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Sen. Clinton a Threat to U.S. Security
softwar ^ | Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 | Charles R. Smith

Posted on 01/23/2003 12:48:52 AM PST by backhoe

Edited on 01/23/2003 1:02:12 AM PST by Jim Robinson. [history]

Subject: Sen. Clinton a Threat to U.S. Security

Pics of Hillary and Ng Lapseng, Riady, links to John Huang docs... etc

Sen. Clinton a Threat to U.S. Security
Charles R. Smith
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003

The possibility of war in Iraq has brought the loonies and the losers out in force. The protesters and the pundits see little or no threat to U.S. national security from Iraq.

While the critics and armchair generals labor on whether to fight or not to fight, Saddam Hussein continues his unbridled efforts to obtain nuclear weapons. It is here that the real reason for quick action emerges.

In 1981, Israeli intelligence confirmed that Saddam was constructing a nuclear reactor at Osiraq for his atomic weapons program. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin determined that the only solution was quick military action.

At 5:35 p.m. local time on June 7, 1981, the first F-15 and F-16 fighter jets appeared over the Iraqi reactor. In 1 minute and 20 seconds, the Israeli Air Force destroyed the Osiraq reactor, ending Saddam's nuclear weapons program for the next 20 years.

Despite the claims by ill-informed critics that North Korea poses a greater threat, the fact remains that North Korea does not have Israel as a target. The armistice along the Korean DMZ has remained static for nearly 50 years and nuclear weapons will not change the status quo.

Israel at War With Iraq

The same cannot be said of Israel and her neighbors. Iraq attacked Israel during the 1991 Gulf War with SCUD missiles in a vain attempt to split the U.S.-led coalition. It is very clear that Saddam would launch a nuclear strike against Israel if he had such weapons.

The fact remains that Israel cannot afford to take even a single hit from an atomic bomb. Israel will strike Iraq hard if its intelligence services determine that Saddam Hussein is close to fielding a nuclear weapon. Such a pre-emptive strike would split the U.S. alliance, force a cut-off of all oil exports to the West and bring a general war to the Middle East.

An Israeli pre-emptive strike would leave Europe, Japan and America with a major depression driven by the oil shut-off. A war with Israel would force many Arab states that hate Saddam to come to his aid. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and various others would have no choice but to join into general combat with Israel.

Now envision a scenario where the U.S. strikes Iraq, overthrows Saddam and ends his nuclear weapons program. The U.S. coalition would remain intact, the oil will continue to flow to the Western economies, and Israel remains safe. In fact, President Bush will likely receive some quiet "thank you" notes from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Syria and Jordan.

Kennedy Sinks

Democrats, sniffing for any issue that might benefit them, are out in force trying to critique the Bush foreign policy. True to form, Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., accused President Bush of pursuing a war in Iraq while ignoring a more imminent threat from North Korea. Kennedy stated that he believes this is the "wrong war at the wrong time."

The comments floated by Sen. Kennedy certainly do not rise to the surface but sink under their own weight. The senator's remarks actually drown out the recent history of Middle Eastern conflicts as if a speeding car veered off the bridge of foreign policy and plunged into the troubled waters of the region.

However, Kennedy's comments do echo the continuing howl of anti-U.S. propaganda coming from the leadership of the Democrat Party. Ironically, the loudest and most prominent howler is also a bigger threat to U.S. national security than North Korea and Iraq combined.

The Hillary Clinton Threat

It is here that I turn my attention to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y. Her Democrat colleagues recently put Clinton on the Senate Armed Services Committee. It is in this new position that the ex-first lady poses a clear and present danger to U.S. national security.

"You are more likely to be listened to if you are well prepared and grounded in the subject of which you're speaking. As I learn more about the operations of our various military services, what I have to say may be better grounded," stated Clinton.

Despite her recent comments of being ignored on national security issues, Mrs. Clinton has already joined in on the chorus of bad mouthing the security policy of President Bush. In November 2001, Mrs. Clinton blamed the terror attacks against America on the Bush tax cut program.

"If we hadn't passed the big tax cut last spring, that I believe undermined our fiscal responsibility and our ability to deal with this new threat of terrorism, we wouldn't be in the fix we're in today. But the fact is, we are," stated Mrs. Clinton during a CNN interview.

Many of her supporters credit Mrs. Clinton with a steel-trap mind and a sharp memory for detail. However, Mrs. Clinton stated 250 times that she could neither remember nor recall events when asked about various scandals while under oath.

These days, the New York senator cannot seem to recall old friends such as Moctar Riady, James Riady, John Huang, Webster Hubbell, Charlie Trie and Johnny Chung. However, during the Clinton years, Hillary had a very close working relationship with each of the above individuals despite the various criminal convictions.

Webster Hubbell

Mrs. Clinton has ignored Webster Hubbell, who served time for defrauding clients while he worked at the Rose Law Firm with Hillary. Hubbell, who became deputy attorney general under Janet Reno, with a bit of White House help, had to resign after being charged in the Whitewater scandal.

In fact, many of the documents that led to Hubbell's conviction involved projects that Hillary also worked on. Hubbell went on to take nearly a million dollars in consulting fees from Moctar Riady, head of the Indonesia-based Lippo Bank, just prior to his conviction.

John Huang

John Huang, a former banker for the Riady-owned Lippo Group, took a classified position at the Commerce Department immediately after Hubbell received over $600,000 from Riady. This interesting coincidence took place directly after James Riady and Hubbell met with Bill and Hillary in the White House.

Documents obtained from Huang's Commerce Department office shows that the former banker was deeply involved in arms exports such as Patriot missiles sales to South Korea, missile frigate sales to the United Arab Emirates and artillery sales to Kuwait.

John Huang later cited his Fifth Amendment rights not to incriminate himself over 2,000 times when he was asked if he was an agent for the Chinese military.

Photo Ops for Money

Merely stating that Mrs. Clinton is a security risk is simply not enough. It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. However, Mrs. Clinton knows that a picture is actually worth $50,000.

For example, in February 1995 Johnny Chung asked DNC Chairman Don Fowler to help him get a photo op of Bill Clinton with a few friends from China. Fowler declined to help Chung because the list of friends included Zheng Hongye, a top executive of the Chinese navy-owned shipping company COSCO.

In response, Chung handed a $50,000 check to Maggie Williams, Hillary Clinton's chief of staff. On March 11, 1995, Chung and Zheng attended Clinton's weekly radio address, which was later followed by a photo session.

In addition, Mrs. Clinton has a few of her own pictures to live down, including one with convicted Chinagate figure Moctar Riady, and a photo of her with convicted cocaine smuggler Jorge Cabrera in front of the White House Christmas tree.

Ng Lapseng

Then there is the 1995 photo of Ng Lapseng and the Clintons taken in front of a DNC symbol. The photo of Ng Lapseng is very telling in that Mrs. Clinton was certainly aware that Ng owns the Macao-based Fortuna Hotel.

It is nice that children under 12 can stay free at the Fortuna. However, according to the Fortuna brochure, for a fee hostesses from various countries can also entertain businessmen.

Ng has another interesting connection to recent events of national security concern. According to the 123 national security violations filed against Hughes Satellite Corporation, a Fortuna company was involved in some questionable events.

The Sino-Canada Telecommunications and Investment Management Company was incorporated in Macao, "having its principal place of business at the Hotel Fortuna."

According to the State Department charges, the Sino-Canada Telecommunications Company also had contracted with Hughes for a large part of the APMT satellite then destined for China in 1995. In fact, Sino-Canada paid Hughes $5 million up front that was not reported to the State Department.

"Sino-Canada's managing director, Suen Yan Kwong, was the founder of Chung Kiu Telecommunication, which had invested in cellular telecommunications for use under special network by China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) in military districts along the coastal provinces," noted the December 2002 State Department charge letter.

It is amazing that a company based inside a Macao hotel owned by Ng Lapseng would contract with a U.S.-based satellite company when its owner was then also in business supplying communications to the Chinese army. Even more amazing is Hillary Clinton's silence on Ng Lapseng and the money that somehow slipped out of his pockets into DNC coffers at the same time.

U.N. inspector Hans Blix may be combing Iraq for weapons of mass destruction, but he may be in the wrong country. If Hans could comb through the boxes of materials lost by Hillary Clinton, he might find a treasure trove of weapons, money, drugs and espionage.

The Democrats could not have made a worse choice for America. Mrs. Clinton history's of hanging out with Chinese intelligence operatives and her negative view of all U.S. military forces makes her an obvious security threat. Now she is inside the very committee that oversees black budgets, secret military operations, advanced weapons policy and war.

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TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government
KEYWORDS: 109th; 2008; clinton; democratparty; elections; hillary; hillary2006; hillary2008; hillaryscandals; nationalinsecurity
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1 posted on 01/23/2003 12:48:53 AM PST by backhoe
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To: All
Warning! Handle with Gloves!

-The Clinton Files--

-Bush and Clinton and 911- some facts... --

Jihad! Across the World....

2 posted on 01/23/2003 12:52:48 AM PST by backhoe (Do NOT Read this! Under penalty of Law!)
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3 posted on 01/23/2003 12:53:02 AM PST by Support Free Republic (Your support keeps Free Republic going strong!)
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To: backhoe
4 posted on 01/23/2003 7:59:32 AM PST by Freedom'sWorthIt
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To: backhoe
bump to the top
5 posted on 01/23/2003 8:00:44 AM PST by timestax
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To: timestax; Support Free Republic; Freedom'sWorthIt
Thanks for looking- I may be absent off & on; got pipes to wrap!
6 posted on 01/23/2003 8:58:29 AM PST by backhoe (Terrorist & "national liberation" groups are All interlinked... read your history, and learn...)
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To: Jim Robinson
Edited (Other) on 01/23/2003 4:02 AM EST by Jim Robinson Reason: fix fonts, etc

Jim, thanks- I have since downloaded software to edit out that "and greater than stuff"- For some reason Wordpad vanished from my PC, or wasn't there to start with.

7 posted on 01/23/2003 9:02:14 AM PST by backhoe (Terrorist & "national liberation" groups are All interlinked... read your history, and learn...)
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To: Freedom'sWorthIt
8 posted on 01/23/2003 9:05:19 AM PST by TLBSHOW
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To: backhoe
Whom ever appointed her to this position did it to get
even with the Repubs for winning in Nov.
Is there any way to impeach her out of the position?
Traitors should be hanged ,(in my opinion).
9 posted on 01/23/2003 9:42:50 AM PST by squibs
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To: backhoe
Well.....speaking of a complete, accurate and distrurbing portrayal of that BEAST....She belongs in jail with the rest of her relatives and friends...Impeach the HitleryBEAST!
10 posted on 01/23/2003 9:45:58 AM PST by KLT (NY NEEDS TO BE CLINTONFREE!)
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Thanks for stopping by... afraid I have to go & wrap more pipes before it freezes here!
11 posted on 01/23/2003 10:01:56 AM PST by backhoe
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To: backhoe
neverforget bump
12 posted on 01/23/2003 10:19:44 AM PST by tracer
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To: tracer
Thanks for the bttt^... going to my Mother-in-law's house to wrap more pipes...
13 posted on 01/23/2003 10:41:25 AM PST by backhoe
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To: backhoe
14 posted on 01/23/2003 2:57:32 PM PST by timestax
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To: timestax
Thanks for the bump, & here's some boilerplate for old times sake:

"Has that clinton "legacy" made you feel safer yet?"

Lest Americans ever forget why the clintons, and all their enablers need to be hectored, hounded, and harried into silence, until "clintonese is only spoken in Hell," look here:


-The Clinton Files--

Liars-- and Sleaze, Incorporated... ( my files on the clintons and friends )

-The Atomic Genie- what we know about North Korea's Nuclear program--

To find all articles tagged or indexed using clintonscandals, click below:
  click here >>> clintonscandals <<< click here  
(To view all FR Bump Lists, click here)

To find all articles tagged or indexed using Hillary, click below:
  click here >>> Hillary <<< click here  
(To view all FR Bump Lists, click here)

15 posted on 01/23/2003 3:37:58 PM PST by backhoe
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To: NormsRevenge; ninenot; flamefront; Sawdring; Enemy Of The State; Jeff Head; brat; dalereed; ...

16 posted on 01/24/2003 11:25:38 AM PST by Tailgunner Joe (God Armeth The Patriot)
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To: Tailgunner Joe

17 posted on 01/24/2003 11:31:40 AM PST by SerpentDove (What's this here thang do?)
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To: Tailgunner Joe
Joe, that is an awesome picture! For future reference.
18 posted on 01/24/2003 12:21:44 PM PST by HighRoadToChina (Never Again!)
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To: Tailgunner Joe; Mia T; doug from upland
Just now Larry Nichols announced on the George Putnam show that his contacts in Washington have confirmed that the Beast is preparing to wait for the end of the Iraqi incursion to then announce her candidacy for president in 2004.

I have for a while wondered how much Gore dropping out of the race had to do with his secret trip to China. There is no reason to believe that campaign finance legislation would stop the continuance of illegal Chinese campaign fund distribution in the U.S. -- Gore obviously found the temples empty this time.

Hillary is clearly the favorite target for those new Chinese funds and Gore learned she beat him to the money supply IMO.

19 posted on 01/24/2003 12:47:06 PM PST by flamefront
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To: backhoe

20 posted on 01/24/2003 12:48:21 PM PST by Cindy
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