind that it began well before he took office.
31 posted on
03/04/2003 9:55:37 PM PST by
To: Pokey78
Hillary's RunningQuick! Somebody get a huge, big box of depends!
34 posted on
03/04/2003 9:59:16 PM PST by
To: Pokey78
"And what rough Beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"
36 posted on
03/04/2003 10:02:43 PM PST by
To: Pokey78
Polls say that even with the charismatic John Kerry and Al Sharpton in the race Hillary remains the Democratic front-runner. Jot this down. It could be the only time John Kerry is ever described as "charismatic".
Take my word for it; at the proper moment she will announce. In fact she almost has to.
She will... after Bubba has the Democrat nominee and his veep both assassinated, either by alleged terrorists or alleged right-wingers. Then "Brave Hillary" will step into the breach at the last minute and "save" America's two-party system, without the need for media scrutiny or debates. It will be Wellstone-turned-Lautenberg. 2002 was just a dress rehearsal.
What is more, unless she establishes her presidential bona fides now, Bill could get in some disgraceful scrape damaging to the Clinton name. There could be paternity suits or some unspeakable scandal with a cleric -- they are available in both sexes now.
I can hear Carville now: "If you drag a $100 bill through a monestary there's no telling what type of trash it will attract."
I stick by my assertion that if Bill raped Chelsea on the White House lawn in the middle of a news conference, half the reporters would pretend it never happened and the other half would come up with reasons to justify it.
40 posted on
03/04/2003 10:10:32 PM PST by
(Where liberals lead, misery follows.)
Here's my guess but I may be FOS.
Hillary will run first for VP (since America isn't ready for the leap to a female pres. all at once.) Her "pres" running mate will be someone who Hillary has a copy of an FBI file on so that she can contol him, and be the "real" pres just like when Billy-Boy was pres.
Then, after 2 terms as VP (but really the pres) she'll run for pres, hoping for 2 terms.
2 terms as pres with Bill as front man (8 yrs)
2 terms as VP (really the pres due to blackmail)(8 yrs)
2 terms as pres.(8 yrs)
= 24 years as pres
I hope I'm wrong!!!
47 posted on
03/04/2003 10:36:17 PM PST by
(whadda ya mean, "we don't get parachutes"!?!)
To: Pokey78
Hillery is a legend in her own mind.
49 posted on
03/04/2003 10:39:28 PM PST by
(Is this a geat country.....or what?)
To: Pokey78
Hey, I thought she already served two terms.
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