1 posted on
02/18/2003 10:11:09 PM PST by
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To: kattracks
Be worried Donna, be very, very worried.
To: kattracks
Horrid, contemptible woman.
3 posted on
02/18/2003 10:13:16 PM PST by
(oh, did I say that out loud?)
To: kattracks
Miss Brazile said she has advised Democrats in the party, "Don't ignore him, don't slight him, don't treat him like a second-class candidate, because it will fuel his fire, and his spirit will soar even larger." "But by all means, pander to him and then stab him in the back...just like I'm doing."
--D. Brazile.
To: kattracks
"...said Democrats must step up their efforts to court black voters, more of whom are registering as independents and Republicans." They're finally seeing the light. ....perhaps
5 posted on
02/18/2003 10:15:41 PM PST by
( http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3a37a7ce78f9.htm)
To: kattracks
6 posted on
02/18/2003 10:18:08 PM PST by
To: kattracks
This is an interesting article for those on our side who have written of black participation in the Republican Party as a pipe dream. Donna doesn't write memo's about pipe dreams.
7 posted on
02/18/2003 10:19:51 PM PST by
To: kattracks
Hmmm...I wonder if Donna just might be fighting the urge to join the Republican party.
8 posted on
02/18/2003 10:26:20 PM PST by
To: kattracks
"Up, off the Democrat plantation!" came the call, and apparently enough people have heard it to scare the bejesus out of the Dems.
9 posted on
02/18/2003 10:28:00 PM PST by
(Affirmative Action is Racism)
To: kattracks
LOL and she is correct. Who wants to be a part of a racist party and anti-Americans?
10 posted on
02/18/2003 10:31:59 PM PST by
(God Speed as Angels trending upward dare to fly Tribute to the Risk Takers)
To: kattracks
Second only to the hildabeast as the most dangerous woman in the republic.
11 posted on
02/18/2003 10:32:08 PM PST by
To: kattracks
"The GOP is making inroads in the black vote. It's trending away. Groups of [minority] voters are hearing the Republican message," Miss Brazile said in an interview with The Washington Times.The most telling tidbit from the article IMO. Can't have them folks hearing the republican message you know. They might just decide to think for themselves and abandon the plantation.
13 posted on
02/18/2003 11:01:28 PM PST by
(If you use microsoft products, you are feeding the beast.)
To: mhking
15 posted on
02/18/2003 11:16:01 PM PST by
(Liberate Iraq - Support Our Troops!)
To: firebrand; StarFan; Dutchy; stanz; RaceBannon; Cacique; Clemenza; rmlew; NYC GOP Chick; ...
Please FReepmail me if you want on or off my infrequent ping list.
16 posted on
02/18/2003 11:18:26 PM PST by
(Liberate Iraq - Support Our Troops!)
To: kattracks
The Democrats are in quite a pickle.
If the Democrats pump up Sharpton, of the disgraceful and criminal Tawana Brawley hoax, they will further disgust their quickly disappearing white voters, what's left of them. And if they show disrespect toward Sharpton, they will alienate a huge chunk of their black base. Yep, quite a pickle.
To: kattracks
"The GOP is making inroads in the black vote. It's trending away. Groups of [minority] voters are hearing the Republican message," Miss Brazile said...
"There the people go. I am their leader. I must hasten after them!"
To: kattracks
Black Americans aren't going to vote for Bush in 2004. They are so indoctrinated it's beyond their ability to think for themselves.
If I was Bush, I'd purposely mock them and go in front of the NAACP and say, "since there is no way any of you will vote for me, I might as well tell the truth: The Democrats have turned you into slaves...enjoy living on their plantation of horrible schools, inner city blight, low paying jobs and illegitimate births"!
To: kattracks
Looks as if the Blacks are starting to wake up to the facts of who it was that went to war to keep them enslaved and passed all those Jim Crow Laws to keep them disenfrachised and who reinvented welfare and civil rights in order to reenslave them. they just might be a little pissed when they come to the truth.
20 posted on
02/18/2003 11:40:37 PM PST by
To: kattracks
Thank God, she in an idiot, but she's an idiot who's got a tough job made harder to do. Here's the basic facts. African Americans do not vote for republican canidates, however, republicans, when they campaign for african american votes, draw, middle of the road centerists, and moderates, when dems try to campaign for the black vote, which they usually take for granted (according to Gore campagin manager Daly, they need to take for granted), they turn off and alienate the center. I.e. moderates want to see repubs appealing to all, and the rats only appealing to them. Another knock on many african american voters in regards to the democrats, is as much as they hate republicans, if they hate the democrat to, or don't see a clear difference, they just don't vote at all. In a sense, if a republican campaigns for the black vote, he won't get it, but if he does well, he (or she) denies there opponent that very same vote. In a twisted way, its like campaining for somone not to vote. Thats why its important for republicans to go for the black vote, and to make rats work for it, make them turn away the center, and spend resources.
21 posted on
02/18/2003 11:45:07 PM PST by
Sonny M
(If you want to get rid of more wellstones, just loosen the bolts, not that I did that or anything.)
To: kattracks
Donna sounds scared, as if the chattel she thought they owned is suddenly waking up, and wants to leave the plantation for a better life elsewhere. Hey, Donna, these are PEOPLE!
The democrats should be the ones paying these people their "reparations."
23 posted on
02/19/2003 1:11:39 AM PST by
(EVERYBODY thinks I'm paranoid!!)
To: kattracks
Donna Brazile is the person responsible for bringing in Carol Mosely Braun to run for President to thwart some support for Sharpton!!! What a fork-tongued person she is.
25 posted on
02/19/2003 2:04:54 AM PST by
Claire Voyant
((visualize whirled peas))
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