1 posted on
02/18/2003 10:11:09 PM PST by
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To: kattracks
He's[Al Sharpton]
an unknown quantity; that scares people. Oh, he's known alright. And there's certainly quantity! What scares people is the quality!
To: kattracks
Seems to me that Brazile is trying to plant a seed of complacency in the GOP by leading them to believe that there is a shift by blacks away from the RATs.
Re: the shift, I'll believe it when I see it.
28 posted on
02/19/2003 4:41:25 AM PST by
(From the Land of Liberalty)
To: kattracks
I atttend an Evangelical church in white suburbia, in Ohio. Several black people (about 50) left their innercity black church en mass to become members of our church. Their numbers grow daily, and they are predominently conservative. These people are hard workers, committed to stable families, and are often the first to request prayers for President Bush.
29 posted on
02/19/2003 4:57:07 AM PST by
To: kattracks
Most any interview with Brazile can be summed up in only a few words:
"We can't let the white boys win."
She is in the process of recruiting minority candidates like Moseley-Braun to challenge Sharpton in several key primary states.
She also knows that if Sharpton is attacked too hard on his checkered past, he will attack back. He was asked recently about Tawana Brawley and he shot back, "why don't you ask Kennedy about Chappaquidick".
Democrats are walking on a razor's edge in dealing with Sharpton. IMO, their best strategy is to treat him as any other viable candidate and let the chips fall where they may.
The fact that they think they have to get rid of him or handle in some way reveals that they think their voters are so stupid that they won't recognize a blowhard like Sharpton when they see one.
33 posted on
02/19/2003 5:35:03 AM PST by
To: kattracks
She is regarded as one of the Democrats' leading strategists. You're doing a GREAT job. Keep up the good work. :)
34 posted on
02/19/2003 5:38:08 AM PST by
(Why does this tag line keep showing up?)
To: kattracks
The democrats would rather have the teacher's union support than the black vote - thus they are against vouchers.
The democrats want image, not substance. Thus Martin Luther King's name is sacred, but the concept of judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin has been completely rejected by the democrats.
The democrats only want black votes, not black leaders. Thus their opposition to Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell and instead the support of white "blacks" (like Bill Clinton - the first "black" President).
Of course they are losing black voters.
35 posted on
02/19/2003 5:49:55 AM PST by
To: kattracks
Horror of horrors! - People are actually voting as individuals instead of a group driven by skin color. We can't have that, huh Miss Brazile?
To: kattracks
Thanks for posting this, katt.
The Democrat Party should be worried: the entire Democrat message to blacks, for more than a generation, has been this:
Finally, perhaps, a new generation of black voters are beginning to see the test of history on these assumptions.
38 posted on
02/19/2003 7:57:49 AM PST by
(I'm SO glad to no longer be associated with the Party of Dependence on Government.)
To: rdb3; Khepera; elwoodp; MAKnight; condolinda; mafree; Trueblackman; FRlurker; Teacher317; ...
40 posted on
02/19/2003 8:04:11 AM PST by
("The word is no. I am therefore going anyway..." --Admiral J.T. Kirk)
To: kattracks
Republicans should point to Bush's cabinet and ask blacks if they prefer a President who promises equality or who believes in equality.
It's really that simple.
41 posted on
02/19/2003 8:04:47 AM PST by
(I am Jack's smirking revenge.)
To: kattracks
The fact this woman is highly respected tells me all I need to know about the DNC and the democratic party. After watching her and wandering eye liberal on CNN repeatedly during election coverage etc.... it is quite obvious to anyone with a few brain cells what the Dems are about... and its not American values to say the least.
I will give her points for at least having good diction, far better than Sharpton or Mosely.
To: kattracks
"What they read about him [Sharpton] causes people to cringe because they don't know him,"
LOL. They cringe because they do know him. Dunce.
45 posted on
02/19/2003 8:13:16 AM PST by
(Pray for our Troops)
To: kattracks; mhking; rdb3; mafree
Groups of [minority] voters are hearing the Republican message," Miss Brazile said in an interview with The Washington Times. Oh God, we wouldn't want that would we. (/sarcasm)
47 posted on
02/19/2003 8:18:00 AM PST by
( Isaiah 55:10,11)
To: kattracks
Blacks are leaving the Liberal Plantation and rightfully so.
54 posted on
02/19/2003 8:29:52 AM PST by
1Old Pro
To: kattracks
We need to run a MAJOR campaign promoting personal social security accounts in black neighborhoods. Black men have a lifespan average of around 68, meaning they work 50+ years and get back a pathetic 3 yrs of benefits...The private accounts would allow them to leave their kids an inheritance and a better future. Blacks also tend to be more religious than most democrats. I think a combination of encouraging personal accounts, giving them real ownership and a stake in the economy, along with morality issues could swing a big chunk of black Americans to our side. Even 1% would do the trick in many close elections.
To: kattracks
It is to the advantage of the black community to split their vote: 30% Republican, 70% Democrat, or any other combination.
By showing willingness to jump to the other party, both parties will address the issues important to the black community.
Being married to the Democratic plantation, voting 95% Democratic, creates powerlessness: The Democrats will take you for granted and the Republicans will ignore you.
Finally, the black community, especially the black middle class, will realize this is the best way to influence American real politick
To: kattracks
There may be more than meets the eye here. Brazile is a shrewd politician, and she just may be trying to scare the democrats into accepting Sharpton. It may very well work, because the democratic party cannot win elections without the black vote. They have pinned their fortunes on that fact for decades.
The gradual movement to the right by African-Americans is a fearsome thing to a party that already exists only with a patchwork quilt of fringe groups and outright enemys of democracy itself.
On the other hand, the temptation for the republicans to over reach in a vain effort to win vast numbers of black voters could backfire. In time, we will see a more evenly balanced dispersion of votes from African-Americans as more and more see that this country works for them.
The days of the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons may soon be over as their would be followers seem to be slowly breaking the bonds of dependency on those self appointed "leaders."
63 posted on
02/19/2003 8:47:50 AM PST by
(I don't know it all.)
To: kattracks
Feeble attempt at damage control. The Demopukes will continue to push Blacks to the back of the bus.
Look how they're pushing forward a white female, Nancy Pelosi, and then they expect their Black voters to fade into the background.
64 posted on
02/19/2003 9:00:13 AM PST by
To: kattracks
This is delicious, truly delicious. Robert Novack noted in a column over the weekend that Democrats would one day pay for their over-reliance on the Black vote; now that two of their water-bearers have decided to run for President, their feet are being put to the fire. And I, as a Conservative Black woman, just love seeing the White Liberal Democrat Establishment squirm. They want the slaves to stay back in the kitchen, but not out in the front parlor. Anyone remember Maynard Jackson?
-Regards, T.
65 posted on
02/19/2003 9:02:24 AM PST by
T Lady
(.Freed From the Dimocratic Shackles since 1992)
To: kattracks
Sounds like the Underground Railroad is running right past the plantation again. Good Whipmasters like Al and Jesse are losing their slaves??
Pray for GW and the Truth
68 posted on
02/19/2003 9:10:29 AM PST by
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