Posted on 12/18/2002 5:56:04 PM PST by 2sheep
Edited on 05/26/2004 5:10:44 PM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]
WASHINGTON - Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson said yesterday he does not plan to be inoculated with the smallpox vaccine and recommends that other Cabinet members not request the inoculation either.
"I do not believe it is necessary or should be taking place," he said.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Oh please...
In the normal course of life, prior to public health and medicine, people were exposed to real diseases, not the crippled ones used in vaccines. Many died. Far more died of disease than war. Most of them before age eight. Give me a break. Look at the life expectancy trends.
My guess is they are Christian Scientists.
That is a sad fact of life today. People believe what the TV "experts" tell them. In relation to the smallpox vaccine, these "experts" believe other past "experts", who in turn ignored scientific facts and glorified the false and dangerous claims of a quack that never attended medical school and based his "research" on ONE experiment that was improperly performed on ONE subject. They ignore the fact that doctors of that time knew the vaccine was junk science, as MANY people that had suffered from cowpox had later caught smallpox. It is historical fact that massive epidemics of smallpox occured in countries where virtually the entire population had been vaccinated...
From Smallpox: Bringing a Dead Disease Back to Life
Prussian Roulette
Hadwen provides a rare window into the medical research of a century ago, one that has not received the usual whitewash. He tells the amazing story about Prussia, the most vaccinated country in Europe during the 1800s - also the country that kept the best records. Hadwen had access to these medical records before the media had the sense to suppress them. Here's what they showed:
It happened that Prussia passed a mandatory vaccination law in 1834 for smallpox. The law provided that every infant be vaccinated, and then revaccinated when starting school. After graduation the child had to be vaccinated again, and then once more upon entering the Army!
And all healthy males had to go into the Army. Anyone who refused the vaccination was to be "held down and vaccinated by force; and so thoroughly was it done that he was vaccinated in ten places on each arm." [14]
OK, so we get the idea that almost 100% of Prussians got Jenner's smallpox vaccine. So what happened in Prussia 35 years after this vaccination law? A smallpox epidemic which killed "124,978 of her vaccinated and re-vaccinated citizens after thirty-five years of compulsory vaccination!" [14]
How about England?
A compulsory "immunization" program was set up in England in 1853 using Jenner's methods. (McBean p.13) [8] Before that time, the highest number of deaths in a 2 year period in England from smallpox was about 2000. Results of this "immunization":
Year Deaths 1857-9 14,244 1863-5 20,059 In response, in 1867 Parliament enacted a stricter vaccination law, and 97% of the people were inoculated. Result:
Year Deaths 1868 44,840 Null, Part III, p23 [22]
Great vaccine, huh?
Alfred Russell Wallace offers abundant proof how vaccine statistics were manipulated in England during the 1800s - the who and the why of it. After a thorough presentation charting actual deaths throughout the UK and the Continent from smallpox and from the vaccine, Wallace concludes that smallpox vaccine
"...has actually increased susceptibility to the disease. ... the conclusion is in every case the same: that vaccination is a gigantic delusion; that it has never saved a single life; but that it has been the cause of so much disease, so many deaths, such a vast amount of utterly needless and altogether undeserved suffering, that it will be classed by the coming generation among the greatest errors of an ignorant and prejudiced age, and its penal enforcement the foulest blot on the generally beneficent course of legislation during our century."
- Alfred R. Wallace, Chapter VI 1898 [6]
The vaccinia vaccine has NEVER been shown to protect against ANY disease.
I wonder why can't these vaccines still be used? It seems they were safe. Of course, AIDS wasn't much of a problem back then...
Vaccinia is a live mutated cowpox virus (apparently cowpox had been combined with horsepox back during Jenner's "experiments").
Modern analysis of the vaccinia virus by restriction mapping indicates that vaccinia is distinct from cowpox virus. The possibility that vaccinia represents a hybrid of cowpox and variola virus has been suggested. The virus also was propagated in horses and may have been contaminated with horsepox virus as well. In 1796, when Edward Jenner made his seminal report, the full potential of vaccination became accepted widely. Jenner observed that milkmaids exposed to cowpox developed protection against smallpox during subsequent epidemics. In attempts to produce the agent responsible for smallpox protection resulting from exposure to cows, Jenner ultimately isolated the vaccinia virus. (Vaccinus is a Latin word relating to cows.)
Many died. Far more died of disease than war. Most of them before age eight. Give me a break. Look at the life expectancy trends.HISTORY OF THE MOVEMENT.
Thomas Carlyle has told us "that no error is fully confuted until you have seen not only that it is an error, but also how it became one." It will, therefore, be as well for me to take you over something of the history of the movement, and give an idea how this gigantic superstition and this monstrous fraud of vaccination came to be enforced, and came to be adopted by the profession and the public. The "discoverer" so-called was, as you all know, a man by the name of Edward Jenner, who lived at Berkeley, in your own county. He was not, however, the discoverer. The whole thing was a superstition of the Gloucestershire dairymaids years before Jenner was born--(laughter)--and the very experiment, so-called, that he performed had been performed by an old farmer named Benjamin Jesty twenty years previously. Now this man Jenner had never passed a medical examination in his life. He belonged to the good old times when George III. was King--(laughter)--when medical examinations were not compulsory. Jenner looked upon the whole thing as a superfluity, and he hung up "Surgeon, apothecary," over his door without any of the qualifications that warranted the assumption. It was not until twenty years after he was in practice that he thought it advisible to get a few letters after his name. Consequently he then communicated with a Scotch University and obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine for the sum of £15 and nothing more. (Laughter.) It is true that a little while before, he had obtained a Fellowship of the Royal Society. but his latest biographer and apologist, Dr. Norman Moore, had to confess that it was obtained by little less than a fraud. It was obtained by writing a most extraordinary paper about a fabulous cuckoo, for the most part composed of arrant absurdities and imaginative freaks such as no ornithologist of the present day would pay the slightest heed to. A few years after this, rather dissatisfied with the only medical qualification he had obtained, Jenner communicated with the University of Oxford and asked them to grant him their honorary degree of M.D., and after a good many fruitless attempts he got it. Then he sent to the Royal College of Physicians in London to get their diploma, and even presented his Oxford degree as an argument in his favour. But they considered he had had quite enough on the cheap already, and told him distinctly that until he passed the usual examinations they were not going to give him any more. This was a sufficient check in Jenners case, and he settled down quietly without any diploma of physician.
The period in which he lived was undoubtedly a very filthy period. It was a time when, to take London for instance, the streets were nothing but a mass of cobble stones, the roads were so narrow that the people could almost shake hands across the street, and as for fresh air they scarcely knew anything about it, for locomotion such as we have to-day was unknown. Sanitary arrangements were altogether absent. They obtained their water from conduits and wells in the neighbourhood, Water closets there were none, and no drainage system existed. It was in London especially that small-pox abounded, where bodies were buried in Old St. Pauls Churchyard in Covent Garden only a foot below the soil, and people had to get up in the middle of the night and burn frankincense to keep off the stench; and where those who could afford it had houses on each side of the Fleet river, so that when the wind blew towards the east they lived in the west, and when it blew towards the west they lived in the east. This was the condition of old London, and you cannot be surprised if small-pox was then what Dr. Bond calls a scourge; you cannot be surprised if small-pox has declined since, even after this wonderful discovery of vaccination--(laughter and cheers)--and let us not forget that sanitary improvements began in London as early as 1766, and small-pox began to decline as a consequence before vaccination was invented.
I wont go now into the personal character of Jenner, but Dr. Creighton has well described him when he tells us that he was vain and petulant, crafty and greedy, a man with more grandiloquence and bounce than solid attainment, unscrupulous to a degree, a man who in all his writings was never precise when he could possibly be vague, and never straightforward when he could be secretive. This is the character that Dr. Creighton gives him; and as for the statement, which we constantly hear, that Jenner received such wonderful homage in the later years of his life, we well know that his closing years were years of misery as the failures of his fetish began to crowd upon him. It was on January 23rd, 1823, that he wrote his last letter to his confidential friend, Gardner, when he told him he was never surrounded by so many perplexities. Two days later Jenner breathed his last.
This practice of vaccination was simply a legend. The idea of charming away disease has been common in all countries and at all times, not only amongst the ignorant but amongst the educated. In old herb books we find how much the remedies for certain diseases depended on the jingle of the names; and there is no doubt that the way in which the idea got amongst the dairymaids that a person who had cow-pox never had small-pox depended upon the jingle of cow-pox and small-pox, and it was this which had such an extraordinary effect upon the mass of the people at that time. In the old herb books, for instance, we find that if you want to prevent suffering from the bite of a mad dog you must carry a herb called hounds tongue, and again, to prevent the ill-consequence of a dog bite you must take a portion of the root of a dog rose. This kind of thing was common at that time; it was a most superstitious period in which Jenner lived, when live frogs were swallowed for the cure of worms; when cow dung and human excreta were mixed with milk and butter for diptheria; when the brains of a man who had died a violent death were given in teaspoonful doses for the cure of small-pox. Even Jenner had invented, not merely a cure for smallpox, but also one for hydrophobia, which quite takes the steam out of Pasteurs treatment. All you had to do was to duck the man who had been bitten three times in a stream of running water, only taking care that each time you ducked him life became almost extinct. (Laughter.) He said he never knew that to fail under any circumstances. (Renewed laughter.) He evidently had an idea that persons bitten by a mad dog become possessed of an evil spirit, and should be treated as they used to treat the witches. So much for Jenner.
When he first of all heard the story of the cow-pox legend that the dairymaids talked about, that if you only had cow-pox you cant have small-pox, he began to mention it at the meetings of the Medico-convivial Society, where the old doctors of the day met together to smoke their pipes, drink their glasses of grog, and talk over their cases. But he no sooner mentioned it than they laughed at it. The cow doctors could have told him of hundreds of cases where small-pox had followed cow-pox, and Jenner found he would have to drop it.
In 1796, however, he performed his first experiment as it is called. He took a boy named James Phipps and inoculated him with some lymph which he took from a cow-pox vesicle. A short time afterwards he inoculated this boy with small-pox, and for very solid reasons which could be explained, the small-pox did not take. "Now," said Jenner, "is the grand discovery. This will answer my purpose, and I shall soon be able to get another paper for the Royal Society," to follow in the wake of the glorious cuckoo, which has been wittily termed "the bird that laid the vaccination egg." (Laughter.) That was in 1796, and we are close upon the century since that wonderful experiment. Russia is preparing to celebrate it, and the Bristol medical men are sending round for subscriptions for £1,000 in order to purchase the relics of this wonderful man--such as his snuff box, his lancets, and the chair the great man sat in--to put in the museum of the Bristol University. I have noticed that the doctors have omitted one important article which appeared in the Bristol Exhibition--a hair from the tail of the first cow that supplied the vaccine lymph. (Loud laughter.) I am sorry they have left that out. I am sure nothing would so stir the hearts of the coming race of medical men as an evidence of belief in the principle contained in the old herb book by which a person had to carry a hair of the tail of the dog that bit him. (Laughter.) I do not know whether the sensation from Russia is going to filter through to England, but unless you people in Gloucester are going to be swayed by the manifesto issued by the medical men my advice to you is to keep your rejoicings for the 5th November, and then if you happen to be hard tip for a companion for Guy Fawkes I would advise you to have an effigy of Edward Jenner to help feed the flames of your bonfire. (Laughter and cheers.)
Jenner inoculated this boy James Phipps in 1796. Then, as soon as he had done that, he wrote it down--(laughter)--and went round the neighbourhood collecting desultory information with regard to cow-pox and cow-poxed milkers. He got cases of those who had had cow-pox years before and had never had small-pox, as if everybody was bound to have the small-pox. Then he took some worn-out paupers, over 6o years of age, who had had the cow-pox years and years before and inoculated them with small-pox to see if they would take. He found they did not take, because as people get advanced in life they are more or less proof against it. "This," said Jenner, "is the grand proof of the value of inoculation of cowpox as a preventive of small-pox."
These were the materials which he got together in order to present his paper to the Royal Society. It was not to be surprised at that, with miserable material such as this, the Royal Society, though at that time at so low an ebb scientifically, should, nevertheless, immediately reject his paper as unsatisfactory and unsuited to a scientific society or a healthy public. (Cheers.) Jenner took care in that paper never to mention the cases of people who had cow-pox and had small-pox afterwards, he mentioned the cases of a dozen old men who had cow-pox and did not take small-pox afterwards, but he could have had hundreds of cases who had had both. These he took good care never to say anything about. As soon, however, as he came back with his paper the cow doctors were at him. They said this was all rubbish and began to pour on him hundreds of cases, just as we pelt the pro-vaccinists with figures showing that 90 per cent, of those who have had small-pox have already been vaccinated. (Cheers.)
So Dr. Jenner soon found he would have to change his whistle, and invented a novel idea. The idea he started was this: he said there are two kinds of pox. One is the genuine kind and the other spurious, and those who have had cow-pox and yet have had small-pox afterwards, have had the spurious variety. Those who had cow-pox and did not have small-pox afterwards were those who bad had the genuine disease. This was a very clever and specious kind of argument, and the next thing that Jenner had to do was to find out where the genuine cow-pox could be found. Accordingly, on going into a stable one day he found that a cow had been affected with a very peculiar kind of disease that was produced in this way. It seems that a man had been seeing to the grease upon a horses heels, and had gone to milk the cows without washing his hands. The result was that it produced that peculiar kind of disease known by the name of horse-grease cow-pox. "This," said Jenner, "is the life-preserving fluid," and he went home to write about the wonderful virtues of horse-grease cow-pox. However, it was necessary to perform an experiment, and he inoculated a boy named John Baker with horse-grease, direct from the horses heels. He intended later to inoculate him with small-pox in order to see whether it would take, but it was something like the case of the man, you remember, who had an idea that if he only gave his horse a gradually diminishing diet he would at last be able to keep it on nothing. You remember that the horse died before the experiment could be completed, and it was the same with John Baker, for the poor boy died in the workhouse directly afterwards from a contagious fever contracted from the inoculation. ("Shame.")
He then took some of the horse-grease cow-pox and inoculated six children, and without waiting to see the result or to prove whether it would take or not he rushed to London to get his paper printed. And in that paper he had the audacity to assert that it was not necessary to wait to see the result because the proofs he already had were so conclusive, and time experiments had told such an extraordinary tale--although he had completed but one experiment in his life, and that did not prove it at all. That boy James Phipps was hawked about the country as a proof of the value of vaccination, but he had not been inoculated with horse-grease cow-pox at all, but with spontaneous cow-pox, which Jenner now declared in his second paper was absolutely useless and unprotective against the disease!
But as soon as the paper was published the outcry was tremendous. "What," said the people, "take horse-grease, filthy grease from horses heels, take that and put it into the blood of a child?" No, they would have nothing to do with it. They did not mind having cow-pox without the horse, but they could not think of having the cow-pox with the horse in it. Dr. Pearson wrote Jenner telling him he must take the horse out, or "it would damn the whole thing." Consequently--there is no accounting for taste--they denounced horse-grease cow-pox, but were prepared to accept spontaneous cow-pox.
What did Jenner do? Did he attempt to stick up for his creed or to prove that he was right? No; he wanted money. He said he was looking forward "in the fond hope of enjoying independence," declaring he was in an impecunious condition. He accepted the verdict of the people. They wanted cow-pox; they should have it. And accordingly he wrote a third paper and tried to wipe out what he had written before. With the exception of a solitary footnote, in that paper, horse-grease cow-pox was not mentioned at all, and he fell back on the spontaneous cow-pox theory which he had previously denounced as useless and unprotective. This spontaneous cow-pox is what we are recommended to have by Dr. Bond in almost his last clause, i.e., lymph direct from the cow--which is denounced by the discoverer himself as absolutely unprotecive against the disease in question. (Cheers.)
Look at how vaccines didn't save us..
- In 1871-2, England, with 98% of the population aged between 2 and 50 vaccinated against smallpox, it experienced its worst ever smallpox outbreak with 45,000 deaths. During the same period in Germany, with a vaccination rate of 96%, there were over 125,000 deaths from smallpox. (The Hadwen Documents) - In Germany, compulsory mass vaccination against diphtheria commenced in 1940 and by 1945 diphtheria cases were up from 40,000 to 250,000. (Don't Get Stuck, Hannah Allen) - In the USA in 1960, two virologists discovered that both polio vaccines were contaminated with the SV 40 virus which causes cancer in animals as well as changes in human cell tissue cultures. Millions of children had been injected with these vaccines. (Med Jnl of Australia 17/3/1973 p555) - In 1967, Ghana was declared measles free by the World Health Organisation after 96% of its population was vaccinated. In 1972, Ghana experienced one of its worst measles outbreaks with its highest ever mortality rate. (Dr H Albonico, MMR Vaccine Campaign in Switzerland, March 1990) - In the UK between 1970 and 1990, over 200,000 cases of whooping cough occurred in fully vaccinated children. (Community Disease Surveillance Centre, UK) - In the 1970's a tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving 260,000 people revealed that more cases of TB occurred in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. (The Lancet 12/1/80 p73) - In 1977, Dr Jonas Salk who developed the first polio vaccine, testified along with other scientists, that mass inoculation against polio was the cause of most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961. (Science 4/4/77 "Abstracts" ) - In 1978, a survey of 30 States in the US revealed that more than half of the children who contracted measles had been adequately vaccinated. (The People's Doctor, Dr R Mendelsohn) - In 1979, Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated three times! (BMJ 283:696-697, 1981) -The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians refused to take the rubella vaccine. - In the USA, the cost of a single DPT shot had risen from 11 cents in 1982 to $11.40 in 1987. The manufacturers of the vaccine were putting aside $8 per shot to cover legal costs and damages they were paying out to parents of brain damaged children and children who died after vaccination. (The Vine, Issue 7, January 1994, Nambour, Qld) - In Oman between 1988 and 1989, a polio outbreak occurred amongst thousands of fully vaccinated children. The region with the highest attack rate had the highest vaccine coverage. The region with the lowest attack rate had the lowest vaccine coverage. (The Lancet, 21/9/91) - In 1990, a UK survey involving 598 doctors revealed that over 50% of them refused to have the Hepatitis B vaccine despite belonging to the high risk group urged to be vaccinated. (British Med Jnl, 27/1/1990) - In 1990, the Journal of the American Medical Association had an article on measles which stated " Although more than 95% of school-aged children in the US are vaccinated against measles, large measles outbreaks continue to occur in schools and most cases in this setting occur among previously vaccinated children." (JAMA, 21/11/90) - In the USA, from July 1990 to November 1993, the US Food and Drug Administration counted a total of 54,072 adverse reactions following vaccination. The FDA admitted that this number represented only 10% of the real total, because most doctors were refusing to report vaccine injuries. In other words, adverse reactions for this period exceeded half a million! (National Vaccine Information Centre, March 2, 1994) - In the New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 issue a study found that over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted whooping cough had been fully vaccinated. - On November 2nd, 2000, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) announced that its members voted at their 57th annual meeting in St Louis to pass a resolution calling for an end to mandatory childhood vaccines. The resolution passed without a single "no" vote. (Report by Michael Devitt) |
Have any proof?
You mean THIS group?
"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunisation of children does more harm than good." "The greatest threat of childhood disease lies in the dangerous and "In our opinion, there is now sufficient evidence of immune malfunction following current vaccination programmes to anticipate growing public demands for research investigation into alternative methods of prevention of infectious disease." "All vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood "Every vaccine carries certain hazards and can produce inward reactions in some general, there are more vaccine complications than is generally appreciated." "Official data have shown that the large-scale vaccinations undertaken in the US have failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection." "In addition to the many obvious cases of mortality from these practises, "Laying aside the very real possibility that the various vaccines are "The only wholly safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used" With reference to Smallpox; "Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and "Vaccination does not protect, it actually renders its subjects more "It is nonsense to think that you can inject pus - and it is usually from the pustule end of the dead smallpox victim
it is unthinkable that you can inject that into a little child and in any way improve its health. What is true of vaccination is exactly as true of all forms of serum immunisation, if we could by any means build up a natural resistance to disease through these artificial means, I would applaud it to the echo, but we can't do it." "Immunisation against smallpox is more hazardous than the disease itself." With reference to Whooping Cough; "There is no doubt in my mind that in the UK alone some hundreds, if not thousands of well infants have suffered irreparable brain damage needlessly and that their lives and those of their parents have been wrecked in consequence." "My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the "The worst vaccine of all is the whooping cough is responsible for a lot of deaths and for a lot of infants suffering irreversible brain damage.." With reference to Polio; "Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin polio vaccine, being made of monkey kidney tissue has been directly responsible for the major increase in leukaemia in this country." "No batch of vaccine can be proved to be safe before it is given to "Live virus vaccines against influenza and paralytic polio, for example, may in each instance cause the disease it is intended to prevent..." |
Our Responses
1. When I told my doctor that I am not going to have my children vaccinated, he (she) became very angry and told me that he will not treat them, and that I am no longer welcome in his office. Do you have a list of doctors in my area who will respect my decision to not vaccinate and still treat my children? [Sample Letters] A. Your situation is not uncommon. Many pediatricians refuse to treat children when their parents object to the shots. This is just one tactic doctors employ in an effort to intimidate moms and dads into vaccinating against their will. You should be thankful that this dysfunctional relationship with your health practitioner has been terminated. I'm sorry, but we do not maintain a directory of "sympathetic" pediatricians, and are unaware of any such list. You might try searching for a naturopathic, homeopathic, or chiropractic doctor in your yellow pages. By the way, why do you need a baby doctor? According to Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD, very few childhood conditions truly warrant medical attention. This world-renowned pediatrician was ostracized from the medical community for writing a bestselling book teaching parents how to look after their children's health. How to Raise a Healthy Child...In Spite of Your Doctor will provide you with the confidence necessary to assess many childhood conditions on your own. We also recommend Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child, co-authored by holistic and medical doctors. This encyclopedic manual covers just about every possible childhood event, and gives YOU the option on how to handle each situation. Remember, in most states children are not required to receive vaccines until they enter school, and you have the legal right to exempt them from the shots. Acquire a copy of your state vaccine laws. These are available from your local library. State laws (and the two books just recommended) are also available from New Atlantean Press: 505-983-1856. Do not allow yourself to be intimidated and coerced by doctors. Read, study, become informed, and remain firm regarding your decisions. Vaccines are NOT mandatory. Visit our section on Immunization Laws for clarification regarding your legal rights and options. 3. Doctors claim that my non-vaccinated child will spread disease. As a result, some parents of vaccinated children won't let their kids come near or play with my children. What can I do? Q. My daughter never had a vaccination. I have recently been informed by my brother's wife that she feels my daughter is a danger to her 2 month old son, and does not want her around for the first 18 months of his life. Her pediatrician told her that my daughter was a "disease carrier" and could give it to anyone around her. A. Some doctors will say anything to get parents to vaccinate, even if it doesn't make sense or is an outright lie. They spread this incredible baloney to make parents like you feel guilty, and to create tension between parents of vaccinated and non-vaccinated children. It is a ploy to coerce you into vaccinating your child. First of all, how could your non-vaccinated child be a danger to the vaccinated child? If the vaccines are effective, then the baby should be protected. Actually, it's the vaccinated children who spread disease. Many of the disease outbreaks that we are warned about today, are caused by, and occur in, recently vaccinated children. Q. In the December/January edition of BabyTalk magazine from the publishers of Parenting, there is a question by a parent worried about her vaccinated child being in contact with her neighbor's unvaccinated child (p. 17). The response is ridiculous, accompanied by a large picture with the caption, "One baby without shots puts all the rest at risk." Would you be willing to respond to the magazine with a refutation? Or possibly a parent whose child was severely damaged or killed by a vaccine could respond. My first thought was to write something myself, but it would be secondhand information by me. I am concerned for all the innocent parents who read this and become worried. They should have at least been advised to do some research on their own! A. We think Parenting and Baby Talk magazines are a disgrace to parents everywhere. They appear to be puppets of the medical establishment, with one-sided pro-vaccine medical advisors on their board. A non-vaccinated child cannot put vaccinated children at risk if the vaccines are effective. In fact, it is the vaccinated children who expose other children to increased risk. This has been confirmed again and again in outbreaks where a majority of the affected children were recently vaccinated. 4. My child was not vaccinated. How do I protect him from other children who were recently vaccinated? Q. I just had some visitors to my house and after about an hour of their kids playing with mine, they informed me that the 17 month old just got his shots this afternoon. I was panic stricken! I have heard of people contracting dieases from others who are immunized. Is this true? What are the risks of exposure to my children? Any other stories like this? Then again -- if there is a high risk associated with not immunizing and contracting something by being around others who have, do you just stay home and live in a bubble, never going anywhere for fear of 'catching' something? Please respond and let me know if there is anything to be done now. Thanks. Q. I have not vaccinated my son. I am planning on providing daycare services this fall. My question is: If one of the daycare children was vaccinated the day before or within a range of a few days, is my son at risk in any way? Do vaccinated children "carry" the disease they are being vaccinated against? I guess my concern would be the live viruses like the oral polio vaccine. Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. A. Recently vaccinated children do carry the disease germ and are able to spread it to other children. Many so-called epidemics are initiated and spread in this manner, even though the unvaccinated are blamed. On the other hand, a passive immunity to the disease may also be gained in this manner. In fact, some "authorities" argue that parents who do not vaccinate their children reap the benefits without taking the risks -- a curious argument since they also argue that such parents are irresponsible by unnecessarily exposing their children to greater risk by choosing not to vaccinate. Some daycare centers do not permit non-vaccinated children to enroll. Wouldn't it be ironic to see the authorities' reactions if they discovered a daycare center that does not permit vaccinated children to join! Q. I am the mother of nine children, and none of them have ever been immunized. My husband is a chiropractor and his mother had not believed in immunization for the last few of her 8 children. I come from a traditional medical oriented family but that has had little effect on my attitude concerning immunization. I have had moments of stress concerning whooping cough and the fear of tetanus infection. But the one real problem that caught me totally off guard was when my girls began to babysit. I am concerned about them babysitting children who have just received the DPT shot. I have probably over-reacted by not letting them babysit any such child for 3 weeks following the shot but I have never seen any information about how long that child might infect others. I have read that the cases of polio stem from the shot, and of some people getting it by being in contact with a recently immunized child. I don't know if this is a valid concern or an over-reaction on my part. People don't think to tell a babysitter that their child has just had shots because it is such a normal thing in our society. I look forward to an informative response. A. Whooping cough is generally not a concern in older children; it may pass as a simple cold. Children under a year old are the main ones likely to experience complications. Every year about 10 people in the USA contract polio from coming into contact with a recently vaccinated child. These cases generally occur in people with compromised immune systems. For example, a grandmother with a weakened immune system may contract it by changing the baby's diaper. Simply stated, it is unlikely that your daughter is in danger. Q. I have a question that I have not been able to find the answer to. With our baby girl not having been given any shots, we were told we would need to keep her away from any age children that have recently been vaccinated. How true is that? And if so, for how long? Until she is what age? How do we know what children have been recently given any shots? If this makes any sense at all, could you please provide us with some direction. A. You can't possible know who has been recently vaccinated, so I don't know how you could "protect" a child from such exposure short of isolating him or her from society. Some researchers claim non-vaccinated children gain passive immunity to disease by being exposed to vaccinated children. (They also claim that non-vaccinated children are at risk of contracting these diseases.) If you are concerned, and know that a friend or playmate was recently vaccinated, I would recommend keeping the kids outdoors to play for a few days. Otherwise I wouldn't worry too much. Q. Where can I find more specific information about the dangers of an unvaccinated child around vaccinated ones? This has always been a source of tension around other family members and their children as well. Two other family members consulted with their pediatricians and were each told something different. So now our family has three different doctors' opinions. One says it would be good for our daughter to be around a recently vaccinated child, the second says it doesn't matter at all, and the third says she is in danger because of her unvaccinated status. Could you help me please? Thank you for your time. A. You heard three different stories regarding whether your child is at risk when exposed to a recently vaccinated child. Some doctors say yes. Others say your child will gain a passive immunity from being exposed to vaccinated children. And still others don't know what to say. If you are particularly concerned, ventilate the children's room (open some windows), or let them play outdoors. But I wouldn't worry about it too much. 5. I don't want my child to receive vaccines but I don't want him to catch a disease either. What are my options? Q. Hello. I have four children. They have all had the "mandatory" vaccines and never once has anyone mentioned the risks. My youngest is 7 1/2 months old and is scheduled to have another round of vaccinations in two weeks. I am scared to let them vaccinate her, but I am also scared not to let them for fear that she may contract the diseases they are meant to prevent. What are my healthy alternatives? Thanks for your help. Q. I have a 1 year old daughter who is healthy and happy but I am very concerned about her receiving her 1 year vaccinations. I am curious if you have any information about an alternative to future vaccines. If you could email me back with info or possible literature on this subject I would greatly appreciate it. Q. Thank you for the information on your web pages and reference material. However I would like more information on natural therapies and alternatives to medical immunization. In particular, homeopathy as a method to boost the immune system and as a treatment for childhood illnesses. I would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction to find the relevant information. Q. I have decided against vaccinating my son the "traditional" way and was wondering if there is another way to help build up my son's immune system with homeopathic remedies? If so, where can I buy them and how do I use them for a 2 1/2 month old? Q. What are some homeopathic alternatives to vaccines? What do you recommend to boost the immune system of children under one year, and above? A. Parents must educate themselves prior to making a decision regarding vaccines so that they may sleep comfortably at night. If you are unsure, I recommend further investigation into this subject. Some of your options are to vaccinate, to consider homeopathic alternatives, or to do nothing and contend with disease if and when it occurs. (Many intelligent people do not think every childhood ailment is a grave cause of concern. They wonder why a child's immune system needs special treatment. Breastfeeding and natural foods work for many families. And besides, there are no guarantees that your children will not contract diseases after they are vaccinated.) Homeopathic remedies are available at many health stores. You may also consult your yellow pages to locate a local naturopathic, homeopathic, or chiropractic doctor. The Thinktwice/New Atlantean Bookstore offers several excellent books on vaccines and childcare options. For example, we import from England, Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases. We also recommend How to Raise a Healthy Child...In Spite of Your Doctor by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, and Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child, co-authored by two holistic health practitioners and a medical doctor. These books will empower you with options. Best wishes on your parenting choices. 6. My child received some of his vaccines. My husband and I recently decided that we don't want him to receive any more. Is there a danger in not completing the entire series of shots? Q. I want very much to no longer vaccinate my 14 month old baby. I have a concern, though. He's already started down that path. Might it be more detrimental to stop mid-stream? Q. If we don't give our child the shots, will he have a higher risk because of the impartial immunization? I mean compared to both unimmunized and completely immunized children. Q. If our son had 2 shots but dosn't have the third will he have enough live virus to cause a disease but not enough antibody to fight it? Or by not following the recommended schedule, if he is forced to get a third shot later, for example before he goes to school, will the side-effect become larger? Q. My daughter is 4 months old and is due for her next immunizations. I don't want to continue, but I am concerned that since I gave her her first set of shots, that she may be at higher risk to get a disease now? What do you think? Q. Is it safe, once started on the vaccines, to just quit without any adverse reactions. I am afraid if I quit giving my children the vaccines that they may get hurt from it. Is this a false fear? The doctor wouldn't answer that question except that I am putting my children at risk for the disease. Q. My daughter is 5 and is scheduled to have her checkup at which time she is to receive the following vaccinations: Oral Polio, MMR and DPT. She has received all her previous vaccinations up to this time. However, the more I have been hearing, I have decided to do some research on these vaccinations, as I have had an unsettled feeling about proceeding with having her vaccinated. Seeing that she has had her previous vaccinations, I do not know if there could be any detriment to her for not finishing the series up. Could you please provide me with information regarding that. A. Both vaccination and non-vaccination provide certain risks. That is why every parent has an obligation to research this subject until they are well-informed and comfortable with their decision. Vaccines are not antibiotics. They are pharmaceutical drugs. If, through your research, you determine that vaccines are toxic and detrimental, we fail to see how continuing them can produce benefit or discontinuing them can be harmful. 7. Shortly after my child received his shots, he started having seizures, [became autistic, died from sids, was diagnosed with a virus, or contracted some other life-threatening disease]. My husband and I are sure it was related to the vaccines. His doctor denies it. What do you think? A. Many children (and adults) receive vaccines and shortly thereafter have a serious reaction, often requiring emergency hospitalization. Such reactions include seizures, autism, immunological damage, neurological damage, sudden infant death syndrome, and/or a number of other rare and elaborately named "new" diseases. Often, the doctor, nurse, or hospital personnel will try to convince you that the reaction is "normal" and nothing to worry about. Other times they will claim your child contracted a simple virus, or is screaming uncontrollably (nonstop for hours!) because she didn't like the needle prick. These are all lies. Doctors NEVER admit a correlation between vaccines and serious reactions. Let me repeat: Your doctor will NOT admit that the vaccines your child recently received caused a serious adverse reaction. In fact, he will try to give your high-risk child MORE of the same vaccines in the very near future. If you succumb to his intimidation and coercion, you risk the life of your child. You must trust your instincts. If your child received vaccines and you believe that he had a reaction, he probably did. Sometimes the reaction is immediate, sometimes it occurs overnight or within a few days or weeks, and sometimes the damage occurs over longer periods of time. We receive many reports from parents with compelling personal stories who were convinced that vaccines caused a serious reaction in their child. But their doctor denied it so they agreed to another series of shots. Often, the 2nd or 3rd set of shots caused permanent and irreversible damage, or proved fatal. Therefore, YOU are responsible for determining whether to continue the shots. For more information about vaccine reactions and doctor denials, visit some of the links above. You may wish to research vaccine studies or read about some of the problems with multiple vaccines. Several questions and comments regarding specific vaccines are also posted on this website. Finally, be sure to contact the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to add your name to the government's secret vaccine database. Their telephone number is 1-800-822-7967. They will send you a packet of information regarding your child's reaction, plus some basic information on the government's compensation program. Our website also lists several vaccine support organizations, some vaccine lawyers knowledgable regarding your legal rights, and a few individuals who claim success reversing vaccine damage. Good luck. 8. My child received vaccines before I was aware of the dangers. How do I counteract their negative influence and/or flush them out of his system? Q. Dear Thinktwice, I love your website. Is there any way that the immunization shots can be flushed out of the system? Please email me if there is a way this can be done. Q. I have read that homeopathy can offset some of the destructive effects of vaccinations. My husband and I hope to adopt a 5 month old child in the near future. Unfortunately, the child has already had one series of vaccines. Our hope is that we can gain custody before he receives the next series. Q. I would be interested in any references you might give me on homeopathic physicians who would help me to counter the effects of the first series of shots. Q. What can parents do once they've already immunized their children. Our children did not experience any "noticeable" harmful effects, at least in the short term. Do you know of any remedies that can be administered to undo the harm we have already done in ignorance? What options do we have? Q. I am the mom of a 2 1/2 month old. My husband is in his second quarter at chiropractic school. We decided that we would not have our son vaccinated. However, when I got to the clinic the doctors started making me feel guilty and I realized how ill-prepared I was. I gave in to the shots because they started talking about spinal menengitis, etc. Well my son cried for 3 days straight. He would not nurse and he got a rash and still vomits. Is there anything that can flush his body of these toxins? A. I have heard Dr. Viera Scheibner, author of "Vaccination: 100 Years..." recommend doses of vitamin C, just high enough to cause a mild case of diarrhea. However, some health specialists claim that viral vaccines probably remain in the system for life. We suggest feeding your children with healthy, wholesome, organic foods. Some naturopaths and homeopaths (check your local telephone book) may have other protocols. Our website also provides Alternatives and Solutions -- a list of organizations and practitioners that claim some success flushing vaccines from the system and/or reversing vaccine damage. 9. My child was damaged from vaccines. How do I reverse the damage so that he will be normal and healthy again? Q. Hello, I am the mother of an 8-month child. Not aware of any of the problems, I allowed my son to receive his DTP-HIB shots at 3 months. He had a slight cold, but the docter said that was no problem. After two weeks he started having seizures and is still having them. He is suspected of having the uncontrollable type. He is on all the medications thinkable with little result. I have mentioned my worry of a reaction to his injections, but the neurologists don't want to hear about it.
With interest and horror I have been reading your site. In Holland we don't have such information. Something I am missing on this site is what can be done once the vaccination has been given? Can my son be tested to see if his epilepsy was triggered by vaccines, and if so, is there anything known to reverse the vaccination? Thanks for reading this and I hope you can give me some information. A. As you've discovered, children should not receive shots when they are sick, in spite of the doctor's recommendations. Of course, there is no guarantee that your child wouldn't react in the same manner even if he did not have a slight cold. Vaccines can cause serious reactions whether the child is healthy or ill. The DPT shot, and multiple vaccines (several vaccines administered simultaneously), cause many babies to experience seizures. Some people believe that homeopathy can alleviate some of the symptoms. However, neurological damage is hard to correct. This is why we try to inform parents about the risks of vaccinating before the damage is done. You may wish to contact a local naturopath or homeopath. We post a small list of organizations and practitioners who may be able to help you reverse vaccine damage. Good luck in your search for a cure. 10. My family will be traveling to a foreign country where vaccines are required. We don't want to get the shots. What can we do? A. Vaccines are NOT required to travel to another country. Some letters and responses are posted below. (If you are a citizen of a country other than the USA, and want to come to the United States, vaccines are NOT required. For more information, please visit our section on Immunization Laws, #6: U.S. Entry. ) Q. My family, including my two children ages 9 and 10, will be traveling with me to India at the end of next week. We will be there for three weeks. I will be traveling onto Nepal and North Vietnam by myself to visit friends. We will be mostly in towns, tourist places and a couple of wildlife parks. The CDC and doctors recommend Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, tetanus, thyphoid, polio, malaria (Larium or mefloquine), and possibly Japanese encephalitis. I saw the information on your web page about the Hepatitis B vaccine. We are not aware of any unusual outbreaks of these diseases in any of the places we plan to go. We are tempted to not take any of these vaccines/preventives. We would appreciate your perspectives on any of them. A. Your concerns are common ones. The CDC and doctors recommend a cocktail of vaccines, yet we have received several notices from travelers who became so sick after receiving the shots that they never made it overseas. (You may also want to read about the problems some families have had with multiple vaccines -- several shots administered simultaneously.) As you may well be aware, vaccines are not required to enter foreign countries. Either you accept the vaccine premise and take your chances with a battery of recommended drugs, or you reject the vaccine premise and trust your body to defend you in the rare possibility of being exposed to one of these diseases. Best wishes with your decision, and on your trip. Q. Do you have information pertaining to travel vaccines? I will be traveling to Sudan. Is it worth getting Hep A and yellow fever vaccines or better off taking your chances? I'm worried because my daughter was damaged by her 4 year old booster shots, so I know how bad they are. Do you have any information on Hep A and yellow fever vaccines? I already looked them up on the CDC website, but I don't feel they tell the truth regarding vaccines. A. We have very little information on "travel" vaccines. Try investigating adverse reactions and contraindications in the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) at your library. Or contact Grace Girdwain of "Special Human Rights Services for more information: 708-599-4679. Q. A lot of adult vaccines are really problematic too. I was recommended by a travel clinic to have the Japanese encephalitis vaccine for a luxury trip to India and Nepal. We're retired and this is the trip we've dreamed about. I went in on September 24 and had shot 1 of 3. They do a before and after blood pressure check. Before was 130/80. After was 140/80. Ten days later, I returned for shot 2. Before was 150/80. The nurse said she didn't want to administer it so I went home. The doctor said to go ahead and complete the series. I didn't. A week later my blood pressure was up to 160/80. Then yesterday it was 170/80, and they gave me a prescription for medication. I sent an email to our top travel medicine doctor who said there was no reason to have this shot. Please continue to keep people aware. I'm the sort who tends to believe the medical profession. Many are credible, but a few want to peddle unnecessary vaccines. I was given Hepatitis B the same day as well. A. Thanks for sharing your story. We know of several cases where "travel shots" were administered and the recipients of the shots became so ill that they were unable to go on their vacations. Best wishes. Q. I am heading overseas, and I am wondering about this whole issue of vaccines. I know from all that I have researched that I would never vaccinate my children if I were staying here in the U.S. But I am wondering if this is something I need to do for my children's safety as I know that we will not have good medical attention where we are going. We are headed to Papua New Guinea, and the hospitals there are so bad that I would rather die than go to one! My son is two, and he has had all the shots because I had no idea about all the negative impacts they can have on children. My daughter is 6 months, and I am really wondering what to do with her. Help! I need some advice. Everywhere I look I see negative reports on shots, but that is here in the U.S. where kids are not bombarded every day with the germs that can cause some of these childhood diseases. I am open to whatever information you could provide. A. Some people are convinced that vaccines are beneficial. Others think they are detrimental. You need to study this issue some more until you are at peace with your decision. Q. I'd like to say that I was deeply moved by the stories of these poor parents that experienced such loss. As a flight attendant, I am up for vaccinations of tetanus, Hepatitis A, yellow fever, and typhoid. I am not going to get them even though they are strongly recommended. Do you have any information on these vaccinations just listed? A. We have heard several stories of families excitedly preparing for a trip overseas, then told that they should receive several vaccines for foreign travel so that they do not become sick. They receive the vaccines and become so sick that they had to cancel their trip; many are still coping with their autoimmune and/or neurological ailments. We have very little information on these vaccines. You can visit a local library and read the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) for adverse reactions and contraindications. Q. First of all, I would like to compliment you on your website. Very informative, just excellent. Here's our issue. We live in Canada and have two biological children who are not vaccinated. We are now in the process of adopting a child from Haiti. Therefore, we can travel to Haiti to pick our baby up. This requires shots. I have not looked into which shots exactly, but what is your take on vaccines "required" for travelling to exotic places? Also, after the baby is placed with us, we will have to make another decision, what to do regarding vaccinating the little one. It will be a child who is less than one year old. At this point we do not know if vaccines will be administered in Haiti before the child is placed with us. Do you have any experience with issues like these? A. Vaccines are NOT required to travel to other countries. They are only recommendations. We recommend caution. Adopted children are usually vaccinated, re-vaccinated, and re-vaccinated again. Adopted and foster children are probably the most vaccinated children in the world. Request accurate records so that doctors and adoption authorities in the States do not insist on even more duplicate vaccines. Q. Regarding foreign travel? How will my unvaccinated children be affected as far as entry into foreign countries, and will they be susceptible to certain diseases due to lack of immunization? Q. How can I avoid having to take vaccines for international travel? I want to travel to Ghana, and I'm required to take a yellow fever vaccine. A. Vaccines are not required to enter foreign countries nor to return to the United States. The State Department will warn you if they think your child will be susceptible to certain diseases. Then you can investigate and make your own decision. Q. I'm going to be traveling out of the country soon, and I've been advised to get malaria & some other shot. Of course I don't want to get them, and don't plan to, but can you recommend something to take that would give me a bit of protection? The stories they tell me about malaria are very unpleasant. A. Please visit our section on vaccine alternatives. Q. Are any of these vaccines for travel "mandatory"? A. Vaccines are NOT mandatory to enter other countries, nor to re-enter the United States. Note: Foreign citizens entering the USA are not required to receive vaccines. Authorities may try to intimidate you, and you may fear that without consenting to the vaccines your application for entry will be rejected. However, you have the legal right to reject "mandatory" vaccines. You and your children can claim an exemption. 11. My husband and I do not vaccinate. We want to expose our child to the real disease [chickenpox, measles, mumps, or rubella] so that she can gain a lifelong immunity. Can you help? Q. Dear Thinktwice, I am a displaced New Mexican in search of real chickenpox for my 7-year-old son. He has not yet had the disease, and people here, as in NM, seem to vaccinate their children a lot in order to avoid having to take time off work. Do you know of any way for parents like me to share the disease? I would be willing to travel (even all the way to NM if necessary) and babysit for the privilege of exposing my child to the real disease and providing him with lifelong immunity. Any help or advice would be most welcome. Thank you. A. Many childhood illnesses are tame and confer lifelong immunity. Vaccines cause adverse reactions and confer temporary immunity at best. They also alter the natural epidemiology of the disease. For example, before the measles vaccine was developed and mandated, measles was a common childhood illness. Less than 1 percent of all cases occurred in infants, teenagers and adults -- age groups more susceptible to severe complications. After the measles vaccine was mandated, the disease began striking infants. (Today, 30 percent of all cases occur in infants.) The disease spread to older children, teenagers and adults as well -- many previously vaccinated -- after their temporary immunity wore off. Childhood chickenpox is usually a tame illness and confers lifelong immunity. However, I suspect the chickenpox vaccine will offer temporary immunity and will serve to alter the natural epidemiology of the disease; we will soon see more cases in age groups susceptible to severe complications. In fact, statistics from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) are already supporting this contention. Children recently vaccinated against chickenpox are contracting both chickenpox and shingles. Often, it is hard to determine whether immunity from the vaccine failed or the vaccine actually caused the disease! Thus, I think your idea is a good one. You are not the first mother to request this. However, we are not aware of where you can go to expose your child to chickenpox (or any other disease). Good luck. Q. I was reading over the questions on your site. About the nursing student required to have a rubella shot: Is it hard to find someone with active rubella, get exposed to it, and by doing so, have the antibodies present, therefore not requiring a shot? I ran into this when I was looking into an internship. If no person can be located to "donate" the disease, then how else can it be tranmitted to a willing recipient? Are there labs that keep live virus that would be accessible? Is there any kind of hotline for people looking for specific diseases to contract either for themselves or their children? Or is this now considered to be child abuse? That's scary! A. I remember when I was a kid and neighorbood peers caught chickenpox or measles, doctors encouraged parents to purposely expose their children to the disease. They recommended this because they knew these ailments were relatively inoccuous, the disease would confer lifetime immunity, and they were more dangerous if contracted later in life. That was before vaccines were available. Today, now that vaccines are promoted and marketed with high-tech business savvy, doctors warn us about the dangers of these childhood diseases. Parents are taught to fear natural immunity. We have been asked on several occassions where to go to purposely contract some of these diseases. Sorry, we don't have a "hotline." 12. What is in the vaccines? How are they made? Where can I find a list of ingredients? A. The vaccine vials that your doctor uses to administer the shots contain a list of the manufacturer's warnings on who should not receive the vaccine. Adverse reactions associated with the vaccine, and a list of ingredients, are also included. Tell your doctor that you want to read these before you consent to the procedure. (Brace yourself for an extreme emotional reaction from your doctor. Many become angry and refuse this simple request.) The Physician's Desk Reference (PDR), which can be found in the reference section of your local library, also contains specific information about the manufacturing process associated with each vaccine. 13. Who can I contact for additional resources? Where can I get more information about the vaccine laws in my country? A. This website provides additional vaccine resources. These include support groups throughout the world, vaccine studies, vaccine books, information about state laws, lawyers, and more. Explore some of the links at the top of this webpage. 14. I am outraged at the number of innocent children victimized by the vaccine industry. What can I do to help make a difference? A. Thanks for wanting to help correct the massive vaccine problem. We have lots of ideas on how you can become involved. |
That's no comfort to those that WERE healthy until given this "cowpox/horsepox grease/?" disease...
And from CDC: Vaccine Reaction Images*
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