Posted on 01/31/2003 3:39:37 PM PST by aculeus
EXCLUSIVE: Bush administration to release tapes that could incriminate Iraq.
Jan. 31 The Bush administration is preparing to release supersensitive electronic intercepts obtained by the National Security Agency that officials say prove that Iraq has repeatedly lied to United Nations inspectors, plotted among themselves about how to conceal weapons material and even appeared to boast afterward at their success in doing so, NEWSWEEK has learned.
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Great post. I am sure the lefty freaks will still makes excuses. I will add this article to my lists:
Taliban, Clinton, Saudi Involvement - All laid out in a book published in 2000 (from USMC.MIL site)
The Democrats' Case Against Saddam Hussein (Dems nailed, yet again)
Headline Rundown and links on Iraq - Things the democrats have conviently forgot...
Saddam Abused His Last Chance, Clinton -clear and present danger to safety of people everywhere 1998
Gore repeats that Saddam MUST GO - June 2000
What the democrats want you to forget
Iraq is a Regional Threat, capable of as much as 200 tons of VX nerve agent (1999 Clinton report)
Czech military reports say iraq has smallpox virus in weapons stockpile (and camelpox)
Iraqi chemical weapons buildup reported (Sept 2001 Report)
Clinton, Gore rally domestic support for strike at Iraq, "unholy axis" (1998 Must read)
statement President Clinton from 1998 on the air strikes
Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 - Full Text, Sense of Congress - Remove Saddam
EXCLUSIVE: Bush administration to release tapes that could incriminate Iraq.Jan. 31 The Bush administration is preparing to release supersensitive electronic intercepts obtained by the National Security Agency that officials say prove that Iraq has repeatedly lied to United Nations inspectors, plotted among themselves about how to conceal weapons material and even appeared to boast afterward at their success in doing so, NEWSWEEK has learned.
Powell (speaking for Bush): Attention Iraq...
Looks like the ghost of Adlai Stevenson....
Oops, you can't say that. It has been trademarked
Jan. 31 The Bush administration is preparing to release supersensitive electronic intercepts obtained by the National Security Agency that officials say prove
Well - which is it?
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