Posted on 12/18/2002 5:56:04 PM PST by 2sheep
Edited on 05/26/2004 5:10:44 PM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]
WASHINGTON - Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson said yesterday he does not plan to be inoculated with the smallpox vaccine and recommends that other Cabinet members not request the inoculation either.
"I do not believe it is necessary or should be taking place," he said.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Try these terms in google: Hegelian Dialectic - Diaprax - Delphi Technique - Gramsci
Here's a start: 100 ~ 105 ~ 24 ~ 25 ~
The Hegelian Dialectic and The New World Order
Introduction - A Theory, and the Hegelian Dialectic
The Meaning of "Original Sin"
Toward the Total State by William Norman Grigg re Gramsci
Who is Antonio Gramsci? You Better Learn!!!
The intent is to destroy nations, not unite them: Allah and the Real-World-Order
The Diabolical System of DIAPRAX
Paul Proctor -- Diaprax Goes To Seminary
Paul Proctor -- Archives
Concerned Members - Links Library
A Complete Explanation Of Hegel from an Unbiased Viewpoint
Brainwashing in America - Berit Kjos
Conforming the Church to the New Millennium - Berit Kjos
The UN Plan for Your Mental Health
Local Agenda - The U.N. Plan for Your Community
How the Hegelian Dialectic is Transforming The World To Bring In The New World Order
The Hegelian Dialectic*People have been trained to be man-pleasers, not God pleasers."The dialectical method of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) consists of two main steps: the invention of artificial extremes (``thesis'' and ``antithesis'') which superficially conflict with each other, and the synthesis from that conflict of a goal, which is made to appear to be the product of consensus. The artificial extremes are chosen and propagandized (marginalizing the population) in such a way that the goal is naturally synthesized from them. It is, essentially, a trick - a fraud. It is a strategy of ideological divide-and-conquer. The dialectic ruse dissipates the energy and coherency of its targets - unless they recognize the ruse as such.
Hegel was a fountain of awful ideas, liberally cribbed by Marx and Engels, by the sickly and neurologically defective Mary Baker Eddy (founder of the Church of Christ, Scientist, which - as evidenced by its concept of "Malicious Animal Magnetism" - is in fact similar to Scientology), and by the Unitarians (who are historical proponents of universal government schooling in pursuit of socialist indoctrination). Hegel was an influence on famed phenomenologist Martin Heidegger (1889-1978) (NSDAP#3125894, 1933-May-1) (author of Being and Time (1927) and a critic of Hegel's methods), on French existentialist phenomenologist and Marxist Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) (author of The Transcendence of the Ego (1937) and Being and Nothingness (1943)), and on "spiritualist" utopian Marxist philosopher Ernst Bloch (Das Prinzip Hoffnung (The Principle of Hope)).
A central precept of the Hegelian ethic is that people are principally motivated by the desire to receive the approval and recognition of others, and to avoid their disapproval.* Since this motivation is not predicated on the reasonableness of that approval or disapproval, the principle is a mechanism by which an individual delegates arbitrary control to others. This is, obviously, an enabling principle of collectivism. By encouraging people to embrace this tendency, and amplify it into a preeminent mechanism of decision making, Hegelianism works directly to subvert the individual." ... Source ~
Mt 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ;*** and shall deceive many.
Mt 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
*** or "I am a Christian..."
When is he scheduled to take it? I say we keep a close watch on Bush on the days following his vaccination. If he suddenly disappears for a long period of time, we'll know he had a bad reaction.
I have to go into town for awhile, but as soon as I get back I will be looking at your links. This is the stuff I want to find out about; thanks!!!
Do you have anything between your ears other than rocks? Learn how to read, maybe you'd learn something..
Practical EXPERIENCE, shows this to an absolute inane falsehood.
Are you a microbiologist or a immunologist? I highly doubt you are..
Improved sanitation, nutrition, and health care eradicated those disease. Did you refer to the charts I posted that shows how polio had just about disappeared PRIOR to the vaccine, and that Yellow Fever went away WITHOUT ANY VACCINE? Man you are dense..
If you care to know anything other than the propaganda you've been fed, read up on the history of the smallpox vaccine, specifically about the superstition that cowpox exposure provided immunity against smallpox. It was well known at the time that myth was absolutely false, and that cowpox virus could be used as a smallpox vaccine was a ludricrous claim made by a unscrupulous individual by the name Edward Jenner. Do you say he isn't the "inventor" of the vaccine?
On NOW at RadioFR!
Do you think your misguided opinions with no basis in fact, totally unreferenced to any data or information backing your position, constitutes proof?
Double sheeeeeeeesh.
It's a combination of a possible genetic disorder resulting in a metabolic dysfunction where heavy metals are not detoxified, and the introduction of thimerosal into the bloodstream. The MMR vaccine is thought to be the trigger in many cases for this metabolic disorder.
I'm going to be very wary of all of this. Best thing to do, folks, is to get your immune systems in good condition by eating your fruits and veggies! LOTS of them. Raw, if possible.
Make sure you wash them VERY well, as there are many neurotoxic pesticides on them these days.
I'd like to see controlled studies.
I look forward to our future debates, but tonight, I will back down out of respect.
Can you show us the same amount of verified and well documented alternatives to immunization?
Simply avoiding vaccinations seems to be a good option..
There IS significant historical evidence that demonstrates that those vaccinated against smallpox were much more likely to contract and die of the disease than those that weren't. It is also historically evident that those countries that had few smallpox cases prior to vaccination had large epidemics AFTER 95% or more of the population had been vaccinated.
The same phenomenon occured in relation to the diphtheria vaccine in Germany, where diphtheria cases were up from 40,000 to 250,000 five years after compulsory vaccination against the disease commenced.
Additionally, there ARE modern studies that show vaccinations against measles, whooping cough, and TB did NOT provide immunity against those diseases..
- In 1967, Ghana was declared measles free by the World Health Organisation after 96% of its population was vaccinated. In 1972, Ghana experienced one of its worst measles outbreaks with its highest ever mortality rate. (Dr H Albonico, MMR Vaccine Campaign in Switzerland, March 1990)
- In the UK between 1970 and 1990, over 200,000 cases of whooping cough occurred in fully vaccinated children. (Community Disease Surveillance Centre, UK)
- In the 1970's a tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving 260,000 people revealed that more cases of TB occurred in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. (The Lancet 12/1/80 p73)
- In 1990, the Journal of the American Medical Association had an article on measles which stated " Although more than 95% of school-aged children in the US are vaccinated against measles, large measles outbreaks continue to occur in schools and most cases in this setting occur among previously vaccinated children." (JAMA, 21/11/90)
- In the New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 issue a study found that over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted whooping cough had been fully vaccinated.
I was overseas where yellow fever ran through the population killing thousands, me and my family who had had the shots never got sick.
You and your family more than likely practiced better sanitation, ate better food, and prepared food in safer ways than those other people..
I had strep throat a few times, I got the shot, I didn't develop scarlet fever.
You may have received a shot of antibiotics, which DO work, but there is no vaccine for scarlet fever. I've had a bad sore throat more than once when I was a kid, yet never took antibiotics for strep throat, and I never developed scarlet fever..
The articles I post simply relate historical facts. Opinions of experts in the field such as Drs. Salk and Sabin are also presented, as well as historical evidence that shows those who had been vaccinated against smallpox were more likely to die from the disease than those that weren't.
Superstitions were the basis of the vaccine, and MANY doctors of the time argued against it. I've shown some of those concerns, you SHOULD try to take the time to read them.
If you, and your buddies, don't want the shots, don't get them, but quit trying to use cut and paste quackery as an answer, as a valid reason, not to get the shots.
Do you even know what quackery is? Read up on Edward Jenner, "father" of the smallpox vaccine. Now that IS a quack of the highest degree. He took ONE experiment and announced to the world he had found a vaccine for smallpox, even when REAL doctors (he wasn't even a doctor) told him that he was wrong as they had seen MANY people that had contracted smallpox even though they had previously had cowpox. He simply did it for the money and fame, damn the truth..
Because the empirical evidence simply overwhelms your quackery.
Do you even know what empirical evidence IS? I've posted MUCH empirical evidence, you haven't posted ANY. Show us some historical facts, show us some experimental evidence. You bloviate about quackery, yet you practice it freely. In fact, you operate much like the father of vaccination, Edward Jenner. Lots of baseless assertions, yet no real evidence or facts to back your claims.
BTW, point out where there's any articles or links that state innoculations are "evil". Do you even know what an innoculation is? It is the ancient practice of giving a disease at a time the person was supposedly better prepared to fight off the disease. This practice resulted in massive epidemics and deaths. That is why Jenner's "vaccination" was welcomed with open arms, as it was supposedly a "milder" disease that would give one immunity to smallpox.
Yes. Yes, No. Yes.
You simply do not know what of you yap. TTFG.
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