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USO Canteen FReeper Style ~ TRIBUTE TO THE USS TARAWA (LHA-1)& FReeper Brian Wells ~ January 20 2003
January 20, 2003
| snippy about it
Posted on 01/20/2003 5:03:05 AM PST by snippy_about_it
Our very own FReeper bkwells is deployed on the USS TARAWA (LHA-1)
Tarawa's Mission Global events continue to spotlight the requirement to successfully project power from the sea. Tarawa's capabilities make her the world's most formidable amphibious power projection platform. Her primary war fighting mission is to land and sustain United States Marines on any shore during hostilities. A "national asset," the Tarawa's location and readiness are briefed daily to the National Command Authority.
 Characteristics,Tarawa Class (This information is derived from US NAVY Fact Files.) USS Tarawa (LHA-1) Tarawa class, General Purpose Amphibious Warship Description: Primary landing ships, resembling small aircraft carriers, designed to put troops on hostile shores. Features: Modern U.S. Navy amphibious assault ships are called upon to perform as primary landing ships for assault operations of Marine expeditionary units. These ships use Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC), conventional landing craft and helicopters to move Marine assault forces ashore. In a secondary role, using AV-8B Harrier aircraft and warfare helicopters, these ships perform sea control and limited power projection missions. Background: Amphibious warships are uniquely designed to support assault from the sea against defended positions ashore. They must be able to sail in harm's way and provide a rapid built-up of combat power ashore in the face of opposition. The United States maintains the largest and most capable amphibious force in the world. Specs Builders: Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, Miss. Power Plant: Two boilers, two geared steam turbines, two shafts, 70,000 total shaft horsepower Length: 820 feet (249.9 meters) Beam: 106 feet (31.8 meters) Displacement: 39,400 tons (40,032 metric tons) full load Speed: 24 knots (27.6 miles per hour) Ships:USS Tarawa (LHA 1), San Diego, Calif. USS Saipan (LHA 2), Norfolk, Va. USS Belleau Wood (LHA 3), Sasebo, Japan USS Nassau (LHA 4), Norfolk, Va. USS Peleliu (LHA 5), San Diego, Calif. Crew: Ships Company: 82 officers, 882 enlisted an embarked Marine Expeditionary Unit of 1,900 plus Armament: Two RAM launchers; two Phalanx 20 mm CIWS mount; four 25 mm Mk 38 machine guns; five .50 caliber guns; Commisioned: May 29, 1976 Aircraft (Actual mix depends upon mission) Nine CH-53 Super Stallion helicopters -heavy lift aircraft Twelve CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters -medium lift aircraft Four AH-1W Cobra Helicopters -attack aircraft Six AV-8B Harrier attack aircraft -close air attack and support aircraft Two UH-1N Iriqouis helicopters -command and control aircraft Landing Craft 1 LCAC (Landing Craft Air Cushion)-Air cushion craft for transporting, ship-to-shore and across the beach, personnel, weapons, equipment, and cargo of the assault elements of the Marine Air-Ground Task Force. 2 LCU (Landing Craft Utility)-Landing craft are used by amphibious forces to transport equipment and troops to the shore. Tarawa mission Link
 She's a beauty! Eagle of the Sea
 A RAM missile being launched from the USS Tarawa
 PhalanxClose-In Weapons System-----------Mark 38 ~ 25 mm machine gun system
 Marines from 13MEU train for an amphibious assault on a beachhead
 Four AV-8B Harriers await launch from the flight deck of the USS Tarawa.
 An LCU leaves the welldeck of the Tarawa while two CH-53's commence flight operations off her port side
 A CH-153 heavy lift helicopter takes off of the flight deck.
 An AH-1W Cobra attack helicopter hovering by in the Persian Gulf.
 well deck
 USS Tarawa off the coast of Yemen
 The Official USS Tarawa Ship's Photo
The Battle of Tarawa ~ History The Central Pacific's Gilbert Islands were strategically important to the Allies in World War II. Tarawa, an atoll in those islands, was the scene of a major amphibious assault and on of the proudest testaments to valor in U.S. Marine Corps history. Japan's Rear Admiral Shibasaki Meichi was quoted as saying before the assault that it would take the American forces "a million men and a hundred years" to capture the atoll. The Japanese had backed up this boast with an elite force of almost 5,000 men and heavily fortified the island of Betio in the southwestern corner of the atoll. Since capturing the islands three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese had spent two years positioning coastal defense guns, antiaircraft guns, anti-boat guns, light and heavy machine guns, and an airstrip they could use to strike at allied troops stationed in the area. The atoll was strategically vital to both sides, and the stage was set for one of the bloodiest battles in the Pacific. The Allies were faced with serious problems in capturing Tarawa. The big coastal guns would keep the Navy guns either under constant fire or at bay, and the Japanese had used sunken ships and other pieces of metal to create obstacles which blocked the avenues of approach from the sea. The approaching craft would have to slow down to maneuver, putting them in prearranged ambush sites where they would be subject to deadly, concentrated fire from fortified positions. The next line of obstacles included a double apron of barbed wire, log barriers, and concrete obstacles which surrounded the island. After breaching these defenses, the Marines would still be faced with the beach itself, where the Japanese had fortified heavy machine guns which created a series of interlocking fields of fire in addition to antipersonnel mines and anti-vehicle mines in the fringing reefs where the boats would have to land. With the added benefit of antiaircraft guns and planes of their own, the defenders were well prepared for any assault. The Allies had to take Tarawa, however, and on November 19, 1943 the assault began. Faced with the near-impossible odds and hounded from all sides, the Marines made it to the beach; by the last day of battle the Japanese had been forced into the east end of the the three-mile long island. They had prepared a series of fortified positions to fall back on in their retreat, and had defended each one almost to the last man. Those three miles may be some of the longest in Marine Corps history, as they slowly advanced at a terrible price. Organized resistance on Tarawa ceased by 1:30 PM on the third day. The Battle of Tarawa took 76 hours and cost the lives of 1,020 Marines. The list of Americans wounded was listed as high as 2,296. The cost was much higher for the Japanese defenders- of the 4,386 elite troops on Betio, only 146 were left alive. Four Marines received the Medal of Honor for their heroism, three of them posthumously. The fourth, Colonel David M. Shoup, Commanding Officer of the 2nd Marines and Betio Island Assault forces, later became the Commandant of the Marine Corps. USS Tarawa (LHA-1) website |
Introducing FReeper Brian Wells (bkwells)
I am married with 2 kids, a boy age 8 and a girl age 4. We have lived in Las Vegas for almost 3 years now. I am an Air Force brat and have moved around all my life. In fact, when I hit the 10th grade, that was my 8th different school! Graduated from Hirschi High School in Wichita Falls, TX in 1985 and joined the Navy in Feb 1986. I have been stationed aboard the USS MT WHITNEY (LCC-20), NAS Kingsville TX (Where I met my wife!), the USS CONSTELLATION (CV-64), Guam, Brunswick Maine, and now the USS TARAWA (LHA-1). I am a Senior Chief Petty Officer (E-8) and my field is Meteorology (AG rating in Navy lingo - Weather Guesser for slang Navy lingo). My primary job is running the weather office but as with all Navy ships, I have other duties throughout the ship among them: Operations Department Leading Chief Petty Officer (I'm the senior enlisted man within my department), I am in charge of a Repair Locker during Battle Stations - we fight fires, control flooding, run a denomination station in case of chemical,biological, or nuclear attack, etc.... and I run a duty section when we are inport. It's more than enough to keep me busy! Places I've been: England, Belgium, Portugal, France, Copenhagen, Ft Lauderdale, St Thomas, Nassau, Curacao, Trinidad-Tobago, Acapulco, Vancouver, Hawaii, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Thailand, Australia (Perth, Sydney, and Darwin), Jebal Ali UAE, Bahrain, and Seychelles. Sat off the coast of Kuwait Cit, and sat off the coast of Aden Yemen in support of Operation Determined Response after the terrorist bombing of the USS COLE. |
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KEYWORDS: freepermilitary; marines; sailors; tarawa; troops
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To: All
posted on
01/20/2003 5:04:14 AM PST
Support Free Republic
(Your support keeps Free Republic going strong!)
To: snippy_about_it; bkwells; 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
Here it is guys. Ping away Tonk.
Fellow canteen freepers let's make our FRiend proud and prepare and send care packages.
From the Valentines Project on the USO Canteen FReeper Style thread last Wednesday and at the USO Canteen FReeper Post Office are listed some suggestions for care packages, all food must be in the original packaging. Anything questionable will be destroyed.
I have some leftover instructions from the USS Theodore Roosevelt care packages I sent last year while they were deployed for Afghanistan.
The instructions were:
You can't send anything that is powdered.
No spices, no talc. No liquids, nothing that can explode or melt.
They wanted videos, books, batteries, disposabel cameras, cards, games, anything to entertain them.
Let's be creative and support our troops on the Tarawa and elsewhere.
Visit often.
To: snippy_about_it; bkwells; Kathy in Alaska; radu; MoJo2001; Ragtime Cowgirl; SK1 Thurman; ...
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub; radu; Radix; bentfeather; Kathy in Alaska; WVNan; SassyMom; kneezles; ...

Good morning, Tonk! Good morning, Canteen Crew! Good morning, EVERYBODY!
Good Morning, TROOPS!

posted on
01/20/2003 5:13:07 AM PST
(....Throw ALOT of logs on the fire!...........)
To: radu; Radix; bentfeather; Kathy in Alaska; WVNan; SassyMom; kneezles; MeeknMing; SevenofNine; ...
Today's FEEBLE attempt at humor:
A man calls home to his wife and says,
"Honey I have been asked to go
fishing at a big lake up in Canada with my boss and several of his
friends. We'll be gone for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get
that promotion I've been wanting, so would you please pack me enough clothes
for a week and set out my rod and tackle box. We're leaving from the office and
I will swing by the house to pick my things up. Oh! Please pack my new
blue silk pajamas."
The wife thinks this sounds a little fishy all right, but being a good wife she does exactly what her husband asked. The following weekend he comes home a little tired but otherwise looking good. The wife welcomes him home and asks if he caught many fish.
He says,
"Yes! Lots of Walleye, some Bluegill,and a few Pike. But why didn't you pack my new blue silk pajamas like I asked you to?"
The wife replies, "I did. They were in your tackle box."
posted on
01/20/2003 5:15:59 AM PST
(....Throw ALOT of logs on the fire!...........)
To: bkwells
Thank You for Statnding the Watch Brother
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub; snippy_about_it
Excellent thread! This is an outstandng service that you provide to our military!
May God bless our military members past and present. May He keep these selfless men and women within his loving embrace and out of harm's way. May He assist in giving ALL Americans the ability to appreciate and thank the members of our military for all that they do to ensure our Freedom. May He lend strength and courage to the loved ones of our military members.
We ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
posted on
01/20/2003 5:20:35 AM PST
To: snippy_about_it
Thank You for your work on putting together and posting todays thread!
It's GREAT!!!!
To: Kathy in Alaska; All
To: snippy_about_it
On This Day In History
Birthdates which occurred on January 20:
1586 Johann Hermann Schein German composer (Fontana d'Israel)
1622 Susanna van Baerle Dutch poet/wife of Geeraert Burns
1654 Michiel de Swaen South Netherlands physician/poet
1681 Francesco Bartolomeo Conti composer
1703 Joseph-Hector Fiocco composer
1716 Carlos III king of Naples/Spain (1759-88) Pompei/Jesuits
1716 Jean-Jacques Barthélemy French historical writer (Greek Antiquity)
1732 Richard H Lee US farmer (signed Declaration of Independence)
1743 Pascal Boyer composer
1760 Charles III king of Spain (1759-88)
1761 Giovanni Domenico Perotti composer
1762 Jerome-Joseph de Momigny composer
1763 Theobald Wolfe Tone Irish patriot
1775 Andre-Marie Ampere Lyon France, discovered electromagnetism
1782 Johan B J F S archduke of Austria
1806 Nathaniel Willis writer/editor/founder (American Monthly Magazine)
1809 Sebastian de Iradier Spanish composer (La Paloma)
1812 Ralph Pomeroy Buckland Bvt Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1892
1813 Jacon Gartner Lauman Bvt Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1867
1820 Anne Jemima Clough England, promoted higher education for women
1831 Pieter J Joubert General (South Africa)
1843 Pierre-Paul Cambon French diplomat (Madrid, Constantinople, London)
1844 Johan Peter Selmer composer
1847 W R Pettiford Founder (Alabama Penny Savings Bank)
1855 Amedee-Ernest Chausson Paris France, composer (Poème for Violin & Orchestra)
1865 Friedrich A H von Waldeck brother of queen Emma/last ruler of Waldeck
1866 Richard Le Gallienne English writer (Maker of Gainborg)
1868 Wilhelm Schäfer German writer (Ein Totschläger)
1870 Guillaume Jean Joseph Nicolas Lekeu composer
1873 Charles A Ellwood US, sociologist/psychologist
1873 Johannes V Jensen Denmark, novelist/poet/essayist (Energy Storage, Nobel 1944)
1877 Ruth St Denis Newark NJ, ballerina (Dances of the 5 Senses)
1878 Finlay Currie Scotland, actor (Quo Vadis, Ivanhoe, Avengers)
1883 Betram Home Ramsay English admiral/Commander Allied Naval Forces
1884 A[braham P] Merritt US, sci-fi author (Moon Pool, Creep Shadow!)
1889 Huddie "Leadbelly" Ledbetter Mooringsport LA, blues 12 string guitarist (Rock Island Line)
1891 Mischa Elman Talnoye Ukraine, US violinist
1892 Roscoe Ates Grange MS, actor (Deputy Roscoe-Marshal of Gunsight Pass)
1893 Kaj Birket-Smith Danish etnologist/anthropologist (Eskimos)
1894 Harold L Gray creator (Little Orphan Annie)
1894 Walter Hamor Piston Rockland Maine, composer (Incredible Flutis)
1895 Eva A Jessye US singer/actress/songwriter (Hallelujah)
1896 George Burns [Nathan Birnbaum], New York City NY, actor/comedian (Oh God)
1896 Rolfe Sedan New York City NY, actor (Mailman-George Burns Show)
1896 Elmer R Diktonius Finnish musicologist/author (Janne Kubik)
1897 Mae Busch Australian/US actress (Cowboy Socialist)
1898 Colin Clive [Greig], St Malo France, actor (Bride of Frankenstein)
1899 Alexander Tcherepnin composer
1899 Kenjiro Takayanagi Vice President (JVC)
19-- Colleen Zenk Pinter Barrington IL, actress (Barbara-As the World Turns)
19-- Karen Morris Gowdy Cheyenne WY, actress (Faith-Ryan's Hope)
1900 Boris Semyonovich Shekhter composer
1900 Doris Deane Wisconsin, entertainer
1903 Leon Ames Portland Indiana, actor (Mr Ed, Father of the Bride)
1903 Sybil Marion Rosenfeld theatre historian
1904 Theodore Brameld author/educator (Use of Explosive Ideas)
1904 Alexandra Danilova Peterhof Russia, ballerina (Turning Point)
1904 Renato Caccioppoli Italian mathematician/grandson of Bakunin
1907 Roy Welensky Premier (Rhodesia/Nyasaland 1956-63)
1908 Ian Peebles cricketer (Scottish leg-spinner, England 1927-31)
1908 Paula Wessely Austrian actress/producer (Masquerade)
1908 Wilfred Conwell Bain composer
1910 Abram Hill director/playwright/founder (American Negro Theater)
1910 Joy Adamson naturalist/author (Born Free)
1910 Ennio Porrino composer
1910 Lauritz Lauritzen German politician
1910 Nina Verchinina dancer choreographer/teacher
1912 Christopher Casson Irish actor (Zardoz, Educating Rita)
1914 Wensley Pithey Cape Town South Africa, actor (Winston Churchill-Ike)
1915 Joe Hitchcock darts player (leader of St Dunstan's Four)
1915 C W Ceram [Kurt W Marek], German/US writer (March of Archaeology)
1916 Jopie [Johan A] Pengel premier of Suriname (1963-69)
1916 Walter Bartley biochemist
1919 Alex Nicol Ossining NY, actor (Man From Laramie, Air Cadet)
1919 Royalton Kisch British conductor
1919 Stepan Lucky composer
1920 DeForest Kelley Atlanta GA, actor (Dr McCoy-Star Trek)
1920 Federico Fellini Rimini Italy, director (8½, Satyricon, La Dolce Vita)
1920 Peter Clemoes anglo-Saxon scholar
1920 Richard John Copeland Atkinson archaeologist
1920 Sam M Gibbons (Representative-D-FL, 1963- )
1921 Bernt Engelmann Germany, writer
1922 Ray Anthony Pennsylvania, orchestra leader (Ray Anthony Show, Peter Gunn Theme)
1922 Lord James Hanson English industrialist/House of Lords (Conservative)
1924 Yvonne Loriod Houilles France, pianist
1925 E Cardenal writer
1925 Edwin Gordon New York City NY, VOA correspondent
1925 Eugen Gomringer writer
1925 George Connol NFL Hall-of-Famer
1926 Patricia Neal Packard KY, actress (Hud, Subject Was Roses)
1926 Robert L Van Citters cardiology/advisory panelist/UW dean
1926 David Eugene Tudor Philadelphia PA, composer
1926 Michael Higgins Brooklyn NY, actor (1918, Wanda, Black Stallion)
1927 Geoffrey WT Atkins British World Champion racket player (1954-72)
1927 Olivier Strebelle Belgian sculptor/ceramist
1928 Martin Landau Brooklyn NY, actor (Mission Impossible, Tucker, Space 1999)
1928 Peter Donat Kentville Nova Scotia, actor (Flamingo Road, Different Story)
1928 William Berger Austria, actress (Adventure of Hercules)
1929 Arte Johnson Chicago IL, comedian (Laugh-in, Don't Call Me Charlie)
1930 Edwin E "Buzz" Aldrin Jr Montclair NJ, USAF/astronaut (Gemini 12, Apollo 11)
1931 Sawako Ariyoshi Japanese writer (Compound Pollution, Doctor's Wife)
1931 Thomas Roy Garrett museum curator
1933 Ron Townson St Louis MO, rock vocalist (5th Dimension-Up Up & Away)
1934 Tom Baker actor (Angels Die Hard, Vault of Horror)
1936 Eldred G Maduro minister (Netherlands Antilles)
1937 Dorothy Provine Deadwood SD, actress (Good Neighbor Sam, Darn Cat)
1939 Murle Breer LPGA golfer
1939 Nalin Chandra Wickramasinghe Indian astronomer
1940 Carol Heiss Jenkins New York City NY, figure skater (Olympics-gold/silver-56, 60)
1940 Jorge Peixinho composer
1941 Ronald Townson rock vocalist (5th Dimension-Aquarius)
1942 Slim Whitman yodeler/country singer (Home on the Range)
1943 Roeland HG "Roel" van Duyn Dutch Provo politician
1944 Isao Okano Japan, middleweight judo (Olympics-gold-1964)
1944 Eddie Shah English publisher (Today, Post)
1944 Lieven Soete Dutch publicist (Molotov-Ribbentrop-pact)
1945 Eric Stewart rock guitarist (10CC-I'm Not in Love)
1945 Peter Beckwith English real estate developer/multi-millionaire
1946 David Lynch Missoula MT, actor/director (Blue Velvet, Dune, Eraserhead, Twin Peaks)
1947 George Grantham rocker (Poco-Crazy Eyes)
1947 Malcolm McLaren founded rock group (Sex Pistols-God Save the Queen)
1948 Jerry L Ross Indiana, Lieutenant-Colonel USAF/astronaut (STS 61B, 27, 37, 55, 74, 88)
1948 Anatoly Shcharansky Soviet human rights activist/émigré
1948 Melvyn John Pritchard England, rocker (Barclay James Harvest)
1949 Ivana Trump former wife of Donald
1949 Kieron Walsh academic
1950 Henk Batenburgh cabaret performer/singer (Waaldrecht)
1951 Magomed Omarovich Tolboyev Russian cosmonaut
1952 Ian Hill bass guitarist (Judas Priest-Breakin the Law)
1952 Paul Stanley [Eisen], rock guitarist (KISS-Beth)
1955 Joe Doherty Ireland, IRA activist (jailed in US)
1955 Michael Anthony rock bassist/singer (Van Halen-Pretty Woman, Jump, 1984)
1956 John Naber US, 100m/200m backstroke swimmer (Olympics-4 gold-1976)
1956 Bill Maher comedian (Politically Incorrect)
1956 John McNally Naha Okinawa, US rapid fire pistol (Olympics-84, 88, 92, 96)
1956 John Phillips Naber Evanston IL, swimmer (Olympics-4 gold/silver-76)
1957 Leonard C Clements Cherry Point NC, PGA golfer (1994 Bob Hope-2nd)
1958 Lorenzo Lamas Los Angeles CA, actor (Lance-Falcon Crest, California Fever)
1959 Lea Antonoplis West Covina CA, tennis star
1963 Scott Fisher San Jose CA, Australian basketball forward (Olympics-96)
1964 Ozzie Guillen Oculare del Tuy Venezuela, shortstop (Chicago White Sox)
1964 Roger Smith Freeport Bahamas, tennis doubles player
1964 Ron Harper NBA guard (Chicago Bulls)
1964 Victoria Sellers London England, actress (Crime Zone, Warlords)
1965 Brad Brink US baseball pitcher (San Francisco Giants, Philadelphia Phillies)
1966 Tia Carrere Honolulu HI, actress (Wayne's World, General Hospital)
1966 Bert Weidner NFL guard (Miami Dolphins)
1966 Chris Morris NBA forward (Utah Jazz)
1966 Rich Gannon NFL quarterback (Kansas City Chiefs)
1966 Tracii Guns rock guitarist (LA Guns-It's Over Now)
1967 Joe Pasquale rocker (Prey)
1967 Mark Stepnoski NFL center (Houston/Tennessee Oilers)
1967 Stacey Dash Bronx NY, actress (Dionne-Clueless)
1968 Junior Murray cricketer (West Indies keeper, no relation to Derryck or David)
1968 Nick Anderson NBA guard/forward (Orlando Magic)
1969 Tia Marie Zorne Las Vegas NV, Miss America-Nevada (1990)
1969 Andre Romal Cason Virginia Beach VA, 100m runner
1969 Melissa Rivers New York City NY, TV hostess (MTV, CBS Morning News)
1970 Anita St Rose Miss Great Britain-Universe (1996)
1970 Dennis Hulshof soccer player (Go Ahead Eagles)
1970 Deon Figures cornerback (Jacksonville Jaguars)
1970 Marvin Benard Bluefields Nicaragua, outfielder (San Francisco Giants)
1970 Rob Gaudreau Lincoln, NHL center (Ottawa Senators)
1970 Ron Carpenter NFL/WLAF safety (New York Jets, Amsterdam Admirals)
1970 Skeet Ulrich actor (Scream)
1970 Terry Kirby NFL running back (Miami Dolphins, San Francisco 49ers)
1970 Thomas "Tom" Murray Buffalo NY, rower (Olympics-1996)
1971 Alan Young NFL defensive end (New York Jets)
1971 Andrei Skabelka NHL forward (Belarus, Olympics-98)
1971 Johnny Mitchell NFL tight end (New York Jets)
1971 Karin Smith Miss Minnesota USA (1996)
1972 Alcides Catanho NFL outside linebacker (New England Patriots)
1973 Eddie Kennison wide receiver (St Louis Rams)
1973 Jalen Rose NBA guard (Denver Nuggets)
1974 Calvin Harrison Orlando Florida, 200m/400m runner
1974 Rae Carruth wide receiver (Carolina Panthers)
1977 Paul "Goggo" Adams cricketer (lefty very unorthodox bowler for South Africa)
Deaths which occurred on January 20:
0250 Fabianus Pope (236-50)/saint, dies
0820 Abu Abdallah M ibn Idris al-Sjafi'i Islamic (Book of Mother), dies
0842 Theophilus Byzantine kaiser (829-42), dies
0882 Louis II/III the Younger German king (876-82), dies
1479 John II king of Aragon/Navarra, dies at 81
1569 Miles Coverdale English bible translator Great bible, dies at 80
1612 Rudolf II von Habsburg emperor of Germany (1576-1612), dies at 59
1639 Mustapha I sultan of Turkey (1622-23), dies
1666 Anna of Austria queen of France/daughter of Philip III, dies at 64
1691 Christian de Placker composer, dies at 77
1713 Pavao Vitezovic Croatian historian, dies
1727 John van Bylevelt Catholic apostle, dies
1745 Charles VII Albert German emperor (1742-45), dies at 47
1779 John Burman Dutch botanist/director (botanical gardens), dies at 71
1789 Johann Christoph Oley composer, dies at 50
1798 Christian Cannabich German composer/royal chaplain master, dies at 66
1813 C M Wieland writer, dies at 79
1819 Carlos IV King of Spain (1788-1808), dies at 70
1830 Michal Bogdanowicz composer, dies at 50
1837 John Soane English architect (Book of Designs), dies at 84
1838 Pierre-Louis Hus-Desforges composer, dies at 64
1857 Edward Francis Fitzwilliam composer, dies at 32
1859 B v Arnim writer, dies at 73
1859 Bettina Brentano composer, dies at 73
1862 General Felix Zollicoffer killed after mistakenly riding into union lines
1862 Felix Zollicoffer General killed after mistakenly riding into Union lines
1882 John Linnell British painter/miniaturist/engraver, dies
1890 Franz Paul Lachner composer, dies at 86
1891 David Kalakahua emperor of Hawaii, dies
1896 Heinrich M von Battenberg German son-in-law of Victoria, dies at 37
1900 John Ruskin English writer/critic (Dearest Mama Talbot), dies of influenza at 81
1900 R D Blackmore English novelist (Lorna Doone), dies at 74
1900 Richard D Blackmore English novelist (Lorna Doone), dies at 74
1905 Stanislaw Pilinski composer, dies at 65
1914 Emil Liebling composer, dies at 62
1914 Henry Southwick Perkins composer, dies at 80
1936 King George V of Britain dies at 70, succeeded by Edward VIII
1943 Giacomo Benvenuti composer, dies at 57
1947 Josh Gibson Negro League slugger, dies of a brain tumor at age 35
1948 Mahatma Gandhi India's pacifist, assassinated
1949 Josephus T J Cuypers architect (Amsterdam Stock Exchange), dies at 87
1952 Arthur Farwell composer, dies at 74
1954 Fred Root cricketer (England pace bowler in 3 Tests vs Australia 1926), dies
1954 Warren Bardsley cricketer (41 Tests for Australia, 2469 runs), dies
1957 James Connolly 1st Olympic winner (1896) since Barasdates (369 CE), dies
1959 Carl Switzer actor (Alfalfa-Our Gang), shot to death at 31
1960 Matt Moore actor (Deluge, Coquette), dies at 72
1962 Robinson Jeffers poet/playwright (Dear Judas), dies at 75
1964 Jan Rychlik composer, dies at 47
1965 Alan Freed DJ (Big Beat), dies at 42
1971 Gilbert M Anderson actor (1st Movie Cowboy), dies at 88
1973 Amilcar L Cabral fought for Guinea Bissau independence, murdered 51
1974 Edmund Blunden British poet/critic, dies at 77
1975 Franz André Belgian conductor, dies at 81
1984 Peter John [Johnny] Weissmuller actor (Tarzan, Jungle Jim), dies after a series of strokes in Acapulco at 79
1984 Jackie Wilson rocker, dies at 49 from a heart attack
1985 Jo Juda Dutch musician, dies at 75
1987 Tom Dollery cricketer (4 Tests for England 1947-50), dies
1988 Philippe de Rothschild Bordeaux Vineyard manager, dies in Paris at 86
1989 Beatrice Lillie actress (Thoroughly Modern Millie), dies at 94
1990 Barbara Stanwyck [Ruby Stevens], actress (Big Valley), dies at 82
1990 Miloslav Istvan composer, dies at 61
1990 Naruhito Higashi-Kuni Japanese PM (1945), dies
1991 Bill Riordon US tennis promoter (Jimmy Connors), dies
1991 Louis Seigner actor (Eclipse, Special Section), dies in a fire at 87
1992 Muhammad Abd al-Khaliq Hassuna Secretary-General of Arab League (1952-72), dies
1992 Roberto d'Aubuisson leader of El Salvador, dies
1993 Audrey Hepburn actress (Breakfast at Tiffany's, Roman Holiday), dies of colon cancer in Tolochenaz, Switzerland at 63
1993 Joseph Anthony [Deuster] US director/actor (Rainmaker), dies at 80
1993 Mercer McCleod entertainer, dies of heart failure at 86
1994 Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Kenyan Vice-President (1963-66), dies at about 81
1994 Matt Busby Scottish soccer coach (Manchester United), dies at 84
1995 John Halas Hungarian/US cartoonist (Animal Farm), dies at 81
1995 Mehdi Bazargan director Iranian oil corp/premier (1979), dies at 86
1995 Robert Shaw town Planner, dies at 81
1996 Buster Benton singer/guitarist, dies at 63
1996 David Robin Francis Guy Greville 8th Duke of Warwick, dies at 61
1996 Ellis Hillman politician, dies at 68
1996 Gerald Joseph Mulligan baritone saxophonist/composer, dies at 68
1996 Liesbeth Askonas concert agent, dies at 83
1996 Peter Stadlen pianist/critic, dies at 85
1996 Sidney Korshak lawyer, dies at 87
1997 Curt Flood centerfielder (Cards), dies of throat cancer at 59
1997 Edith Haisman the oldest survivor of Titanic, dies at 100
1997 Vladimir Yamnikov owner (Kristall vodka), dies of cirrhosis at 56
1998 Zevulun Hammer Vice PM of Israel, dies
On this day...
0250 St Fabian ends his reign as Catholic Pope (236-50)
0820 Book of mother, published
1045 Giovanni di Sabina elected Pope Sylvester III
1265 1st English Parliament called into session by Earl of Leicester
1320 Duke Wladyslaw Lokietek becomes king of Poland
1356 Scottish king Edward Baliol resigns
1503 Casa Contratacion (Board of Trade) found (Spain) to deal with American affairs
1513 Christian II succeeds Johan I as Danish/Norwegian king
1613 Peace of Knärod ends War of Kalmar between Denmark & Sweden
1648 Cornerstone of Amsterdam town hall laid
1667 Treaty of Andrussovo-ends 13 year war between Poland & Russia
1778 1st American military court martial trial begins, Cambridge MA
1781 1st edition of Pieter It Hoens "Post of Neder-Rhijn" published
1783 Hostilities cease in Revolutionary War
1785 Samuel Ellis advertises to sell Oyster Island (Ellis Island), no takers
1788 Pioneer African Baptist church organizes in Savannah GA
1800 Napoleon I's sister Carolina marries King Joachim Murat of Naples
1801 John Marshall appointed US chief justice
1807 Napoleon convenes the great Sanhedrin, Paris
1809 1st US geology book published by William Maclure
1840 Dumont D'Urville discovers Adélie Land, Antarctica
1840 Dutch King Willem II crowned
1841 China cedes Hong Kong to the British
1850 Investigator, 1st ship to effect northwest passage, leaves England
1860 Dutch troops conquer Watampone in Celebes
1866 Prim's Insurrection in Spain ends
1868 Florida constitutional convention meets in Tallahassee
1869 Elizabeth Cady Stanton becomes 1st woman to testify before Congress
1870 "City of Boston" vanishes at sea with all 177 aboard
1870 Hiram R Revels elected to fill unexpired term of Jefferson Davis
1872 California Stock Exchange Board organized
1879 British troops under Lord Chelmsford set camp at Isandlwana
1883 Billy Barnes takes a hat-trick, England vs Australia MCG
1887 US Senate approves the naval base lease of Pearl Harbor
1892 1st basketball game played (Massachusetts)
1910 Ottawa Senators sweep Edmonton in 2 for the Stanley Cup (2nd of 1910)
1920 Dutch 2nd Chamber passes school laws
1921 Mountain Autonomous Republic established in RSFSR
1921 Turkey declared in remnants of the Ottoman Empire
1921 British submarine K5 leaves with man & mouse
1921 Dagestan ASSR forms in RSFSR
1922 Arthur Honegger's ballet "Skating Rink" premieres, Paris
1925 USSR & Japan sign treaty of Peking, Seychelles back to USSR
1926 2nd German government of Luther begins
1929 1st feature talking motion picture taken outdoors, "In Old Arizona"
1930 1st radio broadcast of "Lone Ranger" (WXYZ-Detroit)
1934 Japan sends Henry Pu Yi as regent to emperor of Manchuria
1936 Edward VIII succeeds British king George V
1937 -45ºF (-43ºC), Boca CA (state record)
1937 1st Inauguration day on Jan 20th, (held every 4th years thereafter)
1939 Charles Ives' 1st sonata "Concord" premieres
1939 Hitler proclaims to German parliament to exterminate all European Jews
1941 Béla Bartók's 6th string quartet, premieres in New York City NY
1942 Nazi officials hold notorious Wannsee conference in Berlin deciding on "final solution" calling for extermination of Europe's Jews
1942 Japanese air raid on Rabaul New Britain
1942 Japanese invade Burma
1943 Lead SD, temp is 52ºF, while 1.5 miles away Deadwood SD records -16ºF
1943 Operation-Weiss Assault of German, Italian, Bulgarian & Croatian
1944 RAF drops 2300 ton bombs on Berlin
1945 FDR sworn-in for an unprecedented 4th term as President
1946 F Gouin follows De Gaulle as temporary leader of French government
1947 Brigadier General Edwin K Wright, USA, becomes deputy director of CIA
1949 President Truman announces his point 4 program
1949 J Edgar Hoover gives Shirley Temple a tear gas fountain pen
1950 "Dance Me a Song" opens at Royale Theater New York City NY for 35 performances
1950 Suriname becomes independent part in Realm of Netherlands
1952 British army occupies Ismailiya, Suez Canal Zone
1952 Louise Suggs wins LPGA Tampa Golf Open
1953 1st live coast-to-coast inauguration address (Eisenhower)
1953 1st US telecast transmitted to Canada-from Buffalo NY
1954 -70ºF (-57ºC), Rogers Pass, Montana (state 48 record)
1954 Dmitri Shostakovich's "Concertino opus 94" premieres
1956 Buddy Holly records "Blue Days Black Night" in Nashville
1957 Betsy Rawls wins LPGA Tampa Golf Open
1957 Gomulka wins Poland's parliamentary election
1957 Morton Gould's "Declaration" premieres in Washington DC
1958 Betsy Rawls wins LPGA Tampa Golf Open
1958 KUED TV channel 7 in Salt Lake City UT (PBS) begins broadcasting
1959 Dmitri Shostakovich's "Moscow-Tsjerjomoesjki" premieres in Moscow
1960 Patrice Lumumba sentenced to 6 months in Belgian Congo
1961 Robert Frost recites "The Gift Outright" at JFK's inauguration
1961 Arthur M Ramsay becomes archbishop of Canterbury
1961 Francis Poulenc's "Gloria" premieres in Boston
1961 Yugoslav ex-Vice-President Milovan Djilas flees
1962 "Kean" closes at Broadway Theater New York City NY after 92 performances
1964 "Meet The Beatles" album released in US
1965 JPL proposes modified Apollo flight to fly around Mars & return
1965 The Beatles appear on Shindig (ABC-TV)
1965 The Byrds record "Mr Tambourine Man"
1965 Generalissimo Francisco Franco meets with Jewish representatives to discuss legitimizing Jewish communities in Spain
1968 Houston ends UCLA's 47-game basketball winning streak, 71-69
1968 US female Figure Skating championship won by Peggy Fleming
1968 US male Figure Skating championship won by Tim Wood
1969 Richard M Nixon inaugurated as President
1969 U of Arizona reports 1st optical id of pulsar (in Crab Nebula)
1970 20th NBA All-Star Game East beats West 142-135 at Philadelphia
1970 23rd NHL All-Star Game East beat West 4-1 at St Louis
1970 Super Fight, computer mock championship between Ali & Marciano
1971 John Lennon meets Yoko Ono's parents in Japan
1971 Ard Schenk skates world record 1000m (1 18.8)
1974 Essex Community College beats Englewood Cliffs 210-67 in basketball
1974 4th NFL Pro Bowl AFC beats NFC 15-13
1974 7th ABA All-Star Game East 128 beats West 112 at Virginia
1975 5th NFL Pro Bowl NFC beats AFC 17-10
1975 Terrence McNally's "Ritz" premieres in New York City NY
1976 29th NHL All-Star Game Wales beat Campbell 7-5 at Philadelphia
1977 George Bush, ends term as 11th director of CIA
1977 Mr Knoche, serves as acting director of CIA through March 9
1978 Columbia Pictures pays $9.5 million for movie rights to "Annie"
1980 President Jimmy Carter announces US boycott of Olympics in Moscow
1980 Super Bowl XIV Pittsburgh Steelers beat Los Angeles Rams, 31-19 in Pasadena; Super Bowl MVP Terry Bradshaw, Pittsburgh, Quarterback
1980 US female Figure Skating championship won by Linda Fratianne
1980 US male Figure Skating championship won by Charles Tickner
1981 52 Americans held hostage in Iran for 444 days freed
1981 Islander Glenn Resch's 25th & last shut-out opponent-Flames 5-0
1981 Admiral Stansfield Turner, USN (Retired), ends term as 12th director of CIA
1981 Ronald Reagan inaugurated as President
1982 7 miners killed in an explosion in Craynor KY
1982 Honduras constitution goes into effect
1982 Piet Dankert elected chairman of European Parliament
1984 US female Figure Skating championship won by Rosalynn Sumners
1985 Cold front strikes US, at least 40 die (-27ºF (-33ºC) in Chicago)
1985 Super Bowl XIX San Francisco 49ers beat Miami Dolphins, 38-16 in Stanford; Super Bowl MVP Joe Montana, San Francisco, Quarterback
1986 1st federal holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr
1986 Chunnel announced (railroad tunnel under English Channel)
1986 Military coup in Lesotho under General-Major Lekhanya & premier Leabua Jonathan
1987 Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite taken hostage in Beirut, Lebanon
1987 Rhino Records 1st #1-Billy Vera & the Beaters' "At This Moment"
1988 Arizona committee opens hearing on impeachment of Governor Evan Mecham
1988 André Hoffman skates world record 1500m (1 52.06)
1989 Bush inaugurated as 41st President & Quayle becomes 44th Vice President
1989 Reagan becomes 1st President elected in a "0" year, since 1840, to leave office alive
1989 Wayne Holdsworth takes a wicket 1st ball in 1st-class cricket
1990 US 64th manned space mission STS 32 (Columbia 10) returns from space
1990 47th Golden Globes Born on 4th of July, Driving Miss Daisy win
1991 Buffalo Bills beat Los Angeles Raiders 51-3 for AFC title
1991 Iraq pardes captured Allied airmen on TV
1991 Matt Barr's field goal with no time left gives New York Giant 15-13 victory over defending champs San Francisco 49ers, for NFC title
1991 US Patriot missiles begins shooting down Iraqi missiles
1991 "Black & Blue" closes at Minskoff Theater New York City NY after 829 performances
1991 "Les Miserables" opens at Pantages Theatre, Los Angeles
1991 "Peter Pan" closes at Lunt-Fontanne Theater New York City NY or 45 performances
1991 "Shogun - The Musical" closes at Marquis Theater New York City NY after 72 performances
1991 13th UCP Telethon
1991 Jane Geddes wins LPGA Jamaica Golf Classic
1992 Score begins selling international soccer cards
1992 Australia beat India 2-0 to win the World Series Cup
1993 Admiral Studeman, serves as acting director of CIA
1993 Bill Clinton inaugurated as 42nd President
1995 "Love! Valor! Compassion!" opens at Walter Kerr New York City NY for 276 performances
1995 1994-95 NHL Season begin after a lengthy strike
1995 Russian ruble drops to 3,947 per dollar (record)
1996 46th NHL All-Star Game East beat West 5-4 at Fleet Center Boston
1996 Australia defeat Sri Lanka 2-0 to win World Series Cup
1996 US female Figure Skating championship won by Michelle Kwan
1996 WPAT FM New York City NY radio station switches to English-Spanish format
1997 Comet Hale-Bopp crosses Mars' orbit
1997 Howard Stern Radio Show premieres in New Orleans LA on KKND 106.7 FM
1997 Pakistan defeats West Indies 2-0 to win Australia one-day Series
1998 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inducts Mama & Papas, Eagles
1998 Warner Brothers TV Network begins Tuesday night programming
Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
Bulgaria : Grandmother's Day/Babin Den
Mali : National Army Day
US : Martin Luther King Jr Day (1929) - - - - - ( Monday )
Virginia : Lee-Jackson Day - - - - - ( Monday )
Florida : Arbor Day - - - - - ( Friday )
Religious Observances
Anglican, Roman Catholic : Memorial of St Fabian, 20th pope (236-50) (opt)
Memorial of St Sebastian, martyr/patron of Andorra (opt)
Roman Catholic : Eve of St Agnes
Religious History
1669 Birth of Susannah Annesley, "Mother of Methodism." Born the 25th child in her family, she married Samuel Wesley in 1689 and bore him 19 children, the last two being John (1703) and Charles (1707) Wesley.
1758 English founder of Methodism John Wesley wrote in a letter: 'I cannot think of you, without thinking of God. Others often lead me to Him, as it were, going round about. You bring me straight into His presence.'
1879 Birth of Albert S. Reitz, American Baptist evangelist and clergyman. He published over 100 hymns during his lifetime. Of these, the one best remembered today is "Teach Me to Pray, Lord."
1918 In Russia, following the Bolshevik Revolution, all church property was confiscated and all religious instruction in the schools was abolished.
1942 At the notorious Wannsee Conference in Berlin, German Nazi officials decided on their "final solution," which called for a mass extermination of all the Jews in Europe.
Thought for the day :
" We make war that we may live in peace. "
posted on
01/20/2003 5:22:01 AM PST
(Place your ad here)
To: bkwells
Re: Post 7
Statnding???? SHOULD be Standing
Looks like I STILL Can't spell. LOL
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
Good morning Tonk and all.
posted on
01/20/2003 5:25:00 AM PST
(Your message imprinted here)
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
Standing...that's okay Tonk, we know you were up early today. More coffee please. :)
To: radu; Radix; bentfeather; Kathy in Alaska; WVNan; SassyMom; kneezles; MeeknMing; SevenofNine; ...

Chicagoland Weather:
Current Conditions: As reported at KORD, O'Hare Arpt.. Last update Mon 20 Jan 2003 4:56 AM CST.
Partly Cloudy
15°F Feels Like (Wind Chil Index): 2°F
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the N at 12 mph
Humidity: 52 %
Visibility: unlimited
Barometer: 29.95 inches and Rising
Today's Forecast Mon 20 Jan 2003 03:00 AM CST
Low 4°F
High 20°F
posted on
01/20/2003 5:29:36 AM PST
(....Throw ALOT of logs on the fire!...........)
To: snippy_about_it
Wonderful job!!
FReeper Brian Wells!!
God Bless You!
Thank You.
To: Aeronaut
Good Morning Aeronaut
To: Kathy in Alaska; bentfeather; coteblanche; SK1 Thurman; radu; MoJo2001; Teacup; ...
From the men in the Military and the Canteen
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
Good Morning Tonkin.
To: bentfeather
Good morning BF.
posted on
01/20/2003 5:34:30 AM PST
(Your message imprinted here)
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